Desktop Restriction

Hello Sir. I am using Windows 2003 Server - 1 Machine. Windows 2000 Professional Machine - 20 Machine Active Directory Domain and users are configured. I want to restict to store the data in desktop.

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44 Posts
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Joined 2006-02-26
Hello Sir.
I am using Windows 2003 Server - 1 Machine.
Windows 2000 Professional Machine - 20 Machine
Active Directory Domain and users are configured.
I want to restict to store the data in desktop.
Please reply
Thank You

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316 Posts
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Joined 2004-08-23
I am not sure quite what you are asking however something you might like to try is setting the directory permissions on the desktop folder.
Currently "Everybody" will probably have full control. You can change either each user's desktop directory to only that user and/or the All users desktop directory to a specified group.
Apply this resrtiction (or Policy) using a GPO on the AD servers.
For details on this kind of thing you should really refer to MS Technet