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The Guru of 3D posted a review on the Inno3D iChill HerculeZ GeForce GTX 660

Inno3D has just release the Inno3D iChill HerculeZ GeForce GTX 660 today prone for a review. Now sure, we all have welcomed the GeForce GTX 660 Ti on the market a few weeks ago with a lot of positive feedback. Face it the 660 Ti edition is just good .. but realistically being a mid-range product at the price in the 300 EUR/USD segment, it is still too expensive for mainstream. That changes with the 'regular' GeForce GTX 660 that is released as we speak.

Inno3D figured, hmm, why not bring a GeForce GTX 660 towards GTX 660 Ti performance ? And so they did, the new flagship Inno3D iChill HerculeZ GeForce GTX 660 is a mid-range card series using the HerculeZ 2000XE cooler, with its three slots the card is completely silent and runs ridiculously cool. We received SKU model C66M-2SDN-E5GSX which comes factory overclocked as well, our model comes with with a clock frequency at 1059 a boost frequency of 1124 MHz and the memory at 6212 MHz. Interesting as the website mentioned a boost clock frequency at 1058 MHz and the memory at 6212 MHz. Regardless, this to date makes it the fastest GTX 660 we have tested and as such for just over 200 EUR the product beats the GeForce GTX 660 Ti.

The GeForce GTX 660 is based on a new chip, the GK106. The card will be one of the more anticipated dedicated graphics card series for a long time as the price performance ration of the GeForce GTX 660 should be pretty interesting. This product is going to sit in the 229 EUR/USD segment of the market, and can address pretty much any modern game at everybody's favorite monitor resolution 1920x1080/1200 with extremely acceptable framerates and image quality settings.
  Inno3D iChill HerculeZ GeForce GTX 660 Review