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OCmodshop has a new review on the In-Win BUC case

When I went up yesterday to visit the OCmodshop headquarters and pick up my latest plethora of reviewable gear, my eyes immediately fell on a single black box with blue letters surrounded by orange flames on the side. These letters spelled out one single word: BUC. And my first thought was, what the f*** is a Buc? So, intrigued at a case that I had never heard of, I told the boss man to throw it in my car with the rest of the gear.

In-Win Development, the makers of the Buc case, is a manufacturer of professional computer chassis based out of Taiwan. They’ve apparently been around since 1985, though this seems to be my first experience with anything of theirs. So what I’m wondering is this; have I simply been under a technological rock for the last 27 years? From what I saw doing this review, these cases should be right up there with some of the nicer cases at my local PC hardware store. But they’re not. I went down there myself and looked. So with my first In-Win experience comes my first review. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
  In-Win BUC Case Review