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Microsoft's scheduled unveiling of new Surface tablets next week is not a last-chance moment for the company's hardware dreams, analysts said, countering a theme popular on the Web.

From Computerworld:
Microsoft's scheduled unveiling of new Surface tablets next week is not a last-chance moment for the company's hardware dreams, analysts said today, countering a theme popular on the Web.

While some have portrayed the event -- slated for Tuesday and expected to highlight one or more new tablets, including a smaller 7- or 8-in. device, perhaps a third-generation full-sized Surface Pro as well -- as make-or-break, others rejected that idea.

"I don't see them giving up anytime soon regardless of the details [of the devices launched next week]," said Bob O'Donnell, principal analyst at Technalysis Research. "We'll continue to see an evolution of the product line."
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