WIN XP SP2 don't boot if my slave drive is connected to my VSCOM 200 serial ata

Hi One month ago, i ve installed a VSCOM 200 SERIAL ATA 150 card to connect a slave drive SERIAL ATA. . . Everythings was fine, Since i 've installed the WINDOWS XP PRO SP 2 upgrade, my computer don't boot if my drive is connected to the card.

Windows Hardware 9627 This topic was started by ,


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Joined 2000-07-28
One month ago, i ve installed a VSCOM 200 SERIAL ATA 150 card
to connect a "slave" drive SERIAL ATA...
Everythings was fine,
Since i 've installed the WINDOWS XP PRO SP 2 upgrade, my computer don't boot if my drive is connected to the card...
SO i ve reinstalled WIndows XP SP 2 (complet system), after the end on my new installation and reconfiguration...problem re-appear ...
I ve installed the last drivers for this card....
Is the configuration of windows has importance à the boot of the computer ???
Did someby meet the same problem with this Chipset SiI3112
THank You all
Im Going to flash my ASUS P4 T Motherboard....or to buy a new serial ata card...
Bye bye

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