Reviews 52270 Published by

Bit-Tech posted Inno3D GeForce 7950 GT iChiLL Accelero S1M Review

We look at another barbeque... err, I mean, a passively cooled graphics card from Inno3D's iChiLL range. DirectX 10 cards are looming, but does Inno3D do enough to tempt you in the meantime? Read on to find out.
Inno3D GeForce 7950 GT iChiLL Accelero S1M Review

PC Stats posted Asus P5N32-E SLI Plus nForce 650i Motherboard Review

The motherboard itself is a breeze to work with, the documentation is spot on, and the silent chipset cooling system is a nice touch. As you saw, the Asus P5N32-E SLI Plus motherboard was very quick in all the benchmarks PCSTATS tossed its way. If you primarily use your computer for workstation office tasks or 2D applications then the P5N32-E SLI Plus is definitely overkill. While it's one of the fastest motherboards PCSTATS has tested, you are not going to notice the difference between this motherboard and an entry level board when working in Microsoft Word.
Asus P5N32-E SLI Plus nForce 650i Motherboard Review

techPowerUp posted a new review on the Sapphire X1950 Pro Dual

Sapphire's X1950 Pro Dual is the world's first video card that uses two ATI RV570 GPUs on a single PCB. The board comes with 2x 512 MB of GDDR3 memory for a price of $399. In our testing the card shows that it has to potential to narrow the performance gap to NVIDIA's lineup until R600 is released.
Sapphire X1950 Pro Dual Review

TheTechLounge takes a look at the Altec Lansing inMotion iM500 Ultra-Portable iPod nano Speakers

Today I'll be taking a look at a set of ultra-portable iPod nano speakers from Altec Lansing, the inMotion iM500. And I really mean ultra-portable; this thing fits in my pocket (looks quite strange there, but it does fit). Some say size doesn't matter, but in the back of my mind I'm already concerned that Altec Lansing may have gone with form over function with this little 'fella'.
Altec Lansing inMotion iM500 Ultra-Portable iPod nano Speakers Review

TechWareLabs has published a review of the Vizo Propeller Graphics Card Cooler

The Vizo Propeller is primarily a video card cooler but can be used to cool any internal computer card. Of the many video card cooling products on the market today, most are designed to increase the air flow through the case and between card and potentially out the back of the PC case. The heat that is generated by your video card's graphics processing unit can itself cause a strain on its' own components. Newer generation GPU's such as the 7900, 8800, and ATI R600 based cards will expel more heat than ever before. Think Intel Northwood and old AMD Thunderbirds here guys. Other methods of heat elimination range from purchasing additional case fans (which in the end makes your case sound like a small Learjet), to higher priced water blocks.
Vizo Propeller Graphics Card Cooler Review

XSReviews has reviewed the Jetart VC2600 GPU Cooler

We've reviewed pretty much the entire SteelSeries line of headsets, and the In:Ears of their subsidiary; Icemat. However, today I have the full Siberia headset which was brought to relative fame by Basshunter with his Dota ditty. Let's see if they are ready to be endorsed by XSReviews as well
Icemat Siberia Headset Review posted a new article: Test Driving Linux Using a Live CD

So you've heard about Linux, and you're itching to try it out. Why? Maybe you want to breathe some life into an older computer that can't run Windows XP or Vista. Maybe you want to stretch your technical skills a bit. Or, maybe you're just tired of Windows and need a change. A Live CD is a quick, easy, and painless way to take Linux for a test drive.
Test Driving Linux Using a Live CD

PC Apex have a new review up on a cooler named the Vortex XP

The block is easily dissected by removing the 4 machine screws, and separating the Delrin sections with the base plate. The top and mid section are bonded together to reduce chances of leakage. The coolant enters the center barb through the top and middle sections of Delrin onto the baseplate. The baseplate is of a unique design. The baseplate is a forged piece of copper with raised pins in the middle and fins to guide the coolant out of the four corners. A key benefit of this design with the coolant exiting the corners, the possibility of air pockets is reduced. Once the coolant leaves the baseplate it is collected into the Delrin sections. Here an air pocket is more likely form but that's not too critical since it's away from the baseplate.
Fluid XP+ Vortex XP Universal CPU Waterblock Review

XYZ Computing posted Thermaltake Bach VX Review

One of Thermaltake's newest models to follow this trend is the Bach VX, an updated version of their original Bach media case. While the Bach was an HTPC case and was horizontally-oriented with a small display on the front, the VX is much more commonplace. The VX has gone vertical and has ditched the display and instead taken on a brushed metal bezel and glossy bay covers. Some of the original styling is still in place, but the VX is a very different case from the first Bach.
Thermaltake Bach VX Review

3D Game Man posted a review on the Tyan K8SE Motherboard

All said and done, Tyan has a great board. With dual processors and support for 16gigs of RAM, the Tyan board is ready for any computing task, whether it is a workstation environment, rendering machine, or web server. The nForce Professional 2200 series chipset proves its strength and through a week of hammering burn-in tests, never skipped a beat! The combination of dual PCI-E x16 slots and PCI-X slots provides a pretty beefy combination.
Tyan K8SE Motherboard Review posted an article on the QWERTY Keyboard Layout

Tell me something. Are we stuck with the QWERTY keyboard layout forever? This question isn’t meant to be rhetorical in nature. In actuality, I’m truly curious to know. It’s not that I have a problem with the QWERTY layout, but it’s an interesting thing to consider, nonetheless.
QWERTY Keyboard Layout: Are We Stuck Forever? posted Kensington FX 500 Speaker To Go Review

Here’s another iPod speaker for those of you who haven’t had enough. The Kensington FX 500 Speaker To Go is an interesting product, that’s for sure, regardless of the same old, same old concept. The FX 500 is more or less a carrying case that’s embedded with dual speakers for your iPod (or other MP3 players).
Kensington FX 500 Speaker To Go Review

Benchmark Reviews posted a review on the XFX GeForce 8800 GTS 320MB XXX Edition Video Card

NVIDIA has added some new spice to the plate with their introduction of a new value-priced GeForce 8800 GTS video card featuring a 320MB video frame buffer. Built on the exact same high performance platform as the previous 640MB version, this new edition to the family offers all of the same great performance at almost half the cost.
XFX GeForce 8800 GTS 320MB XXX Edition Video Card Review takes a look at the ATi RADEON X1900XTX Video Card in their latest review.

To get a feel for where the X1900XTX stands on the market, it was created shortly after the X1800 series to compete with nVidia's 7800 series. Specifically, the X1900XTX would compete with the 7800GTX. The X1900XTX, however, blew the 7800GTX out of the water and is more aptly compared to nVidia's 7900GTX. The difference between the two is solely based on opinion. ATi has since come out with the X1950 series, of which only one card exceeds the X1900XTX in speed, and nVidia has come out with the 8800 family: the fastest cards out there today.
ATi RADEON X1900XTX Video Card Review

This documentation is intended for partners and customers that are working on Microsoft Dynamics AX projects that involve upgrading, installing, configuring, customizing, or deploying to a production environment. Read this guide before you begin your project.

This guide is a self-extracting file that contains a compiled Help file that opens in HTML Help. This content is also available on the Web.

Microsoft Dynamics AX Implementation Guide

Hardware Analysis published an article on the adoption of Vista in corporate environments

In the corporate environment Vista Ready PCs are far and few between, making for a slow adoption of Vista, here's why.
Are you Vista Ready? No? posted a review on the Logitech X-540 5.1 Surround Computer Speaker System

Logitech's X-540 5.1 speaker system has a lot to recommend it. The speakers sound great and the fit and finish is outstanding. Logitech has done a great job of packing some excellent performance into a small package that will fit nicely on and around most people's computer station. A rich feature set and several mounting options combine with dead-simple setup to give the consumer an excellent 5.1 PC speaker system at a very reasonable price.
Logitech X-540 5.1 Surround Computer Speaker System Review has posted a review on the Lexmark P450 Compact Photo Printer with CD Burner

Instead of having to connect to a PC with a photo quality printer attached, you can make high quality photo prints where ever you have an electrical outlet. Leave the Lexmark P450 Compact Photo Printer with CD Burner in the living room, take it to the Grandparent's house, or even leave it out during a party or special event for instant memories.
Lexmark P450 Compact Photo Printer with CD Burner Review

TechWareLabs has published a review of the Razer Death Adder

The "Death Adder ”, Razer’s latest corded mouse is on its way to becoming a huge success in the pc gaming industry. At the center of this very nimble mouse is a 3G infrared sensor, that delivers an impressive 1800 dpi resolution, as well as the 1000 Hz “Ultrapolling” technology with hardley a 1ms response time. This mouse is equipped with a smooth rubber-coated topside that includes the two main buttons on either side of the scrolling wheel with perfectly precision lofted dips in the surface to allow for your fingers to reside-in without slipping, and large Teflon feet on the underside that enable it to slide smoothly across your mousing surface. Unlike other traditional Razer mice, the DeathAdder is tailored for the use of right-handed people which should make it a huge success as it fits more comfortably in the palms of right-handed gamers than the ambidextrous versions that have come before, and at a retail price of $59.99 should make Razer's latest addition a must-have amongst the serious gamers in the world.
Razer Death Adder Review

Howtoforge published a guide about backup and restore LVM Partitions with LVM snapshots

This tutorial shows how you can create backups of LVM partitions with an LVM feature called LVM snapshots. An LVM snapshot is an exact copy of an LVM partition that has all the data from the LVM volume from the time the snapshot was created. The big advantage of LVM snapshots is that you do not have to worry about open files and database connections, and you do not have to interrupt/halt services on the live partition because a snapshot is usually created in fractions of a second, so your users will not notice any disruption, and your snapshot holds consistent data.
Back Up (And Restore) LVM Partitions With LVM Snapshots