Reviews 52270 Published by

BIOS Magazine posted a review on the Creative Live! Cam Optia

Creative has had a relatively long history in the Web camera business, but until now its products have been a little uninspiring in the design department. Perfectly acceptable in terms of desktop performance for individuals, they lacked a certain amount of eye candy compared to new snazzy widescreen laptops and LCD monitors. All that's about to change with the Live! Cam Optia, a Web camera so cool that it looks like it has been designed by Apple.
Creative Live! Cam Optia Reviewed

APH Networks posted a review on the Buffalo Firestix PC6400 2x512MB DDR2 RAM

As obvious as it may seem, RAM is quite an essential component in every day computing. Besides the primary purpose of exchanging and temporarily storing data, performance is the second consideration besides quantity. Of course, price is another important contributing factor -- if you are into speed and overclocking, you are more likely to pay more for better memory. For others, running at stock speeds is sufficient most of the time -- so why not consider lower priced value RAM kits? On the other hand, if you are reading this review, I could almost assume that a lot of us have more or less a good passion for computers and technology. Otherwise known as 'enthusiasts', let's give the Buffalo Firestix a try and see how these enthusiast grade memory will suit enthusiast demands.
Buffalo Firestix PC6400 2x512MB DDR2 RAM Review

XSreviews has reviewed the Silverstone Tundra TD01 Watercooling Kit

Water cooling has always been appealing to the HTPC crowd as it gave them a near silent cooling solution for their pride and joy. However, WC kits can often be ugly and bulky which means that internal kits are often the order of the day. Today I am testing the Silverstone Tundra TD01 which aims to provide an eye catching solution to silent cooling that will fit right in with your other living room electronics.
Silverstone Tundra TD01 Watercooling Kit Review

Tech ARP has posted rev. 2.1 of their Mobile CPU Comparison Guide

There are so many CPU models that it has become quite impossible to keep up with the different models or even remember their specifications! Therefore, we decided to compile this guide to provide an easy reference for those who are interested in comparing the specifications of the various mobile CPUs in the market, as well as those already obsolescent or obsolete.

Currently covering over 390 mobile CPUs, this comprehensive comparison will allow you to easily compare up to 14 different specifications for each and every CPU!

Here are the updates:-

- Added Voltage and Maximum Current specifications for the Intel
Core 2 Duo Txxxx processors.
- Added Maximum Current specifications for the Intel Core Duo
U2400 and U2500 processors.
- Added Maximum Current specifications for the Intel Mobile
Pentium 150 MMX, 166 MMX and 233 MMX processors.
- Minor layout corrections in the AMD tables.
- Total CPUs : 395
Mobile CPU Comparison Guide Rev 2.1 evaluate the features and performance of HIS' Radeon X1950 Pro IceQ3 Turbo

Today, we will be looking at HIS' take on ATI's mid-range beast, the Radeon X1950 Pro IceQ3 Turbo. This card comes with higher core and memory speeds than the original specs call for, and it sports a large heatsink/fan designed by Arctic Cooling.
HIS Radeon X1950 Pro IceQ3 Turbo Review posted a review on the Logitech FreePulse Wireless Bluetooth Headset

Recently Logitech delivered a wireless set of headphones. This new product marketed towards the iPod crew uses bluetooth technology to deliver interference-free wireless audio for up to 33 feet. The FreePulse wireless headphones are also rechargeable and can deliver up to 6 hours of use on a single charge.
Logitech FreePulse Wireless Bluetooth Headset Review

PC Modding Malaysia posted a Zalman Super Thermal Grease ZM-STG1 Review

Overall, the Zalman ZM-STG1 is not the best thermal paste in the market but having it in the market gives end users options. However, we find that our current favourite thermal paste, the Arctic Silver 5, to be quite effective when directly compared towards the ZM-STG1. Anyways, the ZM-STG1goes for about $10 / RM35 while the Arctic Silver 5 is sold at $6 / RM25. So, the ZM-STG1 is slightly expensive than the better performing Arctic Silver 5, but we suspect this is mainly due to the fancy packaging and glass bottle that the Zalman comes with. The Arctic Silver 5 is no doubt the better choice when it comes to thermal pastes and we have been getting great results with it for the past two years.
Zalman Super Thermal Grease ZM-STG1 Review

TheTechLounge posted a review on the Logitech Z-10 Interactive Computer Speakers

I love music. It helps me focus, fuels creativity, and breaks the dull silence in my isolated working environment. A long time ago I reviewed Logitech's Z-680 5.1 Computer Speakers. I quite liked them, and they served me well for a while. However, since I work from my home office, the acclaimed speakers' boomy subwoofer annoyed my family after only a short period of time. Eventually, I just unplugged the speakers and put them in a closet, because if I couldn't have the full Z-680 experience (bass included), I didn't want any Z-680 experience at all. With that said, I've been music-less for over a year in my office. until now.

On the surface, Logitech's Z-10 2.0 USB Computer Speakers appear to be a great match for somebody in my situation. I don't want to sacrifice on quality, I want something that looks nice, and as much as I love deep, thumping bass, unfortunately that's an area where I'm going to have to sacrifice for the benefit of working from home. I've been using these speakers for one month now, so the time has come for me to give you the skinny on these glossy black pretties.
Logitech Z-10 Interactive Computer Speakers Review

PC Stats published 99 Performance Tips for Windows

Brrr.. the weather outside is frightful, but the Guides are so delightful... :): Good thing PCSTATS has a pile of handy Guides freshly updated so you can sit by your warm computer, and tweak away during Christmas. Welcome to PCSTATS massive Tips and Tweaks Guide! This time around, our focus is on making your Windows XP computer perform faster, boot quicker and run better! Whether this means booting and shutting down quicker, achieving better 3D gaming performance, or just making your PC feel quicker, chances are there's a tip or two in here to help you speed things up. We'll also cover the basics of overclocking the processor, memory and video card, so as not to miss out on this important area of extra performance potential. Please pay special attention to our 'Tweak Insurance' tips at the beginning of this guide to help you prepare your system against any potential mishaps. Now, let's begin.
Beginners Guides: 99 Performance Tips for Windows

XYZ Computing posted a review on the Lenovo Thinkpad X60 Tablet

In case you are not overly familiar with the Thinkpad lineup, it is worth spending a few minutes to get a basic understanding of what is going on. The ultraportable "X" line is composed of laptops with a 12" display, Intel mobile processor (a low voltage model in some cases), and very low weight. To make a long story short, the X60 Tablet is long overdue successor to the X41 Tablet but if it is anything like the X60s, it will be worth the wait. It should be noted that the X60t is actually based on the X60s, not the X60, a fact that can be quickly be discerned by a quick look at the specs.
Lenovo Thinkpad X60 Tablet Review

Techgage posted a review on the Logitech diNovo Edge

Logitech has released quite a few "revolutionary" products this year, and plan to finish 2006 off with their diNovo Edge keyboard. They claim it's the most technologically advanced keyboard available and is probably one of the most expensive. Is it worth your time and money?
Logitech diNovo Edge Review

Overclockers Online has posted a new review on the Biostar 7600GS (V7603GS21)

The Biostar E-Gate 7600GS is a ground breaking video card but not because of the hardware, but because of the software that it comes with. The Biostar V-Ranger software is the first of its kind and we saw from the overclocking section that the ability to increase memory and core voltage has its advantages, being able to do it so easily from software is just the icing on the cake.
Biostar 7600GS (V7603GS21) Review posted an USB El Wire Mod How-To

I looked at it, and realized it was an A-B type connector: like for printers. What good is that, what are these companies thinking? Can’t use it for mice, or keyboards, or cameras, or anything but a printer without an adapter. Unless…

Unless I could match up the USB wires and patch it directly onto my favorite Peripheral.
USB El Wire Mod How-To

Futurelooks checks out a different spin on the whole network drive thing.

Network storage without a file server; how is that possible? Well Macally seems to think they have a solution. A small rectangular box that houses a hard drive and is connected to a network router; that's how Macally has created a network storage solution. Does it work? Let's find out!
Macally NDAS Network Drive Enclosure Review

XtremeComputing posted a MSI MEGA PLAYER P640 MP3 player review

Is it an IPOD nano killer. well I could not spot any difference in the sound quality over the Nano we have here and that was quite surprising and yes to be quite frank it is, the 4 gig Ipod nano is slightly more expensive than this in both the UK and the USA.
MSI MEGA PLAYER P640 MP3 player Review - better than Nano? takes a look at the AeroCool Zero Degree Flexi Case in their latest review

Viewing the case from the rear, it really looks like an upside-down ATX. This rear plate is interchangeable for either an ATX or BTX motherboard. Each side panel comes with two thumb screws for easy removal. This case gives you the choice of using either two 80mm fans or a single 120mm fan for rear exhaustion, and has a removable plate for mounting the PSU through the rear.
AeroCool Zero Degree Flexi Case Review

TrustedReviews have looked at the Panasonic HD-PLC Power Line Network

The units are very different to anything we've tested before – looking more like a miniature UPS than the Devolo or Solwise units. Instead of plugging directly into the plug socket, these use a two-pin figure of eight connector. Although it adds more cable clutter, this is quite beneficial. The homeplug units that plug directly onto the wall can sometimes be tricky to fit because of their size, while these plugs are standard size. You can also tuck the units away out of sight, or make a show piece out of them as they look quite swish.
Panasonic HD-PLC Power Line Network Review

TrustedReviews have have a feature titled "iPod Cases Round-up"

The fact is though that once you’ve oohed and aahed over your pristine, new toy, the sensible thing to do is to hide it away in a protective case. If you don’t, then you’re likely to find that you’re formerly gleaming iPod becomes scratched, or even broken.
iPod Cases Round-up Review

HEXUS posted a review on the Cooler Master Media Center 280

The digital home scene is growing and Cooler Master thinks it's bringing something special to the market in the form of its brand-new Cooler Master Media Center 280 series chassis, an apparent twist on the usual HTPC.
Cooler Master Media Center 280 Review

XSReviews has reviewed the Artic Cooling Accelero X2

Artic cooling were renowned the world over for their range of GPU coolers that fitted the Nvidia 6 series and ATI 8 series GPUs. Their new generation of coolers is deisnged to bring solid cooling performance to
the worlds most demanding video cards yet. Can the Accelero X2 sufficiently cool our in-house x1900XT? Lets see.
Artic Cooling Accelero X2 Review posted a review on the Noctua NC-U6 Heatpipe Chipset Cooler

The Noctua NC-U6 Heatpipe Chipset Cooler is an excellent choice for those looking for a significant upgrade in the chipset cooling department. It provides excellent performance that would make it appealing to overclockers and gamers, while offering absolutely silent operation that anyone could appreciate, especially HTPC users.
Noctua NC-U6 Heatpipe Chipset Cooler Evaluation