Reviews 52270 Published by has posted a review on the ECS G33T-M2 (V1.0) Intel G33 mATX Motherboard

ECS has released a new mATX motherboard based on the Intel G33 chipset, their model number G33T-M2 (V1.0). This motherboard offers a budget conscious solution for "ultra slim multimedia systems" that leaves
a few of the G33 chipset's capabilities on the shelf for the higher priced boards to offer. It is not geared towards serious gamers and enthusiasts, but it also isn't a lightweight.
ECS G33T-M2 (V1.0) Intel G33 mATX Motherboard Review

Legit Reviews posted a review on the 2GB Corsair 1800MHz DOMINATOR CL7 DDR3 Memory

The 1800MHz DOMINATOR CAS latency 7 memory kit was designed to be the ultimate over-clocking DDR3 solution from Corsair and Legit Reviews puts that claim to the test using the latest computer hardware to find the limits of this DDR3 memory kit. Corsair is using the latest memory ICs from Micron and have been able to pull off 7-7-7-20 timings at 1800MHz, which shows the true performance potential of DDR3 memory. Read on to see if this kit is right for you.
2GB Corsair 1800MHz DOMINATOR CL7 DDR3 Memory Review

PC Stats posted Biostar TP35D3-A7 Deluxe Intel P35 DDR3 Motherboard Review

The Biostar TP35D3-A7 Deluxe motherboard really shines when it comes to overclocking. Intel's P35 Express is a great overclocking chipset and the Biostar board was able to reach an incredible 512 MHz FSB! Just imagine the overclocking possibilities with a board like this and a screamer like the 1333MHz FSB Intel Core 2 Duo E6750!
Biostar TP35D3-A7 Deluxe Intel P35 DDR3 Motherboard Review

3D Game Man posted a review on the Sunbeam Quarterback Case

Sunbeam has knocked our socks off with their acrylic cube case. This time around, their Quarterback mid-tower case was not so pleasing. Take away the 'Core Cooling' system and this case is just another ordinary steel case. While the steel constructions was well implemented and sturdy, featuring curled edges, the flimsy front 'door' made us cringe.
Sunbeam Quarterback Case Review

Tech ARP has posted a guide about creating a WinPE 2.0 bootable USB key

Ever wonder how vendors like Dell create pre-installations of Windows Vista in all their PCs? Pre-installing saves them time configuring each operating system for different hardware.

If you are a reseller, even someone who sells PCs on a part-time basis, you will want to learn this neat little trick because it can save you time setting up different systems, partitioning and formatting hard drive with Diskpart, backing up hard drive using ImageX, connecting to network, troubleshooting using Windows-based programs, system recovery and many more.
Creating A WinPE 2.0 Bootable USB Key posted a review on the Corsair Survivor 8GB Flash Drive

The front of the package describes a few of the extreme highlights that come with this flash memory drive. Features like anti-shock and water-resistant operation are main selling points. The water resistant feature is a nice one to anyone that has washed their flash drives by accident in the washer or having your kids throw it into the fish tank.
Corsair Survivor 8GB Flash Drive Review

PC Stats posted a review on the LG GSA-H62N SATA Dual Layer DVD-Writer

Serial ATA optical drives are now readily available, and the timing couldn't be better as motherboards are quickly loosing the last vestiges of the IDE connector. Parallel IDE has been on the outs forever, but optical drives have only recently adopted SATA to replace it. For the longest time Plextor was the only optical drive manufacturer that offered SATA DVD and CD-ROM drives. Those drives were priced at three to four times what regular optical drives cost... but now it's easy to find an Serial ATA optical drive for under $40. Newer, faster, cheaper - that's the PC industry!
LG GSA-H62N SATA Dual Layer DVD-Writer Review

TheTechLounge posted a review on the Crucial DDR2-800 2GB Memory Kit

We're getting into the hardware reviews something fierce, and now is a good time to start a series of memory articles. Let's begin with the basics:
DDR2-800. Also known as PC2 6400 RAM, 800MHz DDR2 is the most common memory standard, which balances tight timings and high bandwidth perfectly. And because DDR2-800 is universal to AMD and Intel alike, it sets the baseline against which all other RAM is compared. In the spirit of introducing this series on RAM, I've reviewed the plainest, greenest, no-frills, all-stock DDR2 I could find: Crucial's 2x1GB non-Ballistix DDR2-800 kit. And I was very pleased by it.
Crucial DDR2-800 2GB Memory Kit (CT12864AA80E.16FD) Review

Overclockers Online posted a SilverStone Fan Compendium

While I can't comment on the 50000 hour lifetime spec, I can say that after running each fan 24/7 I am confident that these fans will perform admirably well into the future. All-in-all I can highly recommend the FM123, the FN83, and the FM83.
SilverStone Fan Compendium has posted a review on the Swiftech MCW6500-T waterblock

Swiftech recently launched another high end water block featuring a powerful peltier element to deliver temperatures below zero. The last product we reviewed that had a peltier element was the MCW60-T GPU water block. It only had a 188watts TEC element, but now it's time to step it up a notch and see what the 225watts strong MCW6500-T has to offer.
Swiftech MCW6500-T review posted a review on the iOne Scorpius N2T Wireless Keyboard

Having difficulties trying to navigate around on your HTPC? Well, the Scorpius-N2T has the solution. This wireless keyboard, brought to you happily on a 2.4GHz wave, has an all in one solution for operating around your PC. It offers a keyboard, mouse, and HTPC multimedia features all in one device. This keyboard has a lot to offer for any Home Theatre PC system or even anyone who would like to use their computer far enough away to preserve their eyesight. Let's take a further look to see what the iOne Scorpius N2T has to offer.
iOne Scorpius N2T Wireless Keyboard Review

OCC has published a new review of the Apevia X-QPack 2 Aluminum Case

SSHH! Now if you promise not to tell, I'll let you in on a secret. Like any enthusiast, when we build or upgrade our systems, either our wives or girlfriends get the hand-me-downs. Even though we feel that we are being generous, they still consider it a second hand product. It doesn't matter that the case, video card or processor you gave her was once the best on the market, it's still a hand-me-down. Well I found a solution to the problem. Apevia (formally Aspire) is producing a compact case called the X-QPack 2 and it comes in an assortment of different colors. Including pink. So what I did was, I got the pretty pink case, just for her. Now since she has something that she can relate to and it is hers, I could basically replace any component and not have to deal with the "all you give me are hand-me-downs" effect."
Apevia X-QPack 2 Aluminum Case Review

Benchmark Reviews posted a review on the CyberPower CP1500AVRLCD 1500VA 900W LCD UPS

The CyberPower CP1500AVRLCD 1500VA 900W LCD UPS, designed for mid to high-end computer systems, features dynamic line conditioning and an Intelligent LCD diagnostic display. Real-time system vitals can be viewed from this display and the unit can be conveniently mounted in a workstation cabinet or directly on the desktop. The CP1500AVRLCD also guards against surges/spikes, and offers battery backup in the event of brownouts or total power loss. Benchmark Reviews tests to see just how well the 1500 VA UPS compares to the competition, and crowns a new king of the hill.
CyberPower CP1500AVRLCD 1500VA 900W LCD UPS Review

TweakNews posted a review on the Zerotherm ZT-100 High Performance Thermal Grease

ZEROtherm has a great product in its ZT-100 thermal grease. It performs on par with the best in its class and is easy to apply. It’s also available for sale now and competitively priced at around $6 for the 3.5g package. The included finger cot applicator is re-useable and widely available should the user need additional units.
Zerotherm ZT-100 High Performance Thermal Grease Review

Futurelooks checked out the CoolIT Systems Freezone CPU Cooler

Canadian company CoolIT has hit the ground running with their amazing cooling systems that combine water and the Peltier effect to bring CPU temperatures down fast. Today we checkout their flagship Freezone product to see just how well thermoeletrics combine with watercooling.
CoolIT Systems Freezone CPU Cooler Review

Techgage posted a review of Kingston's latest DDR2 kit

DDR3 might be lurking out there, but DDR2 is still the most popular option for most people, and for good reason. It's fast, and currently, very inexpensive. Although there are many PC2-6400 kits available, Kingston puts a twist on their's by offering it with tight 3-3-3 timings.
Kingston 2GB PC2-6400 CL3 Review