Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

I bought the promo upgrade to ME from Win98 only. TONS of problems. Tried a clean install, still problems. More crashes than 98, more blue screens. When I found out that Win2k supported all my apps except for a few dos games, I jumped ship.

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I bought the promo upgrade to ME from Win98 only. TONS of problems. Tried a clean install, still problems. More crashes than 98, more blue screens. When I found out that Win2k supported all my apps except for a few dos games, I jumped ship.
Another thing that irritated me was that stupid movie maker-which I have no use for and could not uninstall. Microsoft sure has some balls to force stuff on that you cant uninstall. That and the countless problems. Did I mention problems were rampant...I dont remember since its been a while since I converted to 2000. I know you cant pick and choose 2000 components, but with ME considering it was an upgrade to the 9x line, I foolishly thought that Microsuck would allow you to pick and choose what you wanted on YOUR COMPUTER. Maybe Im wrong here, but personally I dont need this company "...anticipating consumers needs." If MS pulls this sort of BS on WinXP, Linux may get a jump on MS.
One thing I dont like already is MS .NET strategy dealing with subscription based OSes. I personally think that a one time fee ought to be enough. For some people, this may be the greatest thing since sliced bread, but this could cause some major issues. Just look at the security patches MS is dealing out like cards. Little mistakes like this could be even greater with the .NET strategy.
Im not happy with MS right now. Win2k is the best OS theyve put out, but the way theyre going support for it is gonna be dropped in 2 years or less.

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Responses to this topic


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Joined 2001-03-18
I installed and tried ME for weeks. But I couldn't resist to bugs and turn back to 98. Then I tried 2000, n I fall in a love with 2000. It was perfect. Only problem was, it was slower than me for games. At that time I was using a BX mobo. After I upgraded to AMD and via, I again installed ME . This time something was different?? firstly, 24 hours passed and I didn't have any problems. Then weeks and months, and still didn't have any problems. I don't understand this. It's so stable n fast. Only logical thing is ME works better with AMD, for me. U may say, hey probably u installed new drivers. yes I installed but, I was having problems with ME n BX mobo even after installion.
Now running XP , and I love nt core, but I want my hardware's speed, and I don't want unneccesary stuff working behind, eating my ram and cpu. The biggest dissapointment at XP for me is, I tried both pro n per, and Personal doesn't seem like a real personal version. It still has unneccary stupid protocols working behind. Yes, I can tweak, but why??? If I will tweak why there is personal version
[This message has been edited by oaydin (edited 10 April 2001).]


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Heheh, ME lasted on my computer for only 2 days. I mean ME has some good things to it but memory management in ME is terrible. An hour of regular computer use will leave my computer with 65% Resources left and 50 mb out of 512 mb Memory left. And then I can feel my computer chucking. I had to use Mem Turbo to reclaim all the memory. Finally, I got sick of ME and reinstalled Win2k. The reason I installed ME was because I wanted to play games and ME is better at supporting games than Win2k. Now, I don't really care anymore. At least I can play Counter-Strike and that is all I need. =) But I will have to see Windows XP when it come out.


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JJ like freakin' configures any basic azz Win Me machine.
Uh's like freakin' easy!
Uh yeah......Win ME not the best, but it works and does not suck!
Uh yeah........I need people like you guys to make my money.....................GOOD!
Idiot = Money.
Uh yeah.........tell smarty pants it's like freakin' tough so smarty pants can pay me...LOL!
You guys are too funny. HarU, you da' man!
Shi* was funny as hell! These guys get all freaked out over a couple of errors, panic, then bring their computer to me. I LOVE IT!
Oh yeah, so like what OS do you want to freakin' b*tch about today?
Get a life and get some skills buddies.
Hate on me. I love it!


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JJ thinks he's ub3r 1337.


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Joined 2000-05-20
Go here: and view the, "Every OS Sucks" video further down the main screen. It's way too cool for words.
"Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999
"Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001


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Apparently, we are all fighting a losing battle with you, JJ32. You seem to think that you know all there is to ME and computers---WELL YOU DONT!! It also seems that anyone who disagrees with you at all is obviously wrong. It also seems that we must have the same opinions you do, or we are all idiots.
Those of us who use Win2k out of preference over ME or 98, thats OUR choice. Some of us think that ME sucks for various reasons, that too is OUR choice. Nothings wrong with that.
But the biggest thing isnt over the OS choice, JJ32--it seems to be the fact that you are, for a lack of a better term, a jackass, sir. I hope that the admins will not allow this type of personal attacks and continuious belittling of others who do not share your opinions. I no doubt know you have more knowledge than myself, but their actually are other people that might know more than you. Some of them might be members of this forum. And they also dont make everyone else who doesnt know it all feel like an idiot.
I, for one, am getting very sick and very tired of your rants, sir.
Please do everyone here at the forum and either start being a help here and not being an attacker or shut the f*ck up and leave.


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Brian, chill out stresser! What did you do, take a few hits of crack buddy or what? Have I said you were an idiot lately? No! Damn man, you need some help both mentally and with computers. Could I recommend anger management and/or Com Sci 101? After you get a grip, you might start having some fun in life and not get your feelings hurt so much. Remind me of a damn Columbine kid that's all mad. Maybe you might like have a gun or something. Not my fault you got so many problems. I just think it's hilarious! LOL!
It's freakin' Win Me man. Like I said many times....HOW HARD CAN IT BE REALLY? Anyway, you take things too personally/seriously. Chill out, it's not my fault your schizo, or whatever. Lay off the crack man! Hey, good luck really. You are the man! Feel better?


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LOL! Yeah Brian, check out that video from Dead Trolls (given by deadcat) and you will get REAL IRRITATED after you realize what you did. No defense from that! Anyway, good luck, kid! You are the master technician, cause every OS sucks! LOL! Keep practicing. Whenever you decide to quit, let me know, and I will come in and take care of it for ya! Just ask. Good luck. Remember every OS sucks, OK?


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Yeah, I saw both videos posted. I laughed at that Metallica video. Im sure the other "Every OS sucks" was funny for some although I didnt get it.
I dont know about taking hits though, maybe valium would be nice too.
It just feels like you have this thing about thinking those of us who are offened by ME are idiots, and it seems to have fallen on others besides myself.


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I also appreciate the fact that many people dont have clue about their computer, so even the simplest things like putting in a stick of ram will be good money for computer biz.
Im not as familiar with all OSes, but ME did push me the wrong way. Im not saying eveyone that uses it is wrong for using it, if it works for you, go for it. ME works for you great, more power too you. It definitely is faster than Win2k on the same machine as I have set up a dual boot with 2k and ME, but I dont use ME that much. I really dont know why I havent sold it yet, but I still have my promo upgrade. I guess I still keep it around just for the limited dos it provides.
I still like some of the old dos games, like duke nukem 3d, and unless XP can run a dos emulator, I dont see the point for that. ME does have some uses, but some things are really stupid. Like being able to control your refridgerator, gimme a break, although that would be funny, now that I think about it.
ME just rubbed me the wrong way. I figure since Ive got it on my dummy system, if I tweak something that I shouldnt or other, so what, Ive only installed Windows a zillion times.
For me, I'll play around with ME, but I dont think the little extra speed it gives is worth it to me for the headaches.
I still like to dual boot for the heck of it.
Somethings are worth the work put into them for me, and ME was one of them.
Id really like to see a refridgerator that comes with drivers for a computer. Thats funny.


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I would like an OS that can control my appliances. That way, I can dual boot between my fridge and stove.


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the most unstable OS i have ever used. the very first time i connected onto the internet it crashed on me.


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JJ32, are all of use who dont like ME computer illerate here?
And please explain MS logic by the controlling of appliances by the OS.
Oh, wait a minute, its MS getting closer to world tion! *smack forehead*


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Ugh...yeah whatever. I'm so tired of fixing everyone's computer lately. Damn headaches. They ask the stupidest things, but at least they pay. I get them somehow in the end! For example, this guy goes out and buys 6 gateway PIII w/ win 98 se and as soon as they arrive, he decides he wants WIn 2k. Fully updated and implemented into his POS network. Ugh....he should have just ordered WIn 2k to start from Gateway. NOw he is mad cause I could have built him 12 machines better than what he got from Gateway. LOL! He didn't even get monitors. Why are people so ignorant? Computers dominate our lives, but jesus please I'm living in a nightmare with these idiot wannabees. ANyway, don't take it personally I'm just venting a day's frustraion and tiredness.


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I just helped someone with an HP Pavillion, and that thing is cramped. Their one HP was going bad, so HP tech support couldnt fix it and sent them a new one. They got a stick of 128 MB when they originally bought the thing and didnt want to ship the bad pc AND the ram back to hp. HP must really not want you to get to the ram, because I had to take out the drives and the drive cage just to get to the ram, so you pretty much have to disassemble the entire PC just to get to one little component.
Of course there will always be those who complain no matter what you do. Have a few beers or a when you get off work.


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Why are people so ignorant? Because nobody has the time or inclination to be good at everything they have to do in their respective lives. That's why they pay professionals to help them out. That is why there IS a service industry. Being frustrated I can see, but you have a major tendency to look down on everyone that you supposedly contract for. Why is that? If you don't like it, then do something else.


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Clutch is right, JJ32. You havent posted too much here, and at least half your posts are bashing on someone in part. And Im not talking about in this post right here either. Im not gonna say I know everything, cuz I know I dont know half of all of it. I do know that we cant all do everything perfectly. Thats what gives us all jobs.
Feel free to come and help us out, as you seem to be a man of knowledge when it comes to computers, but please leave your frustrations with others outside the door.
[This message has been edited by Brian Frank (edited 14 April 2001).]


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Here we go again. Look, did I say you guys were idiots? Did I say I didn't like computers? NO! All's I said was most people are ignorant when it comes to computers? Did I say you were ignorant? NO! You guys here all smoke crack. I swear it. All mad and PO'ed at the world. I was tired yesterday from dealing with people and their damn legacy machines. Those suck. Anyway, setting up Win 3.1 and 95 is a waste of time in today's world especially when they could just upgrade, but are too afraid that their users might see something different. Anyway, I'm just b*tchin here, so I better go before I start growin' t*tties (breasts) too! I can do almost anything, but it's not the computers that fight me, it's their owner's stubborness. Yeah, yeah I better go now. Have a few drinks guys (like 3 a day) to lighten up. Damn stressers.


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Hey, dude, we're not attacking you. We're just saying, yeah, most non-computer users are "stupid" in the pc world in general, but just keep those guys out of the mix here.
I'd be very ticked too after what you just went through.
Look, a couple of years ago, it was the "stupid computer" that was screwing me up...well, that can also be today too. Now its "Okay, now whats the problem so I can fix it and get on with life?"
I can understand having someone who doesnt have a clue how much it takes to get one computer going, much less 12, and then be expected to get everything going that instant. A lot of people dont realize how much time it will take to make sure that the computer will run properly in the first place, but they figure they can tell you how to do your job. Anyone who tells you how to do your job and doesnt have a clue how to do it are the biggest idiots.
End mindless rant with no purpose...