Compatibility Reports for Diskeeper 6.0

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows XP 32 Bit

1. Start - Run "MMC" 2. Add the Disk Defragmenter snap-in: a. Menu: "Console","Add/Remove Snap-in..." b. Pick the "Standalone" tab. c. Pick the "Add..." button. d. Pick "Diskeeper" from the pop-up list. e. Pick "Add" and then "Close". f. Pick "OK". 3. Right-click on the "Diskeeper" in the tree. 4. Pick "New window from here" (a second window comes up). 5. Close the Diskeeper Orientation box. 6. Close the first window with the "x" button. 7. Maximize the second window. 8. Hide the console pane (tree view) with the toolbar button. 9. Set MMC options: a. Menu: "File", "Options..." b. "Console" tab c. Enter "Diskeeper" in the name box. d. Set Console mode to: "User mode ? limited access, single window" e. Check "Enable context menus..." f. Uncheck "Do not save changes..." g. Check "Allow user to customize views..." h. Pick "OK" 10. Save this config file as: Install DirExecutive SoftwareDiskeeperServerDiskeeper.msc and replace the DK V6.0 msc file. 11.Close MMC as you are all done with it. 12.You should be able to start Diskeeper as normal now.

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows NT 4.0

Quite a bit faster, slightly changed interface

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows 2000

Quite a bit faster, slightly changed interface