Dual display with voodoo3 in Win2000

Does the voodoo 3 2000 PCI work in dual monitor mode under Win 2000 ? Does it work in Win 98 SE ? Getting Win 2000 at weekend, got a spare monitor to use. Athlon 500 MSI 6167 TNT2 Ultra Soundblaster Live! AMD Athlon is running things now baby!!.

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Joined 2000-04-19
Does the voodoo 3 2000 PCI work in dual monitor mode under Win 2000 ? Does it work in Win 98 SE ?
Getting Win 2000 at weekend, got a spare monitor to use.
Athlon 500
MSI 6167
TNT2 Ultra
Soundblaster Live!
AMD Athlon is running things now baby!!

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55 Posts
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Joined 1999-10-20
Yes, a Voodoo3 card works great in a dual monitor system.
I was running with a Voodoo3 2000 PCI and a crappy old 4 MB card for a little while and it worked flawlessly.