Compatibility Reports for X-Com Apocalypse

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows 2000

Try just using VDM sound - if the mouse works, then you don't need anything else.

If the mouse DOSN'T work, then you need mouse2kv..

My apoc.bat file is as follows:

@echo off


mouse2kv 640 480 8 8 XCOMAPOC.exe SKIP

I got that mouse driver from

It works fine for me. Locks up if I stay in the game for over ~50 minutes, but I can save, quit and reload to avoid this.

If you're still having problems, see:

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows 2000

Pentium III 550mhz

Prophet 32mb PCI

C-media 16 bit inboard Sound System

Windows Me

The program runs normally with sound until starts tacticla view (When raid a buildind or UFO) then get stunned in a black screen.

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows XP 32 Bit

X-com UFO and TFTD both work on my laptop

Dell Insprion 5000

Pentuim II ~600mhz

ESS Maestro 2E

ATI Moblile

Xcom1 and 2 work fine after install, I didnt even have to set compatablity. I still get a few CTD when entering combat, but im used to saving before a mission so its not a problem. I cant get Xcom3 to work Ive tried VDMS, the old one and the newest one with CPU controls, the svga patch. I found the acceleration controls and turned if off for my graphics and sound. Still get the NTVDM illegal instruction error. On occasion ill get a black screen with some tv like static lines.

The only thing i can get to play is the intro. The audio plays fine on the intro a little skippy when it scans the CD during the Microprose logo.

Im going to keep reading and playing around to get it to work. If i do get it to work then ill post what i did here.

Reported by Anonymous

Operating system
Windows XP 32 Bit

To get this working sounds very time consuming, but it isnt. First of all you need 3 Utils. you need the Xcom Apoc No cd: just extract this to your game dir. then you need VDMSOUND: And one final thing: you need a little dos program called (use a search engine to find it) now that you have everything install vdmsound. and copy the to the game dir. now then.

edit the xcom3.bat file to look like this:

@echo off 7,10,12,15,20,22,25,30

fakecd .. /L:D >nul


xcomapoc.exe SKIP

rem Uninstall process

fakecd /U >nul

mode co80


The only 2 changes are mainly the DOSDRV Line added and the line. one more last thing, go into the properties of xcomapoc.exe, then go to compatibility and check compatible for windows 95, 256 colours, disable advanced text services and disable visual themes.

Now your ready to rock and roll Enjoy.

one more thing you may want to use the arrow keys to navigate around the map as the line needs tweaking.