Compatibility Reports for EasyCD Creator 4.02

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows 2000

Received the follow messages:
1) Adaptec CD Creator 4.02 DOES work flawlessly in Win2000, but I had trouble. I have the 4.01 CD, installed it and then the patch, and the program would crash. I traced this down to an old version of msvcrt.dll (and maybe comctl32.dll) that was placed in the system32 folder from the Adaptec CD. Replacing it using the sfc command at the command prompt (or by using the Windows 2000 Recovery Console) fixed the problem. Also, the Mitsumi 4804-TE CDRW drive seems to need the 2.6C firmware patch ( for the patch to run in Windows,
for the DOS patch) to work with Adaptec EasyCD Creator in Windows 2000.
2) Works on 4416 Yamaha ide if cdrw is on Master if not it will not work. It tooked me about 2 weeks to find the problem.
3) Crashes constantly, even after running the "sfc" and patching right up to date this program crashes before even attempting to write a cd.