Reviews 52270 Published by

DragonSteelMods posted a review on the miniSync for Apple iPhone from Boxwave

In many ways, the Apple iPhone is similar to the iPod including the need to be charged and sync via USB and electrical outlet. The iPhone ships with a charging/sync cable that is similar in appearance to cable that accompanies many of the newer iPods. Unlike most iPod connectors, the iPhone's connector cable does not include tension clips. However, there is no other physical difference between the iPhone and iPod's sync/charging connectors. Both can be used interchangeably.
miniSync for Apple iPhone from Boxwave

hi-techreviews posted a review on the Zalman ZM-600 HP 600 watt Heatpipe Cooled Power Supply

Not everyone is building computers to sit on their desktop or next to their table, some of us are actually building computer to record and watch Television with it. When we do, we need a power supply that is far quieter than the normal ones and that is where the Zalman ZM 600 HP 600 watt Heatpipe Cooled Power Supply comes into play.
Zalman ZM-600 HP 600 watt Heatpipe Cooled Power Supply review

Tech ARP updated their DIY Camera Backpack Guide

Professional camera bags cost an arm, a leg and sometimes, even more! They are a necessity for photographers but not everyone can afford to pay such exorbitant prices.

Fear not, however! We have a short guide on how you can convert any ordinary backpack into a camera backpack for virtually no cost at all!
DIY Camera Backpack Guide Rev. 2.0 posted 4 tips to extend your Lithium battery life

Lithium batteries seem to be everywhere these days. We can find them in our cellphones, laptops, portable media players and etc. We all want to make our batteries last as long as possible, but some well intentioned advice from friends, could be harming your Lithium battery's life span.
4 Tips to Extend Your Lithium Battery Life

Debian Admin posted a tip about renaming multiple files to another extension in Linux

Let us say that you want to rename all of your .php5 files to .php files. You can use for loop.
Rename multiple files to another extension in Linux

Ubuntu Geek posted a guide about installing Tor with Vidalia GUI on Ubuntu Linux

Do you want completely anonymous internet access? For Free? Tor is the open source leader to anonymous connections on the internet, you can anonymize your internet presence from AIM/ICQ/MSN/ Jabber/IRC/WWW/FTP and you can even issue a torify command at the command prompt to anonymize your wget/ssh/lynx/ftp/perl or whatever. Basically tor is for the people by the people, it is only alive because we make it so, we can choose to use it freely or use it freely and help it out by running a server on your computer to make the internet safer.
How to install Tor with Vidalia GUI on Ubuntu

Howtoforge posted a guide about setup a virtual machine replication & failover with VMWare Server and Debian GNU/Linux 4.0

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions about how to create a highly available VMware Server environment on a Debian Etch system. With this tutorial, you will be able to create Virtual Machines that will be available on multiple systems with failover/failback capabilities.
Virtual Machine Replication & Failover with VMWare Server & Debian Etch (4.0)