Best action game?

This is a discussion about Best action game? in the Windows Games category; Whaddya think?

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3087 Posts
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Whaddya think?

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97 Posts
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Joined 2000-09-11
I would've said deus ex for many things-mainly coz of the enormous freedom you had,but since its not on ur list I'll go for half life


3857 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-29
What about "Combat"/"Tank"?


3087 Posts
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Joined 2001-01-21
Actually, I shouldve thought about it more and just put CS with HL, and Unreal together with UT. I wanted to put some classics in just to see if anyone still thought they were cool.
I didnt cosider Deus Ex a very popular title, but at least I didnt consider Daikatana. Deus Ex didnt seem to catch on like Quake 3 or HL, plus it never crossed my mind.


68 Posts
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Joined 2000-10-24
DEUS EX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
or anything by former looking glass. Sys Shock 2 was also very awesome.


1623 Posts
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Joined 1999-12-06
i would have to say for pure fragging action it would be UT. Though ive heard from people on this board serious sam gives it a run for its money. I assume we are talking straight deathmatch games here?


175 Posts
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Joined 2001-01-19
My vote would ONLY be for either Counterstrike or Rogue Spear. Though I would consider Mechwarrior 4 if it was listed. But just wait till Flashpoint is out!


175 Posts
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Joined 2001-01-19
Now make a poll for best ONLINE game:
Delta Force (all flavors)
Team Fortress (I know it still part of HL, bit is way different than CS)
Rogue Spear
Mechwarrior 4
etc . . . . .


1623 Posts
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Joined 1999-12-06
CS and rogue spear arent action games they are Counter-Terrorist shooters. As for best online game Tribes 2 by far nothing like hopping on a 64 player server and dishing out those discs to people.


175 Posts
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CS and RS are still online shooter games - just with MORE thought and strategy in them than just a frag fest. As for T2 - I played the original when it came out a long time ago, and that left a bad taste in my mouth. It was more of an FFA than a TEAM game. CS is still sort of an FFA as well, cause there are a lot of players only going for the kill stats than winning the game. I've seen T's drop the bomb to go off and frag CT's. And I've seen CT's totally ignore the hostages to go frag. But at least in Rogue Spear CO-OP games, I see REAL team work in action nearly every game! And it seems to have one of the BEST AI's in any game yet! Those damn SOB's come at you from all over - even coming up from behind you in an area you THOUGHT you had just cleared!


1623 Posts
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Joined 1999-12-06
yeah that is the problem with playing on any public server though people dont work as a team and don't want to work as one. As for CS yeah there isnt much teamwork involved in there except when you play with your friends or people you know and will work as a team. You are right about Rogue Spear though the AI is a hard as muck and i do like the co-op games because people work as a team instead of lone gunmen.
They still don't seem like action games to me because they involve a thought process unlike most hardcore action games like UT, HL and Q3, with those games you just pick up a gun and shoot.


175 Posts
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Action does not always = MINDLESS ;( At least not all the time.
But then, with that lawsuit from Columbine, perhaps it IS BEST that CS and RS distance itself from the mindless frag games!


1623 Posts
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Joined 1999-12-06
AHAHA lawsuit what a bunch of crap. People blame video games and TV on their lack of parenting. My brother and I used to fight all the time and wrestle and do DDTs and Piledrivers, and we both came out fine. Sheesh people need to grow up and stop trying to read books on parenting and listening to what Dr. So and So says and grow up and realise that if they maybe paid attention to their children and recalled what they did when they were kids they wouldnt be so damn uptight and stop worrying about how everyone thinks they are bad parents and they must do everything according to the book or something. God its just sickening how bad people are at parenting now-a-days. Hell im 21 and Im a better parent to my friends 2 year old than most people are with their kids. Sorry about the rant this is just a touchy subject for me because im sick of everyone blaming everything but themselves for their lack of parenting. How i wouldnt just like to go up to them and slap them in the head and tell them to grow up and follow their instincts instead of questioning every move they make.


3087 Posts
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I too am sick of this blaming the media(video games, music, etc.). Im not saying it doesnt ever affect people, but those few rotten apples that choose to act have other problems. Plus, IT IS THOSE PEOPLE who pull the trigger, NOT THE MEDIA, not the video game character, not Eminem (who is a dispicable character, like many of the rappers out there); the one who pulled the trigger is to blame, and those are the people who should be nailed. They did it they pay the full price!!!!
It seems that the fingers always point, not to the offender, but to those who may have had an influence on them.
The best way to sum it all up: Guns(video games, music, etc.) dont kill people; people kill people.


1623 Posts
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Joined 1999-12-06
yeah after playing totally UNREALISTIC action games im gonna go shoot someone WTF?!!!!?!?!? I mean look at the weapons in video games, none of them are even close to real accept in CS and RogueSpear which have weapons based upon real guns. I mean i get done playing Quake 3 or UT and im gonna go out and get my BFG and shoot someone. Sheesh give me a break.


175 Posts
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Let me say, I am 46. I am not married, and scared to even try to be a parent. But IF I did, I would teach them just as my parents taught me - right from wrong. Now I would not beat them like I was, but I sure feel that the "Mr Cleaver" from Leave it to Beaver method would work just fine!
But you also HAVE to understand that today is a lot different from my parent's days. Back then, the woman DID stay home and be a mother. Today, if both parents are not out working, you are in skid row damn near. But what IS happening is some are too damn greedy for the material things, so work too much and don't spend enough time at home. I am not trying to defend them, but seriously, times have changed - and I HATE IT!
As for video games, BULLSHIT! I grew up playing army, cowboys, cops & robbers, etc - and had a zillion toy guns (many I still have at the parent's house and are now collectables and worth some money!!! ). So many in fact, that my brother and I used to arm the whole neighborhood. But not ONE of us ever turned out to be a killer, sniper, or murderer. I even played paintball for over 15 years! It is HOW the kids are raised that makes all the difference, not the toys or games. A lot of this **** did NOT happen back in my days! Sure, we had the ocasional "greaser" or biker - but they only fought with knives or fists! Most just wanted to play baseball or look at playboys!
Oh, and don't get me started on job stress and workplace violence either . . . . . if we got rid of EXEMPT status (salary), then companies would NOT be able to lay off hundreds, and make the few do their work - which means long hours for no extra pay! That too keeps a lot of parents away from home! And a major reason wh many don;t even have a job! Damn I wish we could roll back to the 50's or 60's!!!!!!!!!


1117 Posts
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Joined 2000-01-23
Damn I wish we could roll back to the 50's or 60's!!!!!!!!!

But that would mean no computer games....

Seriously though, I don't think you can really attribute it to parents working too much - both of my parents had full time jobs, and my sister and I both turned out just fine.


175 Posts
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Joined 2001-01-19
No computer games??? There WAS Pong
But seriously - I was much slimer when I didn't get into computers and computer games. It meant that I had to do things such as have a life, go out dancing, play baseball, have human contact, etc etc etc . . . .
And, <GASP>, the way Windoze 3.x or 9.x craps out so much at work, it really was much simpler to do things with pen and paper


114 Posts
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Joined 1999-11-04
Ya know, since I work on PC's at work as much as I do at home, my 4 year old daughter sees much of my work. And at home, it isnt all business. I like to fire up the occasional UT or Serious Sam. The whole time, my daughter cheers me on. Her mom is from Japan, and my daughter refers to all of the opponents in the game as "Okami"'s, which literally is taken as wolves. Now, American children are scared of monsters in the closet or under the bed. My daughter is scared of wolves (and wolfmen). So when she sees my blowing enemies to bits in a video game, she doesnt think about me blowing humans to bit, just wolfmen and mosters that scare her at night. Do I think think this will lead her to eventually taking out a gun and blowing her classmates to death. Not at all. Why? Cuz I dont own real firearms in my house, and never will. Out of sight, out of mind. If there are any influences in her life that really affect her, it is those darn powerpuff girls and the Pokemon shows. I do see much of those shows in her behavior, not my gun toting, fragging, gory FPS shooters. I see none of that in her behavior.
I remember my idiotic mother who was pissed when my Dad gave me a little hand held game where you are a robber robbing a bank. She swore up and down this would lead me to some sort of law breaking behavior. Did I eventually rob a bank? No. Actually, the thought has never crossed my mind. But my parents were very good parents, with mom staying home, not trying to "make her own career", and actually doing what mothers should do. Staying home to raise us and not trying to prove something. My Dad worked nights, but always found time to teach me right from wrong, pop fly balls out to me in the field next door, and give me a good spanking when I messed up.
I guess my point is like the others above. Good parenting means good children. A video game is not going to make them into sickos. Put them around firearms and leave them to themselves, they just might found out how to use them in the worst way.


194 Posts
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Joined 2000-02-20
you said best action game?
try serious sam for a change, i dont think you will find a singel fps game on this entire planet that has more mindless and breathless bloody shooting action. we are not talking about monsters in 10'ns...we are talking about 100's of them at the same time!
i dont think i ever had more fun playing a game like this one since someone sad on this board, serious sam i this centuries doom plus much more!