Reviews 52270 Published by take a look at the Samsung SyncMaster 193P LCD monitor

Samsungs latest LCD monitor comes with new features to make life in front of your computer more interesting. The 193P can pivot and is purely software controlled. In our reacent review of the 192T SyncMaster Samsung monitor, we discovered a great deal of value and quality. Now, we have another oppurtunity to review one of Samsungs latest 19" monitors, the Samsung SyncMaster 193P. The 193P is much different from most monitors we're used to seeing on the market. One difference would be the lack of buttons on the front--but with good reason. Front panel adjustments are a thing of the past with this particular model; instead, Samsung has designed the 193P button free due to its controller software. How does this work? Actually, it is quite simple.
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