Reviews 52270 Published by

Here a roundup of today's AMD Radeon HD 7900 articles from Madshrimps, Neoseeker, Kitguru, Legit Reviews, HotHardware, Hardware Secrets, Hardware Heaven, techPowerUp, Hardware Canucks, Guru 3D, Golem, Tom's Hardware, HardOCP, Anandtech, Techradar, Engadget, Computerbase, PC Games Hardware, Gamestar, HT4U, and Hardwareluxx

Madshrimps: AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series Graphics Preview
Last week we attended a conference call from AMD. Subject of the day was the new 7 series of the Radeon HD videocards. First one from the new 7900 Series is the flagship in single GPU configurations, the Radeon HD 7970. Please be aware this is only the presentation based on the official slides, the actual review will follow soon here at Madshrimps. Let's see what the new high end AMD cards have to offer.
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Neoseeker: AMD Radeon HD 7970 Launch Review
AMD's Radeon HD 7970 is built to be a computing powerhouse. It offers a ton of new features, expands upon the Eyefinity ecosystem and aims to walk away with the single GPU performance crown. Find out how it stacks up to NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 580 and AMD's own Radeon HD 6970 as the battle for the high-end graphics card throne heats up for the holidays.
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Kitguru: AMD HD7970 Graphics Card Review
Today AMD release the first card in their 7000 series the high end HD7970, which is built on the latest 28nm manufacturing process. AMD HD6970 was a huge success for the company, so the replacement card is certainly going to get a lot of media attention over the coming weeks.
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Legit Reviews: AMD Radeon HD 7970 3GB Video Card Review
AMD has officially launched the Radeon HD 7000 series of graphics cards with the introduction of the companies new flagship single GPU graphics card, the AMD Radeon HD 7970. We put the AMD Radeon HD 7970 to the test on with an Intel Core i7-3960X on the Intel X79 platform with PCI Express 3.0 enabled to see how this card performs. We also overclock it as far as we could to see what the Radeon HD 7970 can do!
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HotHardware: AMD Radeon HD 7970: 28nm Tahiti GPU
We have been hearing about AMD's "Southern Island" family of graphics processors for quite some time. Even during briefings for the Northern Island series of products which ultimately became the Radeon HD 6000 series, news about Southern Islands was already trickling out. Rumors about these parts have been rampant for what seems like ages, but now, just in time to get all you hardcore gamers fired up this holiday season, AMD is officially taking the wraps of Southern Islands.

More specifically, today AMD is announcing their latest flagship single-GPU, the Radeon HD 7970. AMD's new Tahiti GPU is outfitted with 2,048 stream processors with a 925MHz engine clock, featuring AMD's Graphics Core Next architecture, paired to 3GB of GDDR5 memory connected over a 384-bit wide memory bus.
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Hardware Secrets: AMD Radeon HD 7970 Video Card Review
Let’s check the performance of the most high-end graphics processor that AMD will be releasing next month, the Radeon HD 7970, codename “Tahiti.”
Read more AMD Radeon HD 7970 CrossFire Performance Review
This review focuses on DUAL GPU performance comparing 2x Radeon 7970 with GTX 580 in SLI... and a little GTX 590 and Radeon 6990 performance thrown in for good measure. So let's see how the 7970 does running CrossFire in games such as Arkham City and Battlefield 3.
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techPowerUp: AMD Radeon HD 7970
Today AMD launches their new Radeon HD 7970. The card is based on brand-new 28 nanometer silicon which promises reduced power consumption. Another important change is AMD's move to a new shader architecture, enabling increased performance, easier design of future products and more efficient rendering.
Read more AMD Radeon HD 7970 Graphics Card Review
Today we take a detailed look at the Radeon HD 7970 in the latest games, including Star Wars: The Old Republic and Batman: Arkham City. Added to that is GPU computing performance as well as 1080p playback tests and power, thermal and noise testing.
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Hardware Canucks: AMD Radeon HD 7970 3GB Review
Hardware Canucks is pleased to present our review of the new AMD Radeon HD 7970 3GB graphics card.
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Guru 3D: AMD Radeon HD 7970 review
We review the Radeon HD 7970. Injected in the 499 EUR / 549 USD price tag bracket the product will have to compete directly with the equally expensive GeForce GTX 580, it will actually be a decent notch better then that IMHO.
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Hardware Secrets: ECS X79R-AX Motherboard
ECS has released two motherboard models for the new socket 2011 platform, the X79R-AX and the X79R-AX Deluxe, targeted to the most high-end processor Intel offers for desktops today, the Core i7 "Sandy Bridge-E" models. Let's take a look at the X79R-AX, which comes with four PCI Express 3.0 x16 slots, eight SATA-600 ports, six USB 3.0 ports, and more.
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Golem: Radeon HD 7970 im Test: Die schnellste und sparsamste GPU kommt von AMD (German)
Mit der Radeon HD 7970 stellt AMD nicht nur die erste Grafikkarte mit 28-Nanometer-Technik und PCIe 3.0 vor - sie ist auch das derzeit schnellste Modell mit einer GPU. Einziger Schönheitsfehler: AMD kündigt sie jetzt nur an, kaufen kann man sie erst im Januar 2012.
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Toms Hardware: AMD Radeon HD 7970 (P)Review: Powerprotz mit Paperlaunch (German)
Mit der Radeon HD 7970 stellt AMD heute nicht nur ein neues Grafikflaggschiff vor, sondern auch eine komplett neue, für GPGPU-Berechnungen optimierte GPU-Architektur. An Performance mangelt es nicht; die Treiber und fehlende Software trüben das Bild aber.

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Toms Hardware: AMD Radeon HD 7970: Promising Performance, Paper-Launched
A sample of AMD's next-generation Radeon HD 7970 landed in our lab just before Santa. Don't cross your fingers for one of these in your stocking, though. It's not available yet. Is it fast, though? Our benchmarks suggest yes, but more testing remains!
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HardOCP: AMD Radeon HD 7970 Video Card Review
The new Radeon HD 7970 marks the launch of AMD's next generation video cards. The Radeon HD 7970 represents the fastest single-GPU video card from AMD with a new architecture. We will evaluate gameplay performance and compare it to the previous generation, as well as the competition, in single-display and Eyefinity resolutions.
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Anandtech: Sandy Bridge E & X79 PCIe 3.0: It Works
At the launch of Intel's LGA-2011 based Sandy Bridge E CPU we finally had a platform capable of supporting PCI Express 3.0, but we lacked GPUs to test it with. That all changed this past week as we worked on our review of the Radeon HD 7970, the world's first 28nm GPU with support for PCIe 3.0.
Sandy Bridge E & X79 PCIe 3.0: It Works

Anandtech: AMD Radeon HD 7970 Review: 28nm And Graphics Core Next, Together As One
At AMDs Fusion Developer Summit 2011 AMD announced Graphics Core Next, their next-generation GPU architecture. GCN would be AMDs Fermi moment, where AMD got serious about GPU computing and finally built an architecture that would serve as both a graphics workhorse and a computing workhorse.
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Techradar: AMD Radeon HD 7970
So here it is, the AMD Radeon HD 7970 and, for the time being, it's the fastest graphics card around. AMD has blinked first and opted to release its brand new graphics card architecture before Nvidia, and just before the new year. It's a brave move by AMD though. Bringing out a radically different graphics design spec, compared with its previous vector processors, in the same year as it brought us a brand new CPU architecture. Especially given the depressing failure of the AMD FX chips.
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Techradar: AMD's Radeon HD 7970 gets reviewed
AMD has just pulled the tarp off its new AMD Radeon HD 7970 Southern Islands graphics card and we can finally unveil our thoughts on its brand new card and architecture.It's the fastest single-GPU graphics card and also a graphics card of firsts.The HD 7970 is the first GPU manufactured with 28nm transistors, is the first to support DirectX 11.1 (when that finally emerges) and the first to support PCI Express 3.0.The first of these firsts is the biggy though and has allowed AMD to jam 4.3 billion of those 28nm transistors into the Tahiti XT graphics processor at its heart.
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Engadget: AMD announces next-gen Radeon HD 7970 for $549, says it 'soundly beats' rivals
A fresh contender for your blow-out 2012 Olympic gaming rig: AMD's first 28nm GPU, the Radeon HD 7970. It's scheduled to arrive on January 9th, priced at $549 -- nearly $200 more than its direct ancestor, the 6970. Then again, this newcomer packs some supremely athletic specs, including a 925MHz engine clock that can be readily OC'd to 1.1GHz, 2,048 stream processors and an uncommonly muscular 384-bit memory bus serving 3GB of GDDR5.
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Computerbase: AMD Radeon HD 7970 (German)
Die Radeon HD 7970 schöpft als Ausgleich aus den Vollen: Die verbaute Tahiti-GPU basiert auf der von Grund auf neuen „Graphics-Core-Next“-Architektur und nutzt satte 4,3 Milliarden Transistoren. AMD verspricht eine deutlich bessere Effizienz, die sich auch in der Spieleleistung widerspiegeln soll. Darüber hinaus gibt es eine spürbar gesteigerte Tessellation-Performance, eine überarbeitete anisotrope Filterung, neue Energiesparmechanismen, einen drei (!) Gigabyte großen VRAM, PCIe 3.0, DirectX 11.1 und noch zahlreiche weitere Verbesserungen.
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PC Games Hardware: Radeon HD 7970 - Die erste Grafikkarte mit DirectX 11.1, PCI-Express 3.0 und 28nm (German)
Radeon HD 7970 im Test: Mit der Radeon HD 7970 schickt AMD nicht nur die weltweit erste DirectX-11.1- sowie PCI-Express-3.0-Grafikkarte ins Rennen, sondern auch den ersten im 28-Nanometer-Verfahren gefertigten Grafikchip. Dieser hat nicht nur mächtig Power unter der Haube, sondern bietet auch eine verbesserte anisotrope Filterung und erweist sich als sehr sparsam. Im Test der Radeon HD 7970 erfahren Sie alles rund um Performance, Stromverbrauch, Lautstärke, Features und mehr.
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Gamestar: AMD Radeon HD 7970 (German)
Im Test ist die AMD Radeon HD 7970 mit neuer Architektur, höheren Taktraten sowie 3,0 GByte Speicher die schnellste und teuerste Grafikkarte mit einem Chip – hat außer hoher Leistung in den Benchmark-Tests aber noch mehr zu bieten.
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HT4U: AMD Radeon HD 7970 im Test (German)
AMD wagt mit der Radeon HD 7970 den ersten Schritt zur nächsten Grafikkarten-Ära. "Southern Islands" verspricht mit seiner großen Zahl an 28-nm-Transistoren nicht nur mehr Performance sondern auch neue Funktionen wie verbesserte Energiesparoptionen und eine höhere Grafik-Qualität. Der Test fühlt dem neuen Grafikkarten-Flaggschiff auf den Zahn.
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Hardwareluxx: AMD Radeon HD 7970 (German)
Es ist soweit - AMD läutet eine neue Runde im Kampf um die GPU-Krone ein. Beide Hersteller, also sowohl AMD wie auch NVIDIA stehen vor neuen Herausforderungen. In gleich mehreren Bereichen müssen sich die beiden an neue Voraussetzungen und Gegebenheiten anpassen. Dies betrifft zum einen die neue Fertigungstechnologie in 28 nm. Hinzu kommt, dass nun auch klar ist, dass AMD eine völlig neue GPU-Architektur einsetzt. NVIDIA plant ebenfalls den Wechsel auf 28 nm und auch hier wird man in den kommenden Monaten über Details der neuen Architektur sprechen. Doch zunächst einmal ist AMD am Zuge und dürfte bei ausreichend guter Verfügbarkeit in den kommenden Monaten den Markt für sich haben. Wir haben uns den ersten Vertreter der neuen GPU-Generation in Form der AMD Radeon HD 7970 einmal etwas genauer angeschaut.
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