APK or whoever can help me

This is a discussion about APK or whoever can help me in the Slack Space category; ok i am using win2k for the first time! and i was looking for tweaks that can make this thing go faster, can someone lead me in the right direction and i have another question, i have an 80 gig drive, and i split it up in 3 partions, and i was going to duel boot, and leae the 3rd partion for music/games/etc and on ...

Slack Space 1613 This topic was started by , . Last reply by ,


3 Posts
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Joined 2001-09-29
ok i am using win2k for the first time! and i was looking for tweaks that can make this thing go faster, can someone lead me in the right direction
and i have another question, i have an 80 gig drive, and i split it up in 3 partions, and i was going to duel boot, and leae the 3rd partion for music/games/etc and on that one, it was going to be FAT32, and i installed win2k in NTFS, can i accesss the music and games in that file system....can anyone help me

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3 Posts
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Joined 2001-09-29
thanks APK! yeah thats me from 3dfiles/hardware-pacers *remember i was with you during that whole stupid debacle at the hp board!* and i still back you up. thanks alot


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Quote:3 years later now,Uhhh. APK. Ars Technica's message boards haven't been running for three years. You couldn't have issued us this challenge three years ago, even if you wanted to.


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Two years?
Can you not count?
You first posted at Ars Technica on 20th November, 2000.
That isn't even 1 year ago.
Sent any nice e-mails recently?
I notice that your IP address (66.67.71.X) is the same as sent me this charming little e-mail:

Quote:Return-Path: <phuqu@youfaggot.com>
Delivered-To: peter@inkvine.fluff.org
Received: from mailout6.nyroc.rr.com (mailout6-1.nyroc.rr.com [])
by inkvine.fluff.org (Postfix) with ESMTP id C23D246825
for <peter@inkvine.fluff.org>; Sat, 29 Sep 2001 21:16:13 +0100 (BST)
Received: from win32 (syr-66-67-71-X.twcny.rr.com [66.67.71.X])
by mailout6.nyroc.rr.com (8.11.6/Road Runner 1.12) with SMTP id f8TKFBH14344
for <peter@inkvine.fluff.org>; Sat, 29 Sep 2001 16:15:12 -0400 (EDT)
From: phuqu@youfaggot.com
Message-ID: <1001780159@win32>
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 16:15:58 -0400
Subject: Hi there butt-pumping homo
To: peter@inkvine.fluff.org
You miserable done nothing with your life little homo, you little losers are nothing in this field, and nothing in life
I hope you catch aids you ****ed up mistake of nature. That is what homos are, freaks of nature and everyone
who talks to you? From now on, realize this: It is what they think of you, you genetic error! Damaged goods that
likes dicks and is a man

Ring any bells?


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Quote:Originally posted by AlecStaar
Not at all... I don't know what that email's about for one thing, & anyone can spoof an IP or send mail off an anonymous email server PeterB! Not TOO hard is it??
Spoofing an IP address doesn't do a blind thing to help for forging e-mail. There's the inconvenient issue of SMTP requiring a series of messages to be passed between client and server in order to send the mail; the problem with using a spoofed IP to do this is that the server will return packets not to the spoofing machine, but instead to the machine it believes it's communicating with -- namely, the one with the IP address being spoofed.

Quote:(Especially on Linux boxes... lookup IPMasquerading! If in fact, that is the truth at all!)
Ah, but IPMasq works quite differently. The translation is transparent to the server, which communicates only with the machine originating the message; it's up to the router at the client end to make sense of it all. Not applicable in this case.

There's the additional issue of acquiring your IP address (it's not particularly difficult, true, but that's only because I knew what I was looking for), and then a question of motive.

Quote:Nope... you guys STILL follow me around, bugging me, posting libellous things about me on your forums, to this day in fact PeterB! The URL above shows it. Grow up you folks have problems PeterB...
Which URL shows what? All I've shown is an e-mail which coincidentally originated from the same IP address as you happen to be posting from, and demonstrated that your claim of "3 years", and your revised claim of "2 years" is factually inaccurate.


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I replaced the final octet of your IP address (and its DNS equivalent) with an X; it was the line I emboldened, as well you know.


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Quote:Originally posted by AlecStaar
Read my post above, why do you people from ars CONTINUALLY bother me for?

For over a year now on your site & others... why?

November 2000 is your first post. Let's pretend, for the sake of argument, that you posted on the first of November.
December 2000.
January 2001.
February 2001.
March 2001.
April 2001.
May 2001.
June 2001.
July 2001.
August 2001.
September 2001.

At most, 11 months. Which is not "over a year". It's not even "a year".

Quote:One of your members threatened my life before... that took the cake!
And you have said that you hope I die of AIDS....

Quote:Hey, If I upset you all? Is that my fault??
I don't think anyone is upset at you. Bemused, yes, but not upset.

Quote:I only issued a challenge you have not met... Yet, you continually libel me. At your site, & others.
Libel? Where? Your software is second-rate, buggy, and of no value. That's not libel. It's informed opinion.

Quote:You put down my work, I said "do better",
One doesn't have to "do better" in order to point out the flaws in your own software.

Quote:& I am still waiting for that to happen!
You're in for a long wait. There's nothing productive in writing GUI front-ends to perfectly good command-line tools.

Quote:Yes, I can see that might upset folks I can see that, in front of their own in their own house no less... but I did not start it now, did I?
Er, yes, you did, by drawing attention to your own second-rate tools in the first place.

Quote:I only finished it with a challenge, as yet, unmet!
And it won't ever be met. Because one does not have to meet your challenge to point out that hard-coded paths are bad. To point out that your UIs completely disregard the Windows UI guidelines. To point out that your programs are merely front-ends for perfectly functional (and oftentimes more capable) command-line tools.

Quote:* You do this as you are now, over a LONG period & at multiple sites, your presence here only shows more of it PeterB/DrPizza??

P.S.=> I am the guy at your forums, just to let you know? Who often mentions it should stop! One of them at least... apk
Uh huh. Which guy, hmm? 'cos I'm looking at the IP addresses of the people who've posted, and I don't see yours anywhere.


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Quote:Originally posted by AlecStaar
Do better, & then call it 2nd rate, that's all I ever said in response to your forum's members putting it down!
I know you said it. We all said "so what?". We can see the flaws with your own software. We don't need to write our own to point these flaws out. Even someone who didn't know the first thing about /writing/ software could see the obvious /mistakes/ your software contains (or at least, did the last time I used it... things like hard-coded paths in batch files).

Quote:* Just do better & prove your point! Real short & sweet... that way?
I do not need to write anything to prove that you use hard-coded paths.
I do not need to write anything to prove that you violate the UI guidelines at every opportunity.
I do not need to write anything to prove that your software can, and does, generate runtime errors.

Quote:You don't have to try libel me etc. all over the web like you do & are doing here right now! Right??
Where, precisely, have I libelled you?


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Quote:Originally posted by AlecStaar
Yup, easy to put down folks work, but when faced with a challenge? You did not live up to it... did you? OR, better yet... could you?? Evidently not!
Er... no. That I haven't done something does not mean I could not. I _haven't_ jumped off a cliff. That doesn't mean that I _couldn't_. You would do well to distinguish the two.

Quote:But, you keep at me don't you PeterB? Why is that??
It provides some amusement.

Quote:Truth from me must have hurt... Funniest part is? You're the ones making it the truth, & your coming here bugging me more only shows it...
I merely posted to correct an outright lie that you made -- that you presented your challenge more than three years ago. That's not even close to the truth.

Quote:Of course you said "so what" about doing a better one... you can't apparently!
Do not confuse "do not want to" for "cannot".

Quote:An easy comeback for a pack of cheap shot artists & nuts who follow me around online harassing me as you are now!)
I merely corrected an error that you made.

Quote:Yea, My software was lousy alright...

Quote:Lousy enough work on my part single handedly to make 5-5 star ratings at ZDNet for over a year last year, & hold a top 10 spot with Microsoft & Symantec products!
Uh huh. Holding its own against TweakUI. Well golly! The program that sports one of the poorest UIs in the world and does nothing other than change perhaps a hundred registry settings. Golly gosh. Such worthy competition.

I prefer writing things that haven't been written before, and have no simple substitute.

Quote:So, where's yours? BIG TALK no action, PeterB... hard at work!
Why would I wish to write such a thing? I only write applications that I wish to use myself. I don't wish to use any "APK Tools"-style applications.

Quote:No, but you should try to beat it since you put it down so much... that was all I ever asked! Alot of Ars talk, no action!
I can put something down, with perfectly legitimate criticisms, without writing something equivalent.

Quote:Microsoft also (NEWSFLASH PETERB) also makes patches & corrections... try write something & put it online, the greatest testbed ever, & see how easy it is to do, ok?
I have done.

Quote:Violating interface guidelines? What about ZoneAlarm or WinAmp??
What about them?

Quote:LOL, besides, that's YOUR opinion! I reserve interface creativity rights as the artist creating it! At least I created something folks like alot PeterB!
So does AOL. Doesn't make their product worth using.

Quote:Try it yourself sometime... see how it is. But, then... I asked you to do that over a year back now...
No, not over a year. A bit under 11 months ago.

Quote:no results to this day! Just alot of harassment all over the web by your members & now, as evidenced by your doing this? You again!
I only sought to correct your error. The rest of the ranting and raving was initiated by you.

Quote:PeterB, come on... what about pushing me down the stairs? Tons of other spots at your forums, all anyone has to do is search APK there & see how you people are!
Er.... I didn't say anything about pushing you down the stairs. I said that "[APK is] fun. In a 'pushing a mongoloid down the stairs' kind of a way". I'm likening the amusement garnered from your antics to that which might be obtained from pushing retards down flights of stairs -- rather cruel.

I have nowhere libelled you.


1117 Posts
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Joined 2000-01-23
Gentlemen.... can you please take this elsewhere?


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Quote:Originally posted by AlecStaar
PeterB, do as you feel like... I just cannot believe you guys did as much posting about me putting me down like you have at your forums when you know I did a decent body of work out online!
On the contrary. We've seen what you have to offer -- we don't like it. We think it's technically flawed. We've explained why, giving detailed information about the bugs in the program.

Quote:Pete, not everyone gets that 5-5 rating... it's not easy!
It can't be that hard....

Quote:You probably COULD do it, but talking about it & not living up to your words? Well, that's my point Pete!
The stuff I write -- the stuff I enjoy writing, the stuff people ask me to write, the stuff people pay me to write -- wouldn't get 0/5 at ZDNet. Not because it's not well-written, not because it doesn't do what I (or someone else) wants it to do -- but simply because it's not the kind of thing that's useful to the general populace.

Quote:PeterB, I would've figured you (above all of them @ Arstechnica) as being cooler than that...

Quote:If you're gay or not as DosFreak told me you were (and I don't care about that, I am straight but one of my best friends is) I still consider you the best one at that site technically! Why you hang there? Sometimes amazes me... honestly!
Because it's full of people who know what they're talking about, such as the person who posts as jeh at 2cpu.com.

Quote:So, nitpick my timelines... Shoot me for it! lol... come on PeterB, that's a moot point!
It was the only point I was attempting to make, until you started on about IP spoofing and your pathetic "challenge".

Quote:Don't confuse "SHOW ME YOU CAN" with just talking about it... proof is in the deed, not the saying you can!
No. This is not true. Proving that your applications have bugs does not require me to write my own application.

Quote:And, against Symantec SystemWorks 2000 also... don't shortchange me! Better than a non-existent one, eh? Show me... show me you or yours can do better, that's all!
I don't need to write an application to do those things better. The tools provided with Windows 2000 do the job better already.

Quote:Pete, listen... believe me, I have written alot bigger systems & I think you know that! BUT, I only said that in challenge to your putting it down, & am still waiting for you all to show me you can backup your words!
We've backed up our words by pointing out where the bugs in your software lie.

Quote:Instead of following me around, like some insane fanclub or something... one that harasses me online @ multiple sites repeatedly as you do on your own site, searching "APK" was a funny thing to see for me not too long ago!
It's hilarious to see someone go off the deep-end quite so spectacularly as yourself.

Quote:That only tells me I really GOT TO YOU ALL, with a simple truth: You can talk alot, about me & others... but when it comes RIGHT DOWN TO IT? Nothing in the way of facing a challenge is done by you all & none of you has the sack to put it out online to see how it is in the greatest/largest testbed of all: Online users!
Hardly. I wouldn't trust them to gauge, for instance, how well-written a piece of software was. And I don't believe that they hold software to the same exacting standards as I do.

Quote:And lastly? To be rated better than mine was... 12mb worth of code in 30 separate applications integrated by a command center system, that was perfect rated by ZDNet all of last year & never below 15 on the top 50 chart against 1000's of programs in its class...
12 Mbytes of code to do what Windows 2000 can do natively?


Quote:Microsoft & Symantec were there with me in the same classification in fact, in the top 10 most of the year with my work.
Microsoft's worst utility (bar none) ranks as highly as the cream of your work. Further proof of the lack of discrimination amongst the typical 'net user.

Quote:You do better than that? I rest my case there. Show me... If you do, I'd be the FIRST to congratulate you man, honestly! Only rib I'd give you is: "TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!", lol... and that would be kidding/ribbing only!
But why would I want to? Like I said, I only write software that I want (or that someone's going to pay me to write). And I neither want nor need an application of the same ilk as your application.

Quote:Tell that to AOL users that love it... you operate TOO much on your opinion as being the "ONLY" one... like many of your cohorts @ Arstechnica.com do!
AOL has many *technical* flaws that are *objectively* problematic. The worst example is their .ART graphic recompression.

Quote:Shame on you PeterB... nitpicking is beneath you... lol, or is it?
It's quite a big bloody nit. You'd be pretty upset if you were only given 11 months' pay instead of 3 years' worth, wouldn't you? It's not an insignificant difference.

Quote:What ranting is that? I only stated facts!
False. You claimed it has been more than three years, then more than two years, then more than one year since you offered your challenge. It hasn't been one of these. It has been under 11 months.

Quote:PeterB, come on... stop this already, OK? Your being here & doing this in the first place is bad enough!

Secondly, anyone can seach "APK" at your forums? And see that you guys even to this day over a year now, are STILL hounding me... and doing worse! Stop already... you look pretty bad!
Uh huh. I think it's more likely that they'll see that you couldn't argue your way out of a paper bag.


40 Posts
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Joined 2000-10-22
I have the greatest respect for the members here and this board. Arstechnica is also a good site. Gentlemen please leave this alone. Alec I have no problem with your work(in fact I'd like to have some of your programming talents). Dr Pizza I don't know any work that you have done other than stuff from ARS; but the point is this has become personal and not objective BY EITHER PARTY. Just agree to disagree and leave it at that...isn't that what makes America great anyway?


1117 Posts
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Joined 2000-01-23
enough is enough man - you're being inflammatory again, and as long as YOU keep bringing it up, this thread is never gonna quit. It doesn't matter who gets the last word, just stop!


1117 Posts
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I understand why he bugs you man - that's not my issue. I don't condone what he's doing in any way. BUT, by continuosly bringing it up, you are just feeding the flames. Just add him to your ignore list and be done with it....


3857 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-29
Wow, I didn't know what I was missing here. I simply thought APK was helping somebody out after the first reply on here. Maybe SHS could just lock the thread and be done with it. Any thoughts on this?


3867 Posts
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Joined 2000-02-04
Ah, something to read while on the ummm...well you know. Come on cluth,SHS move this to the appropriate forum will ya?


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I can't, I don't have the juice to do it. I think Philipp thought moderators could (and indeed CAN, duh), but I can't.
Sweet! I figured it out. MUUWWWWAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!


1297 Posts
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Joined 1999-07-16
Sorry clutch if I had saw it or got an e-mail about it I would have close it from my other system dog slow 486 hehe I'am so busy try fix my main system I'am petty sure I'am still have some hardware bugs that driveing me nuts.
AlecStaar now you start this by being up old stuff leave this old stuff rest in paces and gose for you to DrPizza.


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No problem bud. Just when I thought I "figured it out", it turns out my man Philipp actually flipped the switch so I could lock/move/delete the threads. So, I am not as big of an idiot as I once thought (no comments please ).