Compatibility Reports for Dark Messiah Might of Magic

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows Vista 32 Bit

It's a know bug of DMoMM (all versions including Steam): it always crashes on quit (mm.exe has stopeed working), except this it does work fine with latest patch.

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows Vista 64 Bit

I have purchased me windows vista 64 bits and i was very happy until i wanted to play dark messiah i installed it and updated it but FFS why does he start the game and when he is almost in the menu he gives a error MM2.exe and whole game crashes can please someone help me.

ps : I started the game ones the first level i think training lvl i made it trough when he started the second lvl i saw a horse white screen and boom crash.

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows Vista 32 Bit

I have the same loading problems with vista.

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows Vista 64 Bit

Can load and play the prologue/training level with no errors at all. Graphics are perfect, even surround sound is nice.

But soon as it goes to load the next level,the progress bar only makes it about 50%, then the program dies with a general "something went wrong" error.

This is using the version downloaded from Steam.

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows Vista 64 Bit

This game works like 50% on windows vista. Crashes everytime you exit the game. when I just completed training level and it tries to load chaptor one the loading just stands still and when you press enter the game just shuts down like there is another engine error.