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According to a new survey by Performance Inspired, Microsoft has been rated America's most inspiring company ahead of other tech giants Google, Amazon and Apple

From Neowin:
A survey of 4738 consumers was carried out by Performance Inspired, Inc., a consulting and training firm, to find out the inspirational companies of the year. Microsoft came in at number one after losing the top spot to Apple for the last two years. People who found Microsoft inspirational have cited Microsoft founder's charitable efforts as one of the reasons they found the company inspiring. Other reasons included Microsoft's heavy profits and revenues which can be utilized for betterment of the world.

Over the past few years Microsoft has been working hard to move out of its traditional areas of business and introducing innovative technologies like the Xbox Kinect or new UX such as the Modern UI which can also be considered inspirational among technology enthusiasts.
  Microsoft rated as America's "most inspiring" company