Reviews 52270 Published by

Mushkin XP2-6400 4GB Memory Kit Review
Bjorn3D takes a look at the Mushkin XP2-6400 4GB Memory Kit

About a week or so ago Scott Sherman, Owner/Publisher of Bjorn3D, approached me about co-authoring a review of Mushkin's XP-2 6400 DDR2 4GB kit. I eagerly responded in my coy I've got one upon you this time voice, 'we've already done it'. Scott then responded in his the boss is the boss because he knows more voice, 'this was a newer product with different specs than we had first reviewed back in April of 2007'. Needless to say I was humbled at not being up to date on this product's release, but yet very eager to see just what this kit had to offer after the excellent results we experienced in our previous review.

Today it is our pleasure at Bjorn3D to present our take on Mushkin's XP2-6400 4GB DDR2 memory kit. This kit is very close in specification to its predecessor but operates at a lower VDimm and costs less than half of what its forerunner cost back when it was first reviewed. Did Mushkin's emphasis on quality and performance transcend to this product? Read on my friends and the answer to these and many other questions you may have will be revealed!
Mushkin XP2-6400 4GB Memory Kit Review

Ultra Stackables: Your Every External Solution
TechwareLabs has published a review of The Ultra Stackables.

Ultra Products has the perfect stocking stuffer this Christmas with their Ultra stackables products. With these you can give as little or as much as you wish. Like lego's for your PC these different modules extend the capabilities of your PC and meet nearly every external need you might have. Take a look at our review and find out why Jerry changed his initial opinion about the stackables.
Ultra Stackables: Your Every External Solution

Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe Motherboard Review
Legit Reviews posted a review on the Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe Motherboard

The Asus M3A32MVP Deluxe WiFi motherboard was just awesome to work with. The board sets up easy, and has the Asus name to back it, which means absolute quality. Overclocking on this board was certainly easy due to the way that Asus implements its BIOS. There was never a time that we had to use the Clear CMOS at all. If the overclock fails, all you do is reboot. This board overclocked to very good levels, and certainly with a little more time and tweaking this board could likely take us even higher...
Asus M3A32-MVP Deluxe Motherboard Review

Noctua NF-P12 120mm Fan Review on Air & Water Cooling Review
Hardware Canucks posted a review of the Noctua NF-P12 120mm fan.

Noctua is not a company that releases a product every other month. Rather, they pick and choose their battles wisely and more often than not come out on top due to their products engineering excellence and award-winning design. In this review we will be looking a little closer at their brand new fan: the NF-P12
Noctua NF-P12 120mm Fan Review on Air & Water Cooling Review

Microsoft Wireless Entertainment Desktop 8000 Review
Techgage posted a review of Microsoft's latest desktop set.

The long anticipated Wireless Entertainment Desktop 8000 is here, but does it impress? The entire package does a fine job of looking good while offering solid functionality, but we found it lacks greatly in a few key areas. The most notable being the price... at $300.
Microsoft Wireless Entertainment Desktop 8000 Review

Edifier C3 2.1 Speaker System Review
Tech ARP posted a review on the Edifier C3 2.1 Speaker System

There is a large market for speaker systems that offer great value for money. This is precisely the market that Edifier is targeting with their new C3 speaker set.

Armed with many nifty little features, this 2.1 speaker set could just be what many of you are looking for. Let's see if they succeed in impressing us!
Edifier C3 2.1 Speaker System Review

Nexus DiskTwin review has just posted a review on the Nexus DiskTwin.

There's not much to say really. The Nexus DiskTwin do a great job of keeping my harddrive a little bit cooler and my case noise free. I'm running with an Accelero S1, with no fans inside my case. It's really silent and I'd like to keep it that way. There are lots of great cases on the market that have some way of reducing the vibrations coming from harddrives. But other cases simply don't. If that's the case than this is the way to kill those pesky vibrations. Installation is easy, they look great and their cheap too. Only 10 euro's a pop
Nexus DiskTwin review

SteelSeries SP Gaming Surface Review
techPowerUp posted a review on the SteelSeries SP Gaming Surface

The SteelSeries SP mouse mat is the latest hard plastic mat from SteelSeries that builds on the legacy of the S&S mouse pad. The SP features a lot of new innovations such as a macroscopic surface and a solid rubber base. In our testing we were amazed by the glide performance, accuracy and speed of this mousepad which is one of the best gaming surfaces on the market today.
SteelSeries SP Gaming Surface Review

Raidmax Aztec Gaming Case Review posted a review on the Raidmax Aztec Gaming Case

Among the first PC cases I reviewed, and the first expensive one (I consider mid-towers over $150USD expensive) was the Raidmax Samurai. Though the chassis was your standard steel tool-free case, it was covered with a streamlined polystyrene shell, with a sprayed-on showcar paint job. It was Raidmax's top of the line gaming case at the time. The shell gave it an all-out modded look, and there wasn't any other pre-modded case on the market that came close. That was four years ago. The Samurai is still undoubtedly the most radical case I have owned, and the friend I gave it to still uses it and still gets favorable comments on it, ranging from admiration to awe. It is the last Raidmax product I had my hands on, so I am looking forward to seeing if the Aztec lives up to my expectations for a Raidmax gaming case, a well-made case that is definitely not boring. I would also hope to see some decent cooling for today's hot CPUs and GPUs. Read on to see if it does.
Raidmax Aztec Gaming Case Review

Turtle Beach Ear Force AK-R8 Headphones Review
Techgage posted a review of Turtle Beach's latest gaming headset.

Turtle Beach is back with a new gaming headset, the USB based AK-R8. Unlike the HPA series, the AK-R8 includes its own sound card. On top of that, the software is robust, the feature set is solid and the sound can get LOUD. These headphones might just be what you are looking for.
Turtle Beach Ear Force AK-R8 Headphones Review

OCC Roundup: Graphics Cards of 2007
OCC has published a graphics cards of 2007 roundup

So, which card is right for you? The question is quite similar to being asked, "which car is right for you?" People with no budget limits will always go for the best performance, regardless of price. However, most people want to get the most for their money, while still craving the performance that will deliver a satisfying gaming experience.
OCC Roundup: Graphics Cards of 2007