
Hi! On looking at my System Info, I noticed in the Cache list of objects, that all program files, were showing 'Damaged'. Not being technicaly minded I dont know what to do or NOT to do. My computer is working very well, so is it worth bothering about or just leave well alone.

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22 Posts
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Joined 2007-11-02
Hi! On looking at my System Info, I noticed in the Cache list of objects, that all program files, were showing 'Damaged'. Not being technicaly minded I dont know what to do or NOT to do. My computer is working very well, so is it worth bothering about or just leave well alone.

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690 Posts
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Joined 2004-05-06
Ignore it, the think with cached items is that they can be refreshed or replaced later on. If your programs work ok, then I would leave them alone.


22 Posts
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Joined 2007-11-02
OK, thanks for taking the time to reply.