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New GeForce 285.62 WHQL Drivers are available

The new GeForce 285.62 WHQL drivers are now available to download. Recommended for Battlefield 3, Batman: Arkham City and Rage, these drivers bundle together all the enhancements and updates contained within the 285.27 and 285.38 beta releases, in addition to new SLI and 3D Vision profiles for many of today’s most popular games.

Performance Improvements
For Battlefield 3 we’ve improved performance by up to 11% since the release of the GeForce 285.38 beta drivers, have included several compatibility enhancements, a new and improved SLI profile, and a 3D Vision profile. Similarly, Rage has received enhancements since the release of the same drivers, and Batman: Arkham City compatibility has been implemented.

As mentioned, updates contained within the earlier beta drivers have been carried over, such as the many performance improvements made to games --between the release of the 280.26 WHQL drivers and today’s 285.62 WHQL drivers-- when running on our entire range of 500-Series graphics cards.

On the GeForce GTX 580, for example, SLI users can expect to receive frame rate boosts of up to:

13% in Metro 2033,
8% in STALKER: Call of Pripyat,
7% in Civilization V,
7% in F1 2010,
5% in Crysis 2 with the DirectX 11 Ultra Upgrade enabled,
5% in Lost Planet 2,
And 5% in Mafia 2.
And single-GPU users will receive improvements of up to:

6% in Battlefield 3,
5% in Call Of Duty: Black Ops,
And 5% in StarCraft II.
Likewise, on the GeForce GTX 560, SLI users will receive frame rate boosts of up to:

11% in STALKER: Call of Pripyat,
7% in Dragon Age II,
7% in F1 2010,
7% in Metro 2033,
5% in Battlefield: Bad Company 2,
5% in Crysis 2 with the DirectX 11 Ultra Upgrade enabled,
5% in Just Cause 2,
5% in Lost Planet 2,
And 4% in Mafia 2.
And single-GPU users will receive performance improvements of up to:

11% in Battlefield 3
7% in StarCraft II,
6% in Call Of Duty: Black Ops,
And 4% in Bulletstorm.
New SLI & 3D Vision Profiles
The new and updated SLI profiles included with the GeForce 285.62 WHQL drivers are as follows:

Battlefield 3
Dead Island
Diablo III
Dragon Age 2
Need for Speed: The Run
Saints Row: The Third
And similarly, the following 3D Vision profiles have been included:

Battlefield 3
Diablo 3
Dirt 3 (rating updated to Excellent)
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record
Defense of the Ancients (DOTA) 2
Driver San Francisco
F1 2011
Football Manager 2012
From Dust
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 2
Last Remnant Benchmark
Men of War: Assault Squad
OIO The Game
rFactor 2
Rise of Flight
Stock Car
Bug Fixes
Users of the R285 beta drivers will be pleased to hear that we’ve fixed the reported driver timeouts, and World of WarCraft users will be especially pleased to hear that flickering experienced upon death on a SLI system has been rectified.

On Optimus notebooks, a Halo 2 crash has been rectified, as has an audio error that occurred when switching between 1080p and 480p resolutions.
  NVIDIA GeForce 285.62 WHQL Drivers available