ftp-server works, webserver not

Hi, i have running a win 2003 server behind a modem-router. I have 2 servers running : -ftp-server on port 21 -web-server on port 80 I forward following ports on my modem-router: -wan-port 21 forward to 192.

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Joined 2007-01-02
i have running a win 2003 server behind a modem-router.
I have 2 servers running :
-ftp-server on port 21
-web-server on port 80
I forward following ports on my modem-router:
-wan-port 21 forward to
-wan-port 80 forward to
I can access my ftp-server on another place (not in LAN), the
port-forwaring works fine.
But I cannot access my web-server.
I have changed port 80 into 81 on the webserver and in the
modem-router but it doesn't work either.
Any ideas?

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383 Posts
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Joined 2005-05-25
Try using port 8080. I don't know if that will help, but if it doesn't then at least you'll have more information to go on.
Also, check firewall settings. If I remember correctly, Windows 2003 tends to block a lot by default.