Reviews 52270 Published by

techPowerUp posted a new review on the Razer Tarantula Keyboard

With the Tarantula Razer has created a keyboard that is designed to suit the needs of gamers. The keyboard offers programmable macro keys and lets you also reorganize your keyboard layout by swapping keys. As always, Razer's software is intuitive to use and offers a lot of features. Unfortunately with a $129.99 price tag the keyboard is fairly expensive.
Razer Tarantula Keyboard Review

Apple surprised more than a few industry pundits when it snuck out a rainbow of iPod shuffle colors at the end of January. Ever since it first hit the streets in 2005, the shuffle has been seen as the runt of the litter in Apple's music player line,...

Review: iPod shuffle 1GB (second-generation, colored shell)

BIOS Magazine posted a review on the Fujifilm FinePix S9600

Digital SLRs are steadily dropping in price, which has increasingly made them an option for non-professional photographers. However, this affordability does not necessarily mean they are the best choice of camera, especially if the photographer is used to the flexibility and convenience that compact digital cameras can offer. The FinePix S9600 (128x93x129mm, 645g) fills the gap between two worlds by combining the usability of a compact with performance that can almost challenge an entry-level digital SLR.
Fujifilm FinePix S9600 Review

PC Stats posted a review on the iStar Nitro AX Full Tower Computer Case

The iStar Nitro AX case has a honeycomb vented side panel that meshes up with an internal fan duct to provide a cool air source directly to the CPU fan. The case side panel lockable, and on the inside there are plenty of quick install expansion spaces for hard drives & CDROM. The case will accommodate a full sized Intel or AMD motherboards on a removable board tray
iStar Nitro AX Full Tower Computer Case Review

Legit Reviews posted a review on the Qstik EVOQ Bluetooth DSP Headset

there is a new sheriff in town that has unseated the reigning champion. The noise cancellation of Qstik’s EVOQ is second to none. EVOQ’s combination of noise cancellation echo cancellation, and automatic volume control make this device a must-have for anyone concerned about a noisy environment. ..
Qstik EVOQ Bluetooth DSP Headset Review

PC Stats posted a review on the Abit NF-M2 nView GF 6150/430 mATX Motherboard

Time and time again, I have been disappointed by micro ATX motherboards claiming to be a 'big solution in a small package'. More often than not, mATX means one thing: Low-End. Budget. CHEAP.

Abit is here to try something different, something that HTPC enthusiasts have been waiting for a long time: a GOOD micro ATX motherboard. One that truly has everything we need on a motherboard, and nothing we don't. One with digital audio output onboard. One with DVI video output. Oh yeah, overclocking would be good too. Abit claims to do all this with the NF-M2. Do they succeed?
Abit NF-M2 nView GF 6150/430 mATX Motherboard Review

Hardware Secrets has look inside of a Boardband Router

Broadband routers are more popular each day and thanks for the launching of highly integrated controller chips today a broadband router needs only very few components to be manufactured – which is great to reduce the price of this device. Let’s see how a broadband router looks like inside.
Anatomy of a Boardband Router

Issue number 76 of Fedora Weekly News is online

In this issue, we have following articles:

1 Announcing Fedora 7 Test 1 (6.90)
2 Congratulations and thank you
3 Smolt: Fedora Hardware Profiler
4 Fedora Package Database 0.1
5 Fedora LiveCD 7 Test 1 Preview
6 First test of Fedora 7 released
7 Fedora's metrics have ripple effect
8 Security Week in Review 2007-01-28
9 Fedora Weekly Reports 2007-01-29
10 Fedora Core 5 and 6 Updates
11 Contributing to Fedora Weekly News
12 Editor's Blog
Fedora Weekly News Issue 76 has posted their Mainstream OverClocker's System Building Guide

We have a set budget of $1,300 and a goal of piecing together a very overclockable, well-rounded machine. We will describe each component below and give our reasons for selecting it to be used in our guide. This guide follows the assumption that you already have the basic components such as a monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers.
Mainstream OverClocker's System Building Guide has just posted their review on the BeQuiet Straightpower
700watts powersupply

This is a real performer. I would have liked it a bit more if it was modular, but this doesn't do any justice to the performance. So im guessing that's the reason they kept away from the modular thing. Anyway, this power supply is quiet, looks great, performs great and is available in many different wattages. What more could you ask for? If your looking for a new power supply, or simply want something stronger, and more quiet than I highly recommend you taking a good look at this power supply, if it's a bit too powerful for your needs than there's always a smaller version.
BeQuiet Straightpower Review

PC Stats posted a review on the Corsair DOMINATOR Twin2X2048-9136C5D DDR2-1142 Performance Memory

Corsair's DOMINATOR Twin2X2048-9136C5D memory takes a very bold step in the right direction by ditching the old stick on RAM heatspreaders and going with a fresh approach. Corsair redesigned the memory thermal solution by redesigning the memory module itself. We'll get to what Corsair has done in a bit, first here are some specs on the high performance Dominator Twin2X2048-9136C5D memory that is really the star of the show. Corsair's DOMINATOR Twin2X2048-9136C5D part is a 2GB dual channel memory kit, each module bing 1024MB in size. The Twin2X2048-9136C5D is rated to run at speeds up to DDR2-1142 MHz with 5-5-5-15 memory timings - that's very quick. The memory supports nVidia's Enhanced Performance Profiles (EPP) and really designed with nVIDIA nForce 680i based motherboards in particular.
Corsair DOMINATOR Twin2X2048-9136C5D DDR2-1142 Performance Memory Review

Techgage posted a review of a new ASUS router, ready for draft N.

We took a look at the ASUS' WL-500g router a few months ago and were quite impressed with its performance. The router we are evaluating today is similar, but can also handle new draft N wireless devices.
ASUS WL-500W SuperSpeed N Router Review

TechWareLabs has published a guide to the purchase of new computers

At some point in time most of us have had to purchase a computer. Regardless of whether it was a laptop or a desktop price was a factor in the purchase. Price plays the dominant role in brand selection, component selection, timing of the purchase, and much more. It is our advice ,however, that consumers start to look beyond price and into factors that determine the overall long term usefullness of the system.
TechWareLabs Guide to Computers: A Look beyond the Price

Modders-Inc posted a review on the Logitech LX 710 Cordless Desktop

Logitech has a wide variety of keyboard/mouse combos to choose from. They offer two Cordless Bluetooth versions and nine Cordless versions. Not long ago I looked at the MX 5000 Laser and Sheldog just took the diNovo Edge for a ride. Today we are going to have a close look at the LX 710 Cordless Desktop. The LX 710 offers several great features, while still staying
Logitech LX 710 Cordless Desktop Review has posted a review on the Thermaltake Ruby Orb CPU Cooler

Thermaltake's Orb series of CPU Coolers have always been very popular. I remember when the first Orb's came out a few years ago, everyone I knew wanted one. Well Thermaltake continues the Orb series with the Ruby Orb. We will be testing the Ruby Orb on our AM2 system and see how it performs against all of the other coolers we have tested on the system.
Thermaltake Ruby Orb CPU Cooler Review posted a review on the XClio Stable Power 460 Watt Power Supply

During my battery of tests, Xclio's Stablepower 460W PSU lived up to its name. They could also legitimately call it the "Silentpower," as it performed its duties without a whisper of noise. This PSU is available at several online retailers for around $60 US, making it a very good value.
XClio Stable Power 460 Watt Power Supply Review has posted an interview with Patrick Patla, Director of AMD's Server Workstation Division

AMD’s halo may be tarnished with discerning consumers, but it’s business as usual at the professional end of the market – or so they claim. Find out what Patrick Patla, Director of AMD’s Server Workstation Division told us about native quad-core and his company’s plans for 2007 in our interview on
Interview with Patrick Patla, Director of AMD's Server Workstation Division

TheTechLounge posted 5 Things You Need to Know About SLR Lenses

There are two things I enjoy most in life. The first is photography and the latter, well.I like to tell people what to do. It makes me feel powerful. Strong. Like a small pony. Keep reading. One of the most common questions I get as related to photography is "what camera should I buy?" I've already answered that question (sort of) with a couple of previous articles. The next most common question (I mean next literally, as in directly after the previous question) is "what lens should I buy?" Well, that's a tricky question because there simply is no one-size-fits-all lens. My goal in this article is to give you some basic knowledge about lenses that will help set you on the path to lens buying goodness, or if you're like me, indecisiveness. Hey, it's a start.
5 Things You Need to Know About SLR Lenses posted a Logitech Z-10 Interactive Speaker System Review

Logitech has recently announced a pair of computer speakers that will certainly wow you with their sleek and interactive exterior. The Z-10 is the world’s first touch-sensitive speakers with a multitude of multimedia controls right on the front. And of course, the audio quality is pretty good, too.
Logitech Z-10 Interactive Speaker System Review posted a review on SuperTux: Reloaded

As luck would have it, is back at work after the holidays, and while browsing their latest package additions, I happened upon an update to one of my all time favorite Linux games - SuperTux. For the uninformed, SuperTux is a fantastic 2D video game that was made available for all the popular distributions; in addition, to a number of other platforms including desktop and mobile. SuperTux is easy to install and provides countless hours of entertainment. Based on the Mario Brothers series from Nintendo, SuperTux is an example of cross platform game creation with the user in mind.
SuperTux: Reloaded Review posted an article about building your own Ubuntu

With the release of Vista and the curiosity people have with trying other operating systems in light of its release, I have found myself knee deep in a number of operating systems over the course of the past few months. BSD, Linux, even OS X.
Build Your Own Ubuntu

Pro-Clockers posted a review on the Moneual Moncaso 932B HTPC Case

What makes Moneual one of the premiere HTPC builders as stated above? High quality products like the Moncaso 932B. The 932B is not only constructed of high quality aluminum and has striking good looks, but also boasts a full color seven inch LCD touch screen that supports a resolution of 1024x768. Throw in a remote control and a wireless keyboard and you have the ultimate HTPC case.
Moneual Moncaso 932B HTPC Case Review

Futurelooks posted a review on a Bluetooh Headset.

Plantronics has been building headsets for over 44 years. In fact, the first voice transmission from the moon was made using one of their headsets. I guess these guys must know a thing or two about headsets. Today we check out one of their newer products using Bluetooth technology called the Voyager 510.
Plantronics Voyager 510 USB Bluetooth Headset Review

BIOS Magazine posted a review on the U.S. Robotics USB Telephone Adapter (USR9620)

There are plenty of Skype accessories hitting the market that let you use your home phone for free or dirt-cheap Skype Out phone calls. The USRobotics USB Telephone Adapter (USR9620) is different. It's the only adapter intelligent enough to forward Skype calls to your mobile phone for when you're not near a PC. You can even make Skype calls from your mobile phone to avoid long-distance charges. The device connects to both your PC for Internet calling and a standard telephone line, and there's a call waiting feature for both Skype and standard phone calls.
U.S. Robotics USB Telephone Adapter (USR9620) Review

Virtual-Hideout posted an OCZ ProXStream 1000W Power Supply Review

The look of the OCZ ProXStream 1000W is more industrial than a lot of other units being offered. No bling on this unit; instead, the attention grabber is the 1000 watts of clean power it produces. The 80mm fan is quiet and keeps the power supply cool.
OCZ ProXStream 1000W Power Supply Review

Howtoforge posted a tutorial about running VirtualBox on Fedora Core 6, CentOS 4, and OpenSuSE 10.2

This tutorial shows how to install and use VirtualBox on Fedora Core 6, CentOS 4, and OpenSuSE 10.2. InnoTek VirtualBox is a family of powerful x86 virtualization products for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL).
VirtualBox On FC6 / CentOS 4 / OpenSuSE 10.2