Deleting local profiles

Hi again, can anyone tell whether it's possible to prevent windows xp from creating local profiles when a new user logs-in. Some of them are reaching sizes up to 50MB and are starting to cause problems with hard disk space.

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Joined 2004-10-04
Hi again, can anyone tell whether it's possible to prevent windows xp from creating local profiles when a new user logs-in. Some of them are reaching sizes up to 50MB and are starting to cause problems with hard disk space.

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2172 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-26
Are you using roaming profiles? If so, there's a group policy that you can enforce for your OU if you choose that deletes the locally cached copy of the profile upon user logoff; although this is potentially a bit performance hit.
Also, if disk space on the server is an issue, you could look into mandatory profiles, and have users save files in the static (non-roaming) home directory.