Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

I bought the promo upgrade to ME from Win98 only. TONS of problems. Tried a clean install, still problems. More crashes than 98, more blue screens. When I found out that Win2k supported all my apps except for a few dos games, I jumped ship.

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I bought the promo upgrade to ME from Win98 only. TONS of problems. Tried a clean install, still problems. More crashes than 98, more blue screens. When I found out that Win2k supported all my apps except for a few dos games, I jumped ship.
Another thing that irritated me was that stupid movie maker-which I have no use for and could not uninstall. Microsoft sure has some balls to force stuff on that you cant uninstall. That and the countless problems. Did I mention problems were rampant...I dont remember since its been a while since I converted to 2000. I know you cant pick and choose 2000 components, but with ME considering it was an upgrade to the 9x line, I foolishly thought that Microsuck would allow you to pick and choose what you wanted on YOUR COMPUTER. Maybe Im wrong here, but personally I dont need this company "...anticipating consumers needs." If MS pulls this sort of BS on WinXP, Linux may get a jump on MS.
One thing I dont like already is MS .NET strategy dealing with subscription based OSes. I personally think that a one time fee ought to be enough. For some people, this may be the greatest thing since sliced bread, but this could cause some major issues. Just look at the security patches MS is dealing out like cards. Little mistakes like this could be even greater with the .NET strategy.
Im not happy with MS right now. Win2k is the best OS theyve put out, but the way theyre going support for it is gonna be dropped in 2 years or less.

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Hhhhmm... Install and make it run correctly without an internet connection? Well ive been runnin WinMe since RTM, had it WAY before it hit the store shelves, and have yet to venture to the microsoft's update site. Even to see what updates where availible. Have no reason too, everything runs- A.O.K. Nothing locks up here and I abuse my system ten times more then most people! How many people do you know that has a system running the agp bus at well over 100MHz - The FSB at 157MHz+ on a BX chipset super stable!?!?!? Hhmmppfff! If anything, I should be having the lockups and problems.
The only time I remember having a BSOD is when I had a badly scratched disk that the CD-Rom was having difficulty reading, tried to take it out while it was trying to read it and got a dirty cd error BSOD, not the os's fault the CD was badly scratched. Other then that, no stablility problems, even running super high, out of spec buss speeds.
I'm not trying to put WinMe in the light but it just boggles my mind that someone could have so many problems with it. Come on now, tell the *truth* guys, hehe. You guys installed it by upgrading from a previous OS that was already cluster phucked with all your apps, games, whatever and was just to lazy to reinstall everything when your current OS was already due for a clean install and just popped the WinMe Cd in and upgraded without a clean install and won't cop to it.


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While I differ on the opinions with HarU, at least he's civil about this.
I personally dont like ME.
JJ32, I dont know if you only pay attention to the fact that I dont like ME or what, but please dont rub my face in the dirt just because MY OPINION does not match YOUR OPINION.
I know full well I dont have the education of an IT tech.
You would do well to note that there are other guys with plenty of tech knowledge here, but their not going "You have stupid opinions and you are a complete moron."
I dont want to start another thread like Jdulmage did, but apparently character assaissination is not out of bounds.
[This message has been edited by Brian Frank (edited 27 March 2001).]


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I don't care if your opinion varies Brian, that is what keeps us unique. No I'm not Superman or Supernerd or something. Realize computers aren't calculators and that you are going to have issues. A matter of fact next time you install something....EXPECT TO HAVE ISSUES...and then get happy when you don't. This is the essence of real computing today, if you messed with them long enough. Yup, someday they will be perfect...BUT IT SURE AINT GONNA BE TODAY..AND I CAN BET YOU AINT GONNA BE UNTIL WE HAVE ABOUT 50-60 YEARS IN PERSONAL COMPUTING. I'LL BE THE OLD MAN DEAD IN MY CHAIR FROM PLAYING THE FUTURE VERSION OF UT OR IT'S COUNTERPART BY THE TIME YOU CAN REALISTICALLY EXPECT TO HAVE TROUBLE FREE COMPUTING.


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I dont think we'll see any "trouble-free" computing. There will always be one thing in just one instance that an OS will have problems. Good thing we dont program people with an OS. CPUs do caluclate, so they could be consider a very,very,very expensive calculator, but thats just scratching the surface of the cpu.
XP is an exciting development minus one issue that has a lot of people steamed--the activation code. Other than that, the betas seem very good.
Im not trying to start a war here, but when I eventually shut up, it would be well of all of us to have fair warning that any OS will have problems. Show me a perfect OS, and I'll guarantee its not. No matter how hard MS or any company may try, there will be flaws. Most of the time there will be a little issue here or there, but for the most part there's nothing critical.
ME does run better on a clean install.
For me, I thought it would be better than it turned out to be. Maybe I hyped it up too much and thus a big letdown.
Although I turned this feature off, the System Restore is a good idea, but despite the fact that it does have a controllable amount for the size, it would be nice to see MS find a way to backup settings without using a good size of space. Yeah, I know you can get an 81 GB hard drive, but Im a miser on hard drive space--okay a control freak.
I think hyping up a product and then having problems, not necessarily huge problems, but ones enough to turn off people, even small issues, hurts the product.
XP's biggest flaw it seem is the activation code. ME's biggest problem was the backwards compatability wasnt so backwards compatible after all. Win2ks biggest problem is the support of all vendors when compared to Win9x.
I go with whats less problematic for ME. ME is the most stable, so Ive heard with the full version. Well I bought the promo, and didnt like it. I also didnt like Win2k, and I though MS going to the NT code for all OS's was a big mistake. Not now, I really thing its for the best, although I do think that MS should slow down its OS cycle. Linux doesnt move this fast.
Its really of what OS gives YOU the least trouble. Whatever floats your boat.


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I nuked WinME off my system. It would always fuk up. Now i'm running WinXP and Redhat 7.1b. The biggest problem i had with WinME was that after installing a linux distro WinME would refuse to boot, so i'd end up reinstalling WinME. The only thing i liked about WinME was the quick boot time, thats it. oh yeah, it don't take brains to be in the IT business, anyone can do it. The real brainy people are the software, network, and computer engineers.


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Vampyr, as far as winme not booting after dual boot, which os did you install first? Im just curious, cuz i can get them to dual boot....if you were interested in help, let me know. The hardest part is booting off the linux cd to get into a command line, and from there, you must edit the lilo.conf file. But, no big deal, i just thought i would help if ya wanted it.


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Ive had no problems with 9x and Linux.
Ive done a triple-boot with Win2k/ME and Linux Mandrake 7.x with no problems. Make sure the Grub bootloader or LILO bootloard is installed and just edit that if you wanted ME to boot first. Unless there's something in Red Hat specifically thats the problem, it should work. Linux is great in a dual boot situation, because I dont have to devote quite as much space to it as Windows, so I dont have to have duplicate files of the same thing on the Linux partition.


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"oh yeah, it don't take brains to be in the IT business, anyone can do it"
Vampyr- You make me laugh kid, would you care to have a knowledge battle. Please, don't trivialize something which is beyond your scope of comprehension, It shows your ignorance. Also, if you want to degrade somebody or something it helps if you use proper grammar and spelling, it adds to your credibility. I guess double negatives impress no one.
Now my opinion of ME is: If you uninstall MediaPlayer 7 it is more stable then 9x ever was, out of the box that is.
Brian- Linux is open source man it moves as fast as its developers(which is everyone). As a matter of fact you can build your own distro of linux if you want.
P.S. Vampyr if you need help getting your linux distro to work right drop me a line and I can help you.
[This message has been edited by Moniker (edited 28 March 2001).]


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I got my linux distro to work perfectly. WinME would sorta boot... it would start to load but as soon as it initialized my USB devices it would either a) just sit there or


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Im not up and with it on the command line...never liked to go into dos. That probably explains why I prefer the KDE interface more than, say, Sawmill.
Yeah, I know about Open Source. Im just not knowledgable enough on Linux to be able to compile my own kernel. Thats something Im gonna have to do some more research on. Kinda scary to me.
I really know diddly squat about Linux in the grand scheme of things.


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all i have to say is.....JJ32, STOP USING CAPS YOU DUMB MOTHERFU*CKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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A lil late here, and not one to keep the argument going heh, but Brian, yeah, I agree with you too. ME sucks.
The extra features it adds to 98 are simply not worth it. Its bloated and slow. hmm.. kinda like 98 to 95 - and thats why I run 95 on my laptop (not enough RAM for 2K. :-().
2K is by far the best Windows OS to date (IMO), and after getting used to the new 'fancy' bits of Whistler, I can see it being even more surpreme...
...hey... anyone else hear that 2K is now being used more in business (for servers) then UNIX? hehe.. just thought I'd throw that in there.


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LOL! We have another genius in the club. Anyway, DO YOU LIKE THE CAPS EDDIE MAKER? HUH? HUH? Yeah, you guys get all pissed. LOL! Kick back. Swear some of you guys are on crank or something! LOL! Use your head and "figure it out". Why make everything so hard? LOL! Like I said, it's Win Me. How hard can it be really?
Duh, everyone knows that Win 2k is many ways a superior OS to Win Me. Why do you think MS it using it as it's successor in XP? Like it takes a REAL GENIUS to figure it out.
According to you guys, I'm an idiot anyway and don't know what I'm talking about. I'm so sorry "MASTERS". Hey, don't get all mad now! LOL! Damn, I'm about to start puking from laughing so hard! LOL! LOL! What are you guys trying to accomplish here really?
The real question here is "Why does Win Me suck"? From what I read it's because you can't get it "work" stably. It's like someone said earlier about one's abilities.
You have two mechanics. One working on car A and the other on car B. Mechanic on car A can't get it to run, so he says "I can't get it to work, therefore this car sucks". Mechanic B says, "It works great for me. Why are you having so much trouble?" Mechanic A responds, "I don't know, it is because of my parts!" Mechanic B says, "Hmmmm....why is it I can get it to work? Why do all my cars work?" Mechanic A says, "It's my car, it's not me. I just don't understand. If I use these parts on the other car (Win 2k) it works. I don't know why, so my car that doesen't work (Win Me) sucks." Mechanic B (JJ) thinks, "LOL, I have built 20 something cars with all different part configurations. Why don't I have these problems? Why can't mechanic A (the other guys) get it to work?" Mechanic A then says, "Who cares, I will just use my other car (Win 2k) it's faster anyway." Mechanic B (JJ) responds, "Isn't the other car (Win 2k) inherently faster anyway. " Mechanic A says, "Yeah, since it's faster screw that damn other car (Win ME). It sucks. I can't get it to work, therefore it sucks." Mechanic B says, "My car (Win Me) doesen't suck. As a matter os fact I have built over 20 of them that work just fine. It must be you." Mechanic A has a sissy fit and wanders off shaking his head saying that Mechanic B doesen't know what he is talking about and ignores.
Moral to the story: It's sad, but one would believe that the issue really lied in Mechanic A's abilities. Or should we dare say....INABILITIES?
**Relate this to your issue guys**
**Oh yeah, hate on me I love it. **


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The one thing you might want to realize is that I bought the promo upgrade the DAY it was released. Therefore, there wouldve been no patches yet to fix the problems anyway.
Thats a good car analogy, JJ32.
I try to keep up with patches and such, especially my antivirus updates.
Norton AV 2k would install and scan, but it wouldnt scan when schedualed, and I had to manually scan it myself.
ME shouldve been less trouble than 98, but it really turned into my not liking it.


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I also bought Win Me the day it came out and upgraded Win 98 SE (Win 98 SE was fully upgraded before the Win Me installations) on 5 systems that day with the promo edition with no issues. I don't know. All I can say is good luck. Win Me only sucks I guess, if it doesen't work on your system. Me, I'd stick it at it all day if I had to figure it out, but that's just me. I'm relentless! No OS conquers me!
Ok, must have been my personality disorder acting up again, sorry. Sometimes, I think I am King JJ the master technician....or do I know I am? Hmmm.....
Human persistence conquers bad do you want it today?
Don't quit just because it makes it hard.....strangle that OS and your system till it works....HOW YOU WANT IT TO WORK!
Mess with it long enough and you will eventually get to the bottom of the issue.
Oh yeah, Win Me is not the best OS, but it far from sucks!


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hmm..actually parts DO matter...I'm no expert, but I've done my share of OS installations, everything from Linux to BeOS. I know for some pc's installation will go smoothly while other pc's will put up a fight. I think mostly it's hardware related and really dependant on the compatilibility of these hardwares. I have some machinese that run flawlessly without BSOD and that's running Win98, but the hardware is usually above average, then I have had cheapo pc's crash every now and then. So it's like saying I'm putting a 350HP engine in my Ford Pinto and it will break. Get it?
Anyways, just my 2 cents...


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The only reason why i thought winme blew monkey chunks was because it basically didn't do what i wanted it to do. I do a fare bit of audio recording, (and no, not lamer mp3 editing and such) i mean real audio recording. WinME just wasn't able to handle it. I'd get buffer underruns, audio dropouts, and frequent lockups. WinME would choke up as soon as I had 3 or more audio programs open at the same time (cakewalk, soundforge, rebirth, reason, wavelab). The point is, for me, winme sucks but for another person (eg AOL user) WinME might be the best thing since sliced bread.


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JJ, you go on about other ppls lack of abilities, but how do you know that!? were you there at the time? no.
If you were, maybe you would have had the same problems, who knows. You can't judge other ppl just because it SEEMS that they can't do something that you can.
Just because you get a car to run fine over someone else with the same car, doesnt mean one person is less able then another. NO car is the same! even if it is the same model. Any mechanic will tell you that... and I should know, my Dads one.
Different parts, glitches in the manurfacturing process to different hardware in the PC. No two are truly alike.
So we have a difference of opinion? so thats life, get over it. Think of it this way, if we all got ME running fine, you'd be out of a job.


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I got ME running fine the instability was caused by mediaplayer7. On some machines it does have some problems. Especially if you use any SiS chipsets it doesn't like onboard video that much. So I think the real issue is ME doesn't like inexpensive computer equipment. It was never intended to be an upgrade it was going to be an OEM and they weren't even going to release it for a little while. Hey and JJ someone isnt stupid becuase they dont understand this stuff.The only thing that means is, they dont know about computers. Judging someones intellegence based one one subject is rather immature, wouldnt you say? If everyone is dumb in your world then you need to open your bedroom door and go outside where the rest of the world functions. I mean I could probably ask you a few things about computers that you wouldn't know. Am I right? I dont want you to get all excited and think I'm flaming you. Just making suggestions.