Reviews 52270 Published by posted a review on Mozilla Firefox 16

After a somewhat fitful initial release, Firefox 16 (actually 16.0.1) is now the prevailing version of Mozilla's independent, open-source browser. You might say that the update only adds new features for developers, but those in turn can mean new Web capabilities for ordinary browser users. Case in point: the browser's new support for CSS Transformations and Gradients can add visual effects to pages, and its new support for Web apps means sites can shed their browser skin and live as standalone programs on your desktop.

Partly because of its constant improvements and innovations and partly because it's not the product of a large corporation but rather an international open-source-contributed effort, I'm still a big Firefox fan. And there's not much that other browsers can do that Firefox can't. It has lots of HTML5 support, the best extension and customization capabilities, and a unique "Panorama" tab organizer. While you can get all this Mozilla goodness for Windows, Mac, or Linux, I evaluated the Windows version for this review. On the mobile side, you can read our review of review of Firefox for Android.
  Mozilla Firefox 16 Review