Reviews 52270 Published by

Patriot Corza NAS Review
Bjorn3D takes a look at the Patriot Corza NAS.

With the average number of computers per household rising, the need for sharing files is increasing. Laptops, NetBooks, HTPC's, network capable printers, the list goes on. All of these devices will need access to files. The need to have files easily accessible is a necessity in a tech savvy home. A NAS (Network Attached Storage) device in a household will solve all file sharing issues. Once configured, a NAS device will be the center point of all file sharing. The limitations to what the NAS device is capable of depend on the type of NAS device you have. This is where Patriot's Corza NAS comes into the picture. The goal of the Corza is to be able to share files locally and worldwide while being simple. Supporting features like iTunes library sharing, FTP, torrent managing, and even printer serving, the Corza covers all bases.
Patriot Corza NAS Review

Antec Mini P180 Micro-ATX Case Review
Verdis Reviews posted a review on the Antec Mini P180 Micro-ATX Case

Antec's Performance One chassis range has evolved greatly over the years from the original P180 which has then taken on a series of updates, revisions and improvements with the latest edition being the P183.Due to these cases being compatible with all form factor motherboards up to and including ATX, the chassis are understandably large and spacious. With this in mind, Antec created the mini P180 aimed at the more niche market - users with micro-ATX rigs. Featuring a similar, yet smaller, layout to the larger chassis' in the range, the mini P180 is marketed as being an excellent gaming enclosure as well as easy to transport. On paper everything sounds rosy so let's see how it shapes up as we look a little closer..
Antec Mini P180 Micro-ATX Case Review

Verbatim 2-Disk RAID External Hard Drive 2TB Review has reviewed Verbatim 2-Disk RAID External 2TB Hard Drive

Verbatim has storage devices in their product portfolio for some time now, but this is their first external RAID hard drive. Obviously Verbatim team didn't waste time and energy on creating some fancy name for this device, and instead focused their creativity on features. Idea behind this device is simple and it can take care of your data storage worries for foreseeable time in the future...
Verbatim 2-Disk RAID External Hard Drive 2TB Review

Sharkoon Anti Vibe Magnetic Fan Frame Review posted Sharkoon Anti Vibe Magnetic Fan Frame Review

Recently, Sharkoon has made a very different fan mount from the competition. Although it is made of silicone like most vibration dampening solutions, its installation is much simpler. In fact, the Sharkoon Anti Vibe Magnetic is secured to the metal computer case with magnets. It is also a full-sized frame. Therefore, clearance in a computer case for tools is not needed because no tools are needed.
Sharkoon Anti Vibe Magnetic Fan Frame Review

Kingwin XT-1264 HTC CPU Cooler Review
Rbmods posted a review on the Kingwin XT-1264 HTC CPU Cooler

The high performance CPU cooler market has gotten very competitive lately, and after the release of Intel's Core i7 platform not every cooler is compatible with the larger cpu. Fortunately many manufacturers, including Kingwin, are now including Core i7 mounting hardware with their existing coolers. Most coolers are still compatible with older processors though, so it is important to make sure they are effective in every setup. Now, RBMods reviews the Kingwin XT-1264.
Kingwin XT-1264 HTC CPU Cooler Review

Kingwin F-35 Review
OCC has published a review on the Kingwin F-35

After thoroughly using the F-35, I really can't think of too many things wrong with it. Actually, all I can think of is that it lacks e-SATA, and it fingerprints easily. Neither of these are a big deal at all. The F-35 looks awesome! The shiny black coloring works. I love the two 50mm fans and the blue LED on the front is great. More importantly, the performance is great as well! The F-35 does perform slower then an internal drive, but that's to be expected when using an external enclosure.
Kingwin F-35 Review

OCZ Throttle 32GB eSATA Review
PureOverclock has published a review of the OCZ Throttle 32GB eSATA flash drive.

While USB flash drives are "pretty fast", that may seem like an eternity if you have a few gigabytes of info to move. So we're stuck, right? Wrong. OCZ apparently has the answer for those people who need much faster than a simple USB flash drive, and they're accomplishing it with an eSATA interface. So today we're going to examine the OCZ Throttle 32GB eSATA/USB flash drive and see what it can do. How fast is it really? Is the price worth that extra speed boost? Let's find out.
OCZ Throttle 32GB eSATA Review

Kingston SSDNow V+ SSD Review
Benchmark Reviews posted a review on the Kingston SSDNow V+ SSD

Early on in their debut, Solid State Drives were planned as included equipment on new computers coming from tier one manufacturers such as Dell, HP, and Apple. In one way or another they made good on their word, but the inflated price for these premium options made SSDs a distant reality. This situation created the perfect condition for a enthusiastic upgrade market. Not surprisingly, manufacturers went after the individual consumer after losing traction with mass system builders, and upgrade kits became the obvious solution for many enthusiasts. Kingston is well known for manufacturing their own memory products, but when it came to the new SSD technology they turned to proven sources such as Samsung. In this article, Benchmark Reviews tests the Kingston SSDNow V+ Series 64GB SATA-II MLC SSD SNV225-S2/64GB.
Kingston SSDNow V+ SSD Review

MSI GeForce GTX 260 Lightning Graphics Card Review
TweakTown posted a review on the MSI GeForce GTX 260 Lightning Graphics Card

It's been a while since we've seen anything from MSI, but they're back with a vengeance today working on the well known and much loved GTX 260. Carrying with it a new Lightning tag that we haven't seen from the company before, we'll see what exactly MSI have going on here.

To be completely honest, considering the age of the GTX 260 MSI really have to bring us something special to wow us. Since the launch of the card we've seen many companies attack the model and we've seen some big clocks, fancy coolers and good bundles offered.
MSI GeForce GTX 260 Lightning Graphics Card Review

Gigabyte P55-UD5 Preview posted a preview of Gigabyte's P55-UD5 board

With Intel's Lynnfield launch right around the corner, let's kick off our coverage with a look at one of Gigabyte's launch P55 boards, the P55-UD5. A mainstream model, the UD5 features enough connectivity to totally fill up your chassis with components, a smart design and for what could be considered a relative rarity... a cool color scheme.
Gigabyte P55-UD5 Preview

Sparkle 285 GTX 2GB Review
Driverheaven posted a review on the Sparkle 285 GTX 2GB

Today we look at a higher price bracket for those who demand a little extra than our recent 4890 roundup and there is no better card to focus on than the massively successful, and extremely powerful 285 GTX from Nvidia. We have been noticing the prices of these cards dropping recently and rather than focus on a plethora of 1gb versions we thought it would be interesting to focus on possibly the cheapest 2gb 285 GTX available from lesser known manufacturer Sparkle.
Sparkle 285 GTX 2GB Review