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AMD has released Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.6.1 with support for Mirror's Edge Catalyst, and Paragon

Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.6.1 Highlights

Support for:
Mirror's Edge Catalyst:tm:

New AMD Crossfire profile available for:
Dark Souls III:tm:

Fixed Issues
Display flickering or corruption may be experienced when playing videos in a web browser.
DiRT Rally:tm: may experience poor performance on some tracks with rainy/night scenes.
The HDMI:registered: display scaling options in Radeon Settings may be missing when the display is set to an interlaced resolution.
The AMD Crossfire:tm: technology mode options in Radeon Settings may not take effect on Origin or Uplay applications.
Fallout:tm: 4 may experience flickering in AMD Crossfire:tm: technology mode for some game textures.
Flickering on Oculus Rift:tm: headsets may be experienced when multiple displays are connected with differing resolutions.
Radeon Settings additional settings page may fail to open after performing a Windows Update and then installing the latest Radeon Software Crimson Edition.
  AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.6.1 released