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FrostyTech posted a review on the Zalman CNPS14X Lower Noise Heatsink

As a single fan heatsink the Zalman CNPS14X performs very well, but the higher the heat load the better the advantage there is to be gained from adding two more fans... so... Zalman include extra fan brackets for users who want to add their own 140mm fans. :wink: Since this is a novel approach, Frostytech is going to test Zalman's CNPS14X heatsink in its single fan configuration (stock) and also in a three fan configuration. This way you can see how much difference there is between one and three fans. Just remember, 3x fans does not equal 3x cooling performance.

On a side note, given that the CNPS14X is 125mm long, adding an extra 25mm worth of fan on either end of the heatsink won't be practical with every motherboard either. Tall sticks of RAM and motherboard VRM heatsinks are going to get in the way in some cases. Measure twice, upgrade once.

Alright, on with this heatsink review.
  Zalman CNPS14X Lower Noise Heatsink Review