Reviews 52270 Published by

Howtoforge published a step by step installation guide for Ubuntu Studio 7.04

Ubuntu Studio is a multimedia editing/creation flavour of Ubuntu, built for the GNU/Linux audio, video, and graphic enthusiast or professional. It is an official derivative of the Ubuntu open source operating system and comes with applications such as Ardour2, Wired, Hydrogen, Blender, Inkscape, Pitivi, and many more, as well as a beautiful dark theme. This walkthrough shows how to install it.
Installing Ubuntu Studio 7.04 - Linux For The Creative

Bit-Tech posted a review on CellFactor: Revolution, the showcase for Ageia's PhysX physics processing card

Ultimately, CellFactor isn't up to par on its own and gamers won't really be missing out on anything if they can't play it. It shows a few things that may help to persuade some potential customers, but not enough to win over the masses. There is a promise that the PhysX card can do better, but a promise isn't enough to sell us on the idea as it is and //CellFactor will only really be of use to those with super powered PCs and even then there are better games to spend time on.
CellFactor: Revolution Review

Overclockers Online has posted a new review on the HIS X1550 IceQ

HIS has put together another package that triumphs over the other two X1550s Overclockers Online has looked at in the past. The card balances great performance to price and noise level. The only hurting factor has to be the fact that HIS does not make dual DVI a standard feature.
HIS X1550 IceQ Review

EclipseOC takes a look how useful EPP really is

It has been almost a year since the introduction of EPP by Nvidia, and it is becoming a surprisingly common feature in performance memory. Is it worth using, or are overclockers better sticking with the traditional overclocking methods?
EPP Investigation

TechwareLabs has published a guide to Defragmenting your Hard Drive

Many computer users forget that Windows comes with a nifty system utility that is called Disk Defragmenter. This utility can assist you in speeding up your system and keeping your hard drive moving along at a healthy pace. Our guide explains the defragmentation process, how to use and access the program, and how to get the most performance through the use of this single tool.
How to Defragment Your Hard Drive Guide

techPowerUp posted a review on the ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT

AMD's new flagship video card is the Radeon HD 2900 XT which is based on the brand-new R600 GPU. It comes at an amazing $399 price point and offers many unique features. While performance may not be as fast as the GeForce 8800 GTX, its price will definitely make this card a good choice for users who are looking for the best price/performance ratio.
ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT Review

Hardware Secrets posted an article on AMD's ATI Radeon HD 2000 Series Architecture

AMD is announcing today its new ATI Radeon HD 2000 Series. This is the first series from AMD/ATI featuring DirectX 10 and five desktop models were announced: Radeon HD 2900 XTX for the high-end market (previously known by its codename, R600), Radeon HD 2600 Pro and XT for the mid-range market and Radeon 2400 Pro and XT for the low-end market. While Radeon HD 2900 XTX can be found on the market starting today, the other models are just “paper launches”, as they will be released by the end of June, with no specific date set yet. In this article we will explore the details of the new architecture brought by this new series.
AMD ATI Radeon HD 2000 Series Architecture

ChileHardware published a review on the AMD Radeon HD 2900XT in Spanish

Read more (Spanish)
Read more (with translator) posted their review on the AMD ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT

Today AMD is taking the wraps off their new ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT and we've got a full performance evaluation and showcase for you here.
AMD ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT Review And Evaluation

Bjorn3D posted a review on HD2000 GPU

Maybe it is just me, but after covering video card launches for 11 years it is not always easy anymore to get excited about the new products that are being unveiled. Most of the time all we get is a bit faster clock speeds and a couple of new features. The last year however has been different. Several events have set up the stage for an interest launch of AMD's new products.

First we had the acquisition of ATI by AMD. This caught me by surprise as I would rather have thought a marriage between AMD and NVIDIA would have been the logical choice. What plans would AMD have with ATI? Would they still want to participate in the speed race? Or would AMD rather concentrate on merging the CPU and the GPU?
HD2000 - the first GPU's under the AMD name

Bjorn3D takes a look at the Jetway HD2900XT

In addition to our big article on the whole HD2000 series, Jetway was kind enough to make sure that we would have a retail HD2900XT from them in time for the launch. In this review I have put the Jetway HD2900XT to the test to see how well it stacks up against the rivals from NVIDIA.
Jetway HD2900XT Review

Techgage posted a review of Razer's Pro|Click and Pro|Type peripherals

You know that Razer makes great gaming peripherals, but did you know they also produce products suited for the professional and stylish type? Today we are taking a look at their Pro|Click mouse and Pro|Type keyboard which both look great and function well.
Razer Pro Solutions Pro|Click v1.6 and Pro|Type Review

Driver Heaven posted a review on the Radeon HD2900XT

With AMD's acquisition of ATI for vast amounts of money, it would be fair to say there have been high hopes for the long awaited and by now almost mythical R600. If hype and rumour could sell product, then the cards we have in front of us today would guarantee AMD several hundred million in the first week of launch. However, in the internet age we are all all way too savvy to part with money before reading reviews and opinions, this is a luxury in 2007 we should never take for granted. Educated decisions mean we end up buying the product we need, not what companies say we should buy.

It has been a quiet six months for ATI, not only have Nvidia been ruling the roost with their excellent 8800 series, but with AMD getting trounced by Intel in the processor sector, every sane enthusiast is praying that their graphics division can finally deliver a competiing product which gives us all good value for money as well as a stellar gaming experience.

So, the question is, can the R600 take on the huge success story that is the Nvidia 8800? Today our UK Editor and graphics card specialist Stuart "Veridian3" Davidson is going to answer all your questions with real world gaming performance on multiple operating systems against 8800 counterparts, as well as delving into Image Quality concerns and Video Acceleration. We are sure by the end of this review you will know if it is money worth spending...
Radeon HD2900XT (Asus and Sapphire) Review

Elite Bastards posted a review on the AMD Radeon HD 2000 series

It's been a long time in coming" seems to be the way we start many discussions of ATI/AMD products these days, and unfortunately the same is true of AMD's long-awaiting DirectX 10 parts. While NVIDIA launched their flagship DirectX 10 boards, over six months ago, the wait for its competing R600 product has been a labourious and painful one.

Thankfully, as of today we can finally put all of that waiting and impatience behind us, as AMD hard launches their flagship Radeon HD 2900 XT SKU, coupled with a paper launch of a slew of other DirectX 10 parts covering the entire gamut of desktop and notebook GPUs. While we don't have any samples in our review dungeon right now, we do have a slew of technical and architectural information to flood your brain with. So sit back, enjoy, and learn everything you need to know about the new Radeon HD 2000 series.
AMD Radeon HD 2000 series technology Review

NordicHardware took the ASUS HD 2900XT for a spin using air, water and phase change cooling

We will publish a full scale review of the HD 2900 XT up ahead, but already today we can present a lot of goodies for those who want to see some overclocking. Marcus has been resting the last couple of months, but now he's back; bigger, stronger and more beautiful than ever.[/url]
ASUS HD 2900XT: Overclocking