Deleting DVDs

Hello, I am having problems deleting RW cd's, that were recorded on my DVD player/recorder both on the player and on my computer, anyone help? Thanks

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Joined 2007-11-02
Hello, I am having problems deleting RW cd's, that were recorded on my DVD player/recorder both on the player and on my computer, anyone help? Thanks

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11 Posts
Location -
Joined 2011-07-26
Hello, I am having problems deleting RW cd's, that were recorded on my DVD player/recorder both on the player and on my computer, anyone help? Thanks

I have always used Nero for deleting my RW discs.
In Windows XP:
1. Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop.
2. In My Computer, right-click the CD recording drive, and then click Open. Windows displays a temporary storage area where files are held before they are copied to the CD. Files or folders that are located in the temporary storage area are listed in the Files Ready to Be Written to the CD box.
3. In the CD Writing Tasks pane, click Erase this CD-RW. The Welcome to the CD Writing Wizard dialog box is displayed. After you click Next, the Erasing the CD dialog box is displayed and the progress bar displays the progress of the process.
4. When the process is finished, you receive a message in the notification area and you can use the CD-RW disc.