About this product | |
Product | Fragile Allegiance |
Vendor | Interplay |
Tested operating systems | Windows 10 Version 1507 64 Bit Windows 2000 Windows 7 32 Bit Windows Vista 32 Bit Windows Vista 64 Bit Windows XP 32 Bit Windows XP 64 Bit |
Average rating | |
CompatDB XML | fragile-allegiance.xml |
Compatibility Reports for Fragile Allegiance
Reported by Paulos
Operating system
Windows 10 Version 1507 64 Bit
You can fix the sound issues using a program called VDMsound (goodgle for it. it's free). It's a while ago that I used it but it did work for me. You will just need to play around with the settings on VDM sound.
Reported by 4NG31U5
Operating system
Windows 7 32 Bit
I have successfully mounted and installed the game with DOSBOX on a Windows 7 OS. It will load up ad play the game quite happily except for one fatalistic flaw.
Should the build menu be opened for any reason whatsoever, the game will crash, saying: file "_MA/_MA" cannot be found or does not exist. However the file is exactly where it is saying it isnt! HELP!
Reported by blahh
Operating system
Windows XP 32 Bit
Got this working with full renaming ability, no sound but I haven't tried to set it up yet. Running in windows xp through dosbox, with the original FA cd in the drive, thought I would add a few things:
if your cd drive is G:, you must mount it as G in dosbox
mount d g:\ -t cdrom does NOT work
mount g g:\ -t cdrom DOES work
also, if you get a not enough memory error try adding this
mount c C:\(where ever your game is) -freesize 1024
Gives dosbox 1gb of hard drive space, I believe
Reported by Anonymous
Operating system
Windows Vista 32 Bit
I have tried everything to get this running in vista under dosbox 0.74 to no avail, i can mount everything correctly, but when i go to run it, it tells me there isn't enough memory-- BUT i have already changed it from the what should be sufficient default value (IE: 16mb) to 32mb and it still tells me i need at least 16mb to run it?? any suggetions? (i have also tried older versions of dosbox with the same result).
Reported by Anonymous
Operating system
Windows 7 32 Bit
To the guy with windows7, mount iso file as a drive. Open dosbox mount your cdrom drive with iso per instructions. Run install.exe. Then follow other instructions
Reported by Anonymous
Operating system
Windows 7 32 Bit
Windows 7 wont even let it install, even in compatibility mode, i installed dosbox but all the steps are if the game is already installed. anybody have any steps on getting it to install on windows 7 ?
Reported by Anonymous
Operating system
Windows XP 32 Bit
Reported by Anonymous
Operating system
Windows XP 32 Bit
Guys, guys !!!! sit down and relax....
Fragile working fine. There is only one problem with that best ever game....
Well I was trying run that game mmmm very long time and not working, but enough of this.
The only problem is that you need fragile cd version
I mean ISO picture. You can download it from net, but its rather tough so good luck.
1. Mount ISO Fragile
2. Install game (anywhere)
3. Download program called VDM Sound...Install it
4. any file like fragile.exe, install.exe...from your Fragile directory you have to run with VDMsound
5. Now you have game with cool sound and its working preaty good with no need of dosbox
BTW this config is for XP 32
Reported by Anonymous
Operating system
Windows XP 32 Bit
Reported by Anonymous
Operating system
Windows XP 64 Bit
No go on my new rig. However, I came across an article about 64-bit operating systems stating that 16-bit installers are incompatible with 64-bit OS, and since the game is what, 10-15 years old I guess I'm screwed :(
Reported by Anonymous
Operating system
Windows Vista 64 Bit
I have played this game on an older system running Windows XP using DOSBox and loved it. However, I just set-up a new Gateway FX6800-01e, running on Vista Home Premium 64-bit and I can't even install fragile. I tried running the install file under every compatibility mode, and directly through the DOS prompt screen. Every time I try to run it, an error pops up that basically says the install file is not compatible with Vista 64-bit.
Again, the immediate problem is installing the game. Not running it.
The only modifications to the new system are extra cooling fans.
Processor: Intel Core i7-920 Processor1 (2.66GHz Quad-Core w/ Intel® Hyper-Threading & Turbo Speed Technology)
Operating System: Windows Vista Home Premium (64-bit) with SP1
Memory: 3072MB DDR3 1066MHz Three Channel Memory (3-1024MB modules)
Hard Drive: 750GB 7200rpm Serial ATA II/300 hard drive with 16MB Cache5
Reported by Anonymous
Operating system
Windows 2000
I'd just like 2 point out something because it confused the hell out for me.
When you doing typing the mount bits in DOSbox both letters need to be the drive.
If your CD is in a E:\ drive, type
mount e E:\ -t cdrom
I thought little c and d was how DOSbox worked, so I was doing 'mount d E:\ -t cdrom'. Game kept asking me to insert CD. Works fine now.
Reported by Anonymous
Operating system
Windows Vista 32 Bit
Works wonderfull to me, only minor sound problems.
I used Dosbox, windows Vista and a downloaded .iso of the game cd.
Great game.
How to get it working:
1. Download DosBox (latest version http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?groupname=dosbox&filename=DOSBox0.72-win32-installer.exe&use_mirror=dfn)\
2. Install DosBox
3. Start dosbox
4. 2 dosbox screens will pop-up, you need to type 'mount c *install folder*' in the screen with the blue thing (*install folder* is the folder where you installed Fragile, standard C:\Fragile)
5. type 'mount d *cd drive* -t cdrom' where *cd drive* is where the cd is in, standard D:\)
6. type 'C:\'
7. type 'Fragile'
8. The game will start, have fun!
All things that say 'type this, type that' must be typed WITHOUT 'quotes'!
Reported by Anonymous
Operating system
Windows 2000
"Edit c:\Fragile\config.ini file
inside you can find two strings with game truth path and CD path "
That sounds great that there are 2 strings and all. But what do you change to get it to work? It has been reported that people cannot get beyond the no cd but none has yet posted a solution that is helpfull.
Reported by Anonymous
Operating system
Windows Vista 32 Bit
Hey got an xps laptop, vista, and downloaded dosbox, cannot get into fragile as it says there isn't enough memory and required 16mb
Reported by Anonymous
Operating system
Windows XP 32 Bit
Reported by Anonymous
Operating system
Windows Vista 32 Bit
Reported by Anonymous
Operating system
Windows Vista 32 Bit
Reported by Anonymous
Operating system
Windows XP 32 Bit
Reported by Anonymous
Operating system
Windows XP 32 Bit
Plays on my XP system by re-naming (LOGO.EXE to MOOK.EXE) lol..
DOSBox works: Can't Go "Fullscreen", No Sound.
VDMSound 2.0.4: Game works with, but again with No Sound. (no conflicting drivers found).
This was a great game, too bad!!!
The Sound Is Half The Experience.