Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

I bought the promo upgrade to ME from Win98 only. TONS of problems. Tried a clean install, still problems. More crashes than 98, more blue screens. When I found out that Win2k supported all my apps except for a few dos games, I jumped ship.

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I bought the promo upgrade to ME from Win98 only. TONS of problems. Tried a clean install, still problems. More crashes than 98, more blue screens. When I found out that Win2k supported all my apps except for a few dos games, I jumped ship.
Another thing that irritated me was that stupid movie maker-which I have no use for and could not uninstall. Microsoft sure has some balls to force stuff on that you cant uninstall. That and the countless problems. Did I mention problems were rampant...I dont remember since its been a while since I converted to 2000. I know you cant pick and choose 2000 components, but with ME considering it was an upgrade to the 9x line, I foolishly thought that Microsuck would allow you to pick and choose what you wanted on YOUR COMPUTER. Maybe Im wrong here, but personally I dont need this company "...anticipating consumers needs." If MS pulls this sort of BS on WinXP, Linux may get a jump on MS.
One thing I dont like already is MS .NET strategy dealing with subscription based OSes. I personally think that a one time fee ought to be enough. For some people, this may be the greatest thing since sliced bread, but this could cause some major issues. Just look at the security patches MS is dealing out like cards. Little mistakes like this could be even greater with the .NET strategy.
Im not happy with MS right now. Win2k is the best OS theyve put out, but the way theyre going support for it is gonna be dropped in 2 years or less.

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40 Posts
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Joined 2001-03-26
Dude, relax. Lots of info, but what were doing here is "bouncing all over the place". I have had literally over 20 people tell me that Win Me sucks, but guess what? I have gotten it working and stable for everyone of them. If there is an issue it may be a single application once in a while, but 99.9 % of them time I have found it is their configuration be it hardware, bios, device drivers, IRQ setup etc. Yeah, if Win 2k works for you then great, but like you said it does not support everything. I use both anyway and a variety of other OS's. I love it when people tell me something sucks, because I know that 90 % of the time I can fix it, and they say...uh...oh..well....and I say yeah whatever's cool...don't sweat it. I'm a little cocky, so don't let it bother you. I have good reason to be, but we won't go into that. Win Me I have found is a great OS, it just takes some experience and possibly some patience. What OS don't you have to have this with? When they get it right let me know, eh? Give me your hardware setup and I'll give you the advice. Depends on YOUR level of pride to try it out. Like I said, it sucks when people say uh...oh..uh...but it was like and this that. It can't be that hard man. It is just Win 98 with a different GUI and a few additonal features. Basic to setup regardless of hardware and I have setup some freakin' legacy systems on it man. Crazy old stuff that just meets the requirements and like some driver for stuff from like 1995. LOL! Let me know if you need some help. That's great you can tell me a bunch of stuff that really doesen't pertain to the issue, but what is it exactly that is causing you issues in Win Me. Be specific before you go on a generalized rant that has nothing to do with your issues. Why does it suck specifically man? What doesen't work. What happens?


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Bryan you have some issues man. I just finished reading alot of your responses. Sounds like you are a kid with just enough knowledge to use some words like "kernel" and "registry". Yeah, you sound like all of my stupid co-workers who don't know what they are doing. LOL! I fix all of their machines for them. Guess that's why I'm an IT person ( the main one at major corporation)and they are still strugging to work out some issues with their operating systems. LOL! Too funny man. How old are you? Like 15-17 years old cause the stuff you are putting out is even dumber than what my little 14 year brother does and he dowsent know a damn thing really. At least he can install Windows Me and get max performance out of it. LOL! You idiot, get off these forums. You make the rest of us look stupid and yourself making up replies like this. Take a computer class or two man. Get your MCSE or computer science degree then come back and look at what you have written here you idiot! Oh yeah, and don't post something like a "know it all" when you can't even get Win Me to work right! LOL! Now that's funny man. Sorry if I hurt your feelings, but you need to step back and look at what you are writing here!


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I have Win Me working right and it still sucks. Too bad i gotta keep the **** around for compatibility reasons. I used it for all my gaming before XP came along cause win2k left something to be desired in game performance. Now that i have xp all need winme for is to run certian dos apps (mainly cracks)
My System
Dell Demension XPS T500
Dual Boot
Windows Whistler Pro 2446
Windows Millennium Final Retail
PIII @ 500 Mhz (with after market heatsink and dual fan)
512 Megs Ram
Guillemot Maxi Gammer Cougar (TNT2 M64 w/ 32 Megs of RAM)
Matrox Millennium PCI (w/ 4 Megs of RAM for second monitor)
3Com Etherlink XL 10/100 Ethernet Card
2 x Abit Hot Rod Pro ATA-100 RAID Controlers
2 x 12.6 Gig Maxtor Hard Disks RAID 0 (for system)
1 76.3 Gig Maxtor Hard Disk (for storage)
40X LG CD Rom Drive
100 Mb Iomega Internal Zip Drive
MS Explorer Mouse
MS Natural Keyboard Pro


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No doubt, I believe Win 2k is a superior OS. Win Me soesen't suck though. For it's OS type it is a great OS. No comparison (to me anyway) between the 2 as far as performance, but all this "sucks this and that" is merely opinion anyway. Based on my experiences it is OK. I mainly use Win 2k Pro/Adv. Server, I have yet to really install XP, but there is a newer build out today anyway. Have to know where to get it before I can take a peek. Build is like 26xxa now or something. Brian sorry if I offend you here, but Win Me is cool for the 9x kernel. That's just it! It is 9x kernel based, so of course it has it's advantages and drawbacks. SO does NT!


112 Posts
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Joined 2001-02-10
Thank god Jdulmage hasn't worked his way in here yet, lol Anyway, sorry to hear you go through so much trouble with WinMe, Brian. I wouldn't tolerate that much hassle either! From the info ive gathered about WinMe from its release, many people report having troubles with the *upgrade/promo* version of WinMe. Is it possible that WinMe just doesn't upgrade good or their's a bug in the *upgrade/promo* CD? Ive only done clean installs with the full version and as far as stability goes in WinMe, I personally have zero problems with crashes and lockups. The only compadibility problem's ive encountered are:
1) TV capture on the ATI All In Wonder didn't work. (probably fixed by now, its been awhile since ive run that card)
2) A certain make (cant rememember the exact model) of a Hewlett Packard inkjet printer not working.
Thats it! No lockups, crashes or any other awkward stability problems. (but I still wouldn't say it's any better/worse then 98se and definitely not worth paying for if you allready have 98se) Normaly I do a clean install every 60 days to wipe the system clean, but ive been lazy here lately and have so much fud installed on my WinMe system that i'm suprized I don't have any stability/speed loss problems. Heck, I even have old DX 6.1 SDK with a bunch of debuggers runnin for a project I was working on, on this system!
Stay away from the promo version of WinME!! It's evil!!!

Quote:<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Another thing that irritated me was that stupid movie maker-which I have no use for and could not uninstall. Microsoft sure has some balls to force stuff on that you cant uninstall.</font> 
I 100% agree! It's the same bull with XP All that bogus crap should be user choice on the initial install of the OS or uninstallable at a later time


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So the promo upgrade is bad news? That probably explains a WHOLE lot.
Norton Antivirus wouldnt run when schedualed, my games crashed more often.
I really think MS shouldve left more of DOS with ME or just completely taken it away. That was probably a major part of the stability issue.
Still, even on a clean install, there were problems.
JJ32, this post is an opinion, you may not like my opinions, but that doesnt make me an idiot. Just because you havent had problems, doesnt mean someone else hasnt either. Heaven forbid we have problems with any OS and talk about them.
One OS does not suit everyone best. ME is geared toward home, but it is not one of the best ones Ive experienced. Not saying that we should ditch MS (at least for now) and go to Linux. Linux has a long way to go before it reaches the home OS front. ME had some problems that had MS waited to fix these problems, wouldve had a lot less issues to deal with.
I dont think that home users have to only use the 9x line and businesses only have to use the NT-based OS's or Linux. MS did a smart strategy, but I dont have to like everything about the OS targeted at me. I prefer Win2k, but there are somethings that I wish wouldve been implemented from 9x. MS config was very nice, but I have to use another program to clear out my start menu.
While around in the registry isnt a bad thing if you back up before messing around, the fact that it is rather massive in the first major key. I dont feel like doing something the hard way if I can do it the easy way.


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Damn JJ32, finally someone helping me out on this thread.
If you go back and read these posts, you will see that ive been stressing your points this whole time.
Here is a good tip that i use a lot when people rag on MS. I work in a Unix based environment, so naturally, they all talke sh*t about MS and how unstable it is. But, I tell them this: Windows isn't an unstable OS. 90% of the time, windows crashes and locks up because of improper installation. If you know how to set up windows correctly (and this goes for any version) it is suprisingly a very stable and productive business OS. Since ive completely switched my network at work from NT4 to Win2k, I've been keeping uptime programs on my DC's just to prove to these unix guys how stable Windows really is. So far, 3 out of the 4 DC's i setup have been up for 127 days. Kind of impressive huh? Most people wouldn't expect windows to stay up that long without the emminent reboot! hehe
Anyway, my point is basically what JJ said. ME is as stable as the installation. If you do it right, it will run with little to no problems for many many days. Brian, unfortunately, your run-ins with ME have not been as promising as JJ's and mine. But, that really has nothing to do with the OS as a whole, but everything to do with how it was set up.
love and beer,


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Im going to have to agree with HarU. I work in a Unix/NT/2K environment. One of my workhorse 2K servers has been up for a little over 6 mo.*hang on* to be exact 197 days 6 hours and some minutes. with no reboot and its running a ton of apps from the server to emulation clients. So I would say when setup properly tehy work ok. Just arent as configurable..


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Dude, you guys that can't even get Win Me to work, all I can say is LOL! And like....LOL again! That's too funny! Come on man, how you gonna ***** about Win 2k, if you can't even configure a Win 9x OS like Me. Phew, if I ever get a job applicant telling me similar stuff I will roll on the ground laughing (or want to) and then.........kick his rear out the door. Yeah, like "Well, that about wraps it up. I have all the information we need. We will be contacting you. Thank you and good day!". Then after I roll on the ground laughing again, I will recall the candidate and have my non- technical grandmother install it for him...on his own system! LOL! It's Win Me promo edition or whatever man. How hard can it be really? You tell me! LOL! Maybe you should send me your system, so I can fix it for you, then let me "DOGG" on you on this forum some more!
Love and beer? Shoot, better make that beer and love! First thing's first! Props to everyone who can install a "basic *** " Win Me OS properly! Also, thank god for "real" IT people..or those who just know what the "&*^%" it they are doing! LOL!


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why should you have to update your BIOS and do all of that extra work to get a sh1tty OS like WinME to work?! Use a real OS....and NT OS.


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LOL are right....should be:
Beer and...ummmm beer,


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The point is this. Let me dictate it for you cause "God forbid" (borrowing from anonymous of course: Brian) you have to actually update something like your BIOS. Dude if you can't even update your BIOS and device drivers and do not do so on a regular basis cause it is too much work......THEN STOP MESSING WITH COMPUTERS NOW! THIS IS OBVIOUSLY BEYOND YOUR ABILITIES! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO BELIEVE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. DANGER! DANGER! THIS IS TOO COMPLICATED FOR YOU AND SHOULD BE RESERVED FOR THE MORE TECHNICALLY SOUND INDIVIDUAL.
If you can't even flash your BIOS and update device drivers, then I can hardly figure out how you got your computer working at all. You must have just put the CD-ROM called "WINDOWS" in and prayed. Wow! Good job man! You are the master technician! What doesen't work. Go cry to your mommy or to BIll Gates and watch them both laugh at you!Anyway, that's why they have things called UPDATES. Last I heard you are supposed to use them to UPDATE for comaptibility reasons I heard. You like things work! LOL! HarU, myself and a few others are probably the only ones who have enough brain left to figure it out! Damn, maybe I should more beer it seems to make me smarter? It sure in the hell aint incrasing the amount of brain cells I have, but who cares. With the existing ones I have left looks like I'm smarter than most people on this forum. LOL! Go try to uninstall movie maker man...or do you need me to do it for you?


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Oh but I do keep up with the latest drivers ! have the latest bios for my board.
Im running the 10.80 drivers cuz they're the fastest out there. Some things I dont update, especially if it works fine right now, unless it will make things work better.
I never said I just install the OS and be done with it. Speed is of the essence.
JJ32, Id appreciate your comments if you wouldnt be such a motherfukking sonofab!tch @sshole sh!thead!
I could give a rats *** what OS you use!
You use ME, I'll use 2k.
I can install and run ME, but there are somethings that I prefer about 2k one being networking, and the other better stability.
The only times Ive crashed are when I overclock too high.
For crying out loud, dont be such a dick about this! Im not saying you CANT use ME, this post was to find out who like ME and who didnt.
Eddie, is this the most annoying guy youve seen on the forum?


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Well, I guess Im not the only one who thinks ME sucks, but the populous of some 9x users dont agree with me.
Im so glad we live so far apart from each other. (jinx myself right now)


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LOL! Why you get so mad Brian? Don't be posting that you can't get it to work then turn around and say something else! I run whatever OS I please be it Windows 9x, Me, NT, 2k Pro, 2k Server, Linux, or whatever. I never say that they suck cause I get them going. If you wanna talk *&^* and ***** (like a female dog) then maybe you should spend some time with computers before you go on a rant. Yeah I will be an ******* if you throw ridiculous stuff up here like this SUCKS CAUSE IT I CAN'T GET THIS AND THAT TO WORK...WAAA...WAAA....and all that whining. If you need help with something then ask, otherwise stop the whining and moaning about how much something sucks and sit down and figure it out. It might be device drivers and BIOS, I don't know. Not saying that is it for sure, but you need to start somewhere. LOL! You want to install an OS fast, huh? Well maybe you should program the ROM based OS (if you can call it that) on a fancy calculator or something. That is a flash and go procedure. MS markets like everyone else that Windows is plug and pray, easy to upgrade (just throw the disc in and it goes) yeah right! That's why they call it To like uh....make money.
Stop getting all mad and whining you baby. Not my fault you can't get it to work!


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Joined 2000-05-25
Ugh! As much as I hate this particular section of the forum I feel I should at least support Brian.
Firstly, Haru I can respect your knowledge and many of the things you say. I won't go into attacking you once again and therefore I will let the many personal remarks you said slide. Questionarre, you call me a newbie? I welcome you to add me to your icq list and we'll discuss this further. Now JJ32, you sir are.. ugh, just revolting. Your arrogance, writing style, subject matter, personality, and general opinions (if you can call them that) are repugnant. Your attack on Brian Frank was not necessary and proved that you, not him are the immature one. Nothing you could say could ever redeem yourself, you sunk totally by the rubbish you wrote. Brian was merely adding his opinion! You somehow found it threatening and responded by calling him stupid? I too have found Windows ME to be totally Sh1tfull. Worthless. Haru said somewhere that an OS is as good as how you install it? Perhaps he was under some narcotic influence when he wrote that.
There are only a few ways to install Windows ME. The 'tweaking' is done after the install. I challenge both of you, to install Win Me, without any Internet connection whatsoever and run it for 3 months using a large variety of programs. If it crashes once you will have to admit your foolishness. Franks opinion that an OS should not be tweaked to be a good OS is valid. Without access to the many updates available for ME on Microsoft’s update site and with no tweaking, ME is a phucking useless pile of **** .
The majority of people who use it have little computer knowledge; in fact that is Microsoft’s target consumer audience. So these are the people who suffer the problems with this woeful OS. Your arguments are unrealistic, flaccid and somewhat boring to read.
- Card


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Cardinal as much as you try to sound educated, I know have twice your educational level, so you can stop with the politically correct polite garbage. It's funny, you guys complain about Win Me and not having an internet connection and all this. Now you are all mad at me cuz' I "rub it in your face". LOL! Yeah like Win Me is meant to not have an internet connection so you can't update it. Please! I'm not being rude, just using GOOD COMMON SENSE! If you don't know what you are doing then get off the computer! THAT SIMPLE! Would you want somebody fixing your car, who can't even "figure it out"? Get a life! This is the REAL WORLD buddy, so get used to the sarcasticness. Where do you live? In UTOPIA? Obviously not CPU Utopia cause you have too many problems. LOL! If you have a problem be specific so we can all help out, don't go ranting and raving about how polite we are. You think the people who change our world all really that polite? Get a life, man! Yeah, like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are real polite. How many times have they been quoted saying stuff like, "Get this bullshit out of my face" when being presented with an idea. LOL! Go back to politically correct Utopiaville loser and let real techies run this world. It's not about how polite you are, but your level of skill. Who cares if you can kiss my *** all nice and not fix it. I just want soemthing fixed and the guy can joke around and dog on me all he wants. It's called self-confidence and if you don't have any then sorry! Daddy must have beaten it out of you or something! Go fix your Win Me install! If you don't have an internet connection then how the hell you place a reply here. Sounds like some of you are just lazy to me. Hey, stop eating that donut!


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Narcotic influence huh? Well, you think what you want. Did you read the rest of my post? I described in detail what i meant by that, and it is in fact a very intelligent and helpful piece of advice.
Cardinal, i don't attack people on this board unless i am personally attacked myself. If i made personal comments to you or brian, they were most definately provoked prior to my remarks. I believe this thread should've ended after my long post on page 2 where brian replied with something that was acceptable and neither of us said anything until JJ. My points have been more than supported in detail, and ive done it in a professional way. My posts were more of a general look on uses of all OSes, WinMe included. Before any flaming continues, i encourage you to re-read, and maybe re-analyze what was said in my previous posts. WinMe, just like every other OS has its uses. That's the bottom line. If you, or anyone else can't accept that, then truly you have proven yourselves to be too narrowminded for me to even bother wasting my time explaining myself.
Just to let you know, I've been running ME on ONE of my FIVE machines at home since the day of its release. I don't know what compelled me to buy it, but i did, and i found it to be a great gaming OS. So, i believe that is longer than the 3 month test you wanted. And, of course it has locked up, but not nearly as much as Win98.


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Yeah like I would have to redeem myself to you Cardinal. Like you can really "pull my salary" and/or "hold a match" to my educational level. LOL! Keep trying loser!
Hey, tell me how you can't get Win Me to work right again, so I can laugh at your repugnant wannabe *** ! Anyway, you stuck your nose in now it gonna get bloodied! I'm cool, but I don't have time for people who are crass, stuck up, and say everything is stupid because they have personal computer skill level issues they need to work out! Oh help, Win Me sucks so bad! Please, help me, help me! Just say you suck and then say help me! You might get some help that way. Hey, my Ferrari's broke! Maybe I should say, it sucks too! LOL! I'll just have it re-tuned again by somebody who knows what they are doing. Since Ferrari's have so much engine trouble they suck bad too! Yeah. they are worthless...or maybe it's just that they are high performance and therefore need high maintenance by qualifed knowledgeable people. Relate this to your issue man! Good luck!