Apology from Canada to Americans

hehe Quote:Apology from Canada to Americans Courtesy of Rick Mercer from This Hour Has 22 Minutes (Comedy-Political Satier) CBC Television: On behalf of Canadians everywhere I'd like to offer an apology to the United States of America.

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Quote:Apology from Canada to Americans
Courtesy of Rick Mercer from This Hour Has 22 Minutes
(Comedy-Political Satier) CBC Television:
On behalf of Canadians everywhere I'd like to offer an apology to the United States of America. We haven't been getting along very well recently and for that, I am truly sorry.
I'm sorry we called George Bush a moron. He is a moron but, it
wasn't nice of us to point it out. If it's any consolation, the fact that he's a moron shouldn't reflect poorly on the people of America. After all it's not like you actually elected him.
I'm sorry about our softwood lumber. Just because we have more trees than you doesn't give us the right to sell you lumber that's cheaper and better than your own.
I'm sorry we beat you in Olympic hockey. In our defense I guess our
excuse would be that our team was much, much, much, much better than
I'm sorry we burnt down your white house during the war of 1812. I notice you've rebuilt it! It's Very Nice.
I'm sorry about your beer. I know we had nothing to do with your
beer but, we Feel your Pain.
I'm sorry about our waffling on Iraq. I mean, when you're going up against a crazed dictator, you wanna have your friends by your side. I realise it took more than two years before you guys pitched in against Hitler, but that was different. Everyone knew he had weapons.
And finally on behalf of all Canadians, I'm sorry that we're constantly apologising for things in a passive-aggressive way which is really a thinly veiled criticism. I sincerely hope that you're not upset over this. We've seen what you do to countries you get upset with.
Thank you.

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31 Posts
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Joined 2002-12-29
It's funny how a thread that starts out as light humoured is taken so seriously by its target audience. However, I have noticed that we all seem to have something in common, the French.


686 Posts
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Joined 1999-10-28
I think it would be better to let history judge these events, once all the information comes to light.
The media only shows us:
a) what they are allowed to film, what they are told
the stuff that will give them a "wow" factor edge over the other networks
c) live feeds that show intense action
This is true for networks on both sides, they are part of their respective regimes propaganda machines.
As you will all remember, a while ago I was 100% against this war however I now have a much greater understanding of the issue and wholeheartedly believe that Hussein, his circle and his party need to be wiped off the face of the earth and this opinion is simply based on how he treats the Iraqi people, let alone the weapons violations. It is unfortunate that he chooses to protect himself with the Iraqi people. It is much easier to direct hate than inspire love. He directs hate to the western countries by blaming them for his own failures.
I personally don't believe that Iraq can be classed as a State of Islam as the leader himself displays no discernable trace of the positive influences of that faith. However he has no problem invoking the faith to incite fanatiscism, though I'm willing to bet he doesn't face Mecca 5 times a day.
I see no evidence that the Coalition is attempting to impose a "colonial" rule on this country post war. There is a great difference between a caretaker military government and a colonial regime, once Iraq has a balanced, democratic framework and sustainable infrastructure the people will get their country and their cheif export returned to their control.
I want this to be over quickly as no person should lose their lives in such violent ways. I feel priveleged to know that there are people willing to take a stand not only for the world in general, but also for a nation they may never visit again, and a culture they may never fully understand, but they stand for basic human rights and for our protection. I think it was seeing the faces of the soldiers, ready to fight that finished changing my mind.
Hope they all return home safely, and the families of those who don't will know that their loss will not be in vain.


18 Posts
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Joined 2001-05-26
Quote: http://www.canadianembassy.org/trade/wltr-en.asp - in summary, it's not japan.

In 2000, U.S. transactions with Canada reached $489 billion, 52% more than its exchange with Japan and 62% more than its trade with the United Kingdom.

Another big misconception. Oh well, I'm sorry you have no idea where your own US$ is going to. You can probably blame your education system and media for lack of information. They're the easiest targets. You should really understand that America is the 11th province and Canada is the 51st state.

Oh, they forgot to tell you that we, the US, let Japan by with over $700 billion in taxes in tariffs Anually (Dont ask me why, but it's common knowledge...I guess it's for morale) How you think the Japanese cars are so cheap now? Japanese parts with no taxes/tariffs.

America will never be the 11th Province.

Quote:Holy, is your math off today.

Salt Lake city Gold Silver Bronze
US 10 14 11 = 35
Can 6 3 8 = 17

Well based on population, Canada kicked booty as the US has a talent pool that is 9 times larger to draw from. You're probably thinking now, as most american's would: "That's because you guys are all living in igloo's" Well some of us are, but the lack of Big Mac's and Whoppers in our diet has prepared us for the summer olympics too.

Sydney G S B
US 40 24 33 = 97
Can 3 3 8 = 14

We're still pretty good as you guys have 9x the population but only 6.9 times the medal.

That 67 medals was just blown out of proportion on purpose (as a joke, remember? this is a friendly thread)

Well, let's go back to "about" when you were born.

Summer Olympics:
Sydney 2000: 1. UNITED STATES 39 25 32 96
21. CANADA 3 3 8 14

Atlanta 1996: 1. UNITED STATES 42 32 20 94
9. CANADA 3 11 8 22

Barcelona 1992: 2. UNITED STATES 36 35 37 108
11. CANADA 7 4 7 18

Seoul 1988: 3. UNITED STATES 36 31 26 93
19. CANADA 3 2 5 10

Los Angeles 1984: 1. UNITED STATES 83 61 30 174
4. CANADA 10 18 16 44

Moscow 1980: USA Boycotted
Canada: I think they boycotted too, nowhere to be found though

Montreal 1976: 2. UNITED STATES 34 35 25 94
15. CANADA 0 5 6 11

Munich 1972: 2. UNITED STATES 33 31 30 94
24. CANADA 0 2 3 5

Winter Olympics:
Salt Lake 2002: 2. UNITED STATES 10 13 11 34
5. CANADA 6 3 8 17

Nagano 1998: 4. CANADA 6 5 4 15
5. UNITED STATES 6 3 4 13

Lillehammer 1994: 5. UNITED STATES 6 5 2 13
6. CANADA 3 6 4 13

Albertville 1992: 6. UNITED STATES 5 4 2 11
9. CANADA 2 3 2 7

Calgary 1988: 9. UNITED STATES 2 1 3 6
12. CANADA 0 2 3 5

Sarajevo 1984: 4. UNITED STATES 4 4 0 8
8. CANADA 2 1 1 4

Lake Placid 1980: 3. UNITED STATES 6 4 2 12
14. CANADA 0 1 1 2

Innsbruck 1976: 3. UNITED STATES 3 3 4 10
11. CANADA 1 1 1 3

Sapporo 1972: 6. UNITED STATES 3 2 3 8
17. CANADA 0 1 0 1

Now, as I see it we won a total of: US 870 medals...Canada....189

Respectable showing...I must admit.

Quote:err good one, some more make believe? Bad attempt at humour. Leave the funny to mike myers and jim carrey. Listen to Homer - "It's funny because it's true

Quote:I'm sorry that you still haven't realised we have Canadians who look and talk like americans, embedded in every city in the US. At any point you guys come and piss us off, Mike Myers and Jim Carrey will kick your yankee ass from within your borders.

You mean Jim Carrey, who's last 4 movies have BOMBED, and Mike Myers who makes fun of Canada's skirttail, England?

I dont find them funny...the ONLY Comedian EVER to come out of Canada worth laughing with (not at) was John Candy.

WE PISSED YOU OFF? Who started this Freakin thread anyhow? not an American! And Jim Carrey and Mike Myers were smart, they know where the money is, Not in Canada...Why is it that Canadians have people embedded in the US anyhow? hmm...you dont have to answer that, we all know why

Quote:I'm sorry about our waffling on Iraq. I mean, when you're going up against a crazed dictator, you wanna have your friends by your side. I realise it took more than two years before you guys pitched in against Hitler, but that was different. Everyone knew he had weapons.

Yeah so? we tried to remain neutral from any wars, but we were forced into WW2...we dont remain neutral anymore, that was a mistake...it was also before the UN was founded (Oct. 24, 1945)

Quote:Finally countries that have commited many times worse genocide:

I know we quelled a rebellion in Bosnia

Quote:(In case you missed my point, Saddam needs to be in prison/dead.
We tend to feel money is why the US is attacking because more severe atrocities have occured in other countries. The largest difference is oil here.)

We are NOT in Iraq because of OIL!!! In fact, we are capping these oil wells just so we can SEE, if the war were about OIL, we would start spilling the oil into barrels and taking it home. What our plans to do with the oil is have native Iraqi's sell the oil to us, and have that money go into aid to help the less fortunate.

Quote:Oh yeah, your Minster of Foreign relations with Canada said that canada is actually contributing more to the war on iraq than most of your coalition. eg. Vessels in the water ways and soldiers on exhange with the US.


puehehe, notice your source of information? a CANADIAN Website
- In fact, for 38 of the 50 states the number one foreign trading partner is Canada.
- We get more oil from Canada than any country.
- In fact, on September 11, 2001, a little known fact, is that it was General Findley, a Canadian general, who was in the chair.
- So we are disappointed that some of our closest allies, including Canada, have not agreed with us on the urgent need for this military action against Iraq.

That last one i had to put to balance the picture. We are also dissappointed that US is at war. Oh well tit for tat.

Quote:It's funny how a thread that starts out as light humoured is taken so seriously by its target audience. However, I have noticed that we all seem to have something in common, the French.

Absolutely NOT! Go Freedom fries!

And I dont consider joking about the war...light humor ;(

and I agree with Clutch, I will not reply to this thread again, as it is in bad taste...in fact, it should be locked.

How about that Linux!!! <---see On topic! :x (for those of you who dont know, this is the sister site to linuxcompatible and there is where I saw this thread)



P.S. Bloc, I find it an honor that you create a new account just to reply to my threads, so that you dont get banned with your other account.


31 Posts
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Joined 2002-12-29
I don't believe anyone on here has joked about the war. If you read the thread from the beginning you would see that the joke was Americans.
War is Very Seriously and now very sickening especially with what comes out of Congress. Republican Darrell Issa makes me sick. Men and women and both sides of the Atlantic have given their lives to free the people of Iraq and all he thinks of is future US financial interest in Iraq.


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Rwanda and Kosovo are 2 reasons among many that the UN should be ashamed of themselves.
We watch as millions are butchered and do nothing, then when the US decides to act, then other nations get up in arms.


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Quote:Hey, isn't Canada mostly French anyway?


and i assume you think we all live in igloo's as well?..lol

this thread was started by me, whom is British / Canadian

and i do not think this thread should be locked as it was intended as a joke - hence the show that made this "joke" up. and is stricking up some conversation that can be very insteresting.

Also, as for the olmypic medals - as was said - look at the diff. between population ratio.

but other wise nice points - this is one of those arguments that can go on and on and on with either side throwing in fact after fact.

On a side note i agree with the above - i do not hate american people - it is the Government that is in office that i do not like and frankly i hate generalizations for anything.


117 Posts
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Joined 2001-09-14
Go to Google.com and type in "french military victories" and search.
The return says, and I'm not joking: "Not Found, Did You Mean "French Military Defeats?"
Try it!!


117 Posts
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Joined 2001-09-14
I certainly didnt mean to offend any of the Brits in Canada. I apologize.


42 Posts
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Joined 2001-07-01
It's so nice to live in the greatest country in the world, with the greatest civilization ever known............. as the United States of America we've done more to help this world than ALL other countries combined EVER !!!!
Jealousy is a tough thing to cope with.......... but when you live in a country that's full of f***ed up French people........ I guess that's all you can hold on to.
Don't flame me..........cause I don't give a fat rats ass about you cry baby Canadians


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LOL - ^^^^^ flame you, not worth it - since u really provide not backing or facts and simply spouted out what a "typical arrogant" american would, frankly to me it is people like your self that make so many people not like many americans.
P.S - one of the greatest known civilizations would more be along the lines of the egyptians or romans - as they did more for this world and it's begining then the US or any other country could ever imagine.
And no worries jwl812 - i did not take any offence to anything here, i like the reads and what has been said - it has all been good - upto that post above mine, i guess the children have found this thread now.


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Quote:LOL - ^^^^^ flame you, not worth it - since u really provide not backing or facts and simply spouted out what a "typical arrogant" american would, frankly to me it is people like your self that make so many people not like many americans.

That sounds like a flame to me, so much for avoiding that.

P.S - one of the greatest known civilizations would more be along the lines of the egyptians or romans - as they did more for this world and it's begining then the US or any other country could ever imagine.

Yes, they made great strides in slavery, torture, and attempts at world conquest through the slaughter of a great number of people. As for me, I would have to say that the Chinese contributed more, but their desire for peace and knowledge might have been their undoing. One classic example is gun powder. They use it for celebration and religous ceremonies, while the europeans quickly made weapons out of it. But hey, without guns we wouldn't be that great at mowing people down, right?


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and even then the chinese are huge into war.


74 Posts
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Joined 2002-12-27
Hmmm, strange no one brought up the movie Canadian Bacon where we went to war against Canada LOL! I just LOVE the part where John Candy is driving the truck with all sorts of anti-Canadian slogans painted all over it, and the Canadian Mounty on his motorcycle stops him . . . . . . . cause of:
1) some words were spelled wrong
2) they did not have the required FRENCH alongside the English words!
Had me rolling on the floor with that one, eh?
But what really saddens me, is that I had a GREAT RESPECT for you Canadians, and have never met one I did not like or treated me as a friend! And I ALWAYS thank every one I meet cause I STILL remember how you helped our embassy folks in Iran when the chips were down big time! And most definately thank you for Bob & Doug as well as the entire Second City group! But now I feel like I was just kicked in the balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


201 Posts
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I have read some of these childish digs against the American people and the Canadian people and you sound like a bunch of 8 year olds.
I have never had a problem with the good folks of the US but I have had a BIG problem with the stupid policies their government comes up with, and I’m talking about the foreign policies.
It’s these that are leaving a bad taste in the mouths of the rest of the world and thus reflecting badly on the citizens of the US.
If the White House doesn’t get its act together soon that they aren’t the only country in the world that matters, the US won’t have any friends and that will be a sad day. Lets face it even America’s long time friends and allies are starting to look at them in a different way with every passing day.


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I have never had a problem with the good folks of the US but I have had a BIG problem with the stupid policies their government comes up with, and I’m talking about the foreign policies.

It’s these that are leaving a bad taste in the mouths of the rest of the world and thus reflecting badly on the citizens of the US.

If the White House doesn’t get its act together soon that they aren’t the only country in the world that matters, the US won’t have any friends and that will be a sad day. Lets face it even America’s long time friends and allies are starting to look at them in a different way with every passing day.

I wish i had of been able to say that myself - iam not good with putting into words what i think.


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Lets not mince words here.
THe world body in general TURNS THIER ugly heads and DOES NOTHING when people by the hundreds of thousands are slaughtered.
To say that the world dislikes the US may be the best thing I've heard in a while
Anyone who can watch thier neighbors be murdered and do nothing is no friend of ours.
If that means we have no friends then so be it.