It was 80 here in Honolulu again, so I'm going to go Snorkel. I have found a new hobby.

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1915 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-30
It was 80 here in Honolulu again, so I'm going to go Snorkel.
I have found a new hobby

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239 Posts
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Joined 2002-06-19
70's and mostly sunny here in northern Colorado. I spent the day with my girlfriend just out wandering the town. We were in t-shirts and shorts and sandals... man I was sooooo ready to wear shorts and sandals again
I almost took the top off my Jeep today... I just knew I wouldn't want to put it back on this evening. The weather can go from 80 to snowing in 6 hours here this time of the year though.


2172 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-26
It rained here all day...

Glad you were able to get outside and enjoy the day, though.


2172 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-26
Quote:Thanks man, it was a first in a long time really... winters here are snowy & gloomy usually.

I know what you mean, I used to live up in the northeast myself.


748 Posts
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Joined 2001-05-21
Hah! And I though it was only us Brits who talked about the weather
So, in for a penny, in for a pound...
For the first time in weeks, it's actually sunny here in London, the only bummer is that it's still brass monkey weather. Still, the sun makes the coldness a little bit more bearable! The good thing is that it's forecast to last until the middle of the week.
Spring is less than a week away, could this be a taste of things to come?
If the moon wasn't so bright, it would be an incentive to get the old telescope out again. Ah well, can't have everything!


671 Posts
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Joined 2000-05-04
Been nice here in St Ives (near Cambridge, not the other one on further South!).
Been sunny all weekend, but not very warm. Nice to feel the warmth through some glass, but not so great to actually be out (unless you're doing something energetic).
Spent the weekend building my arcade cab, but it's been mostly indoors work.
The thing is too big to build outside and then lug up the stairs into its final resting place.
Let's hope this means the start of Spring and an end to the dreary weather. I think I have a feeling that the UK weather will soon change again though (and probably for the worse )


738 Posts
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Joined 2002-12-11
It was an absolutely amazing day here in NE Pennsylvania .... I actually got out of bed early to enjoy the warmth, do chores, just drive around with the windows open *gasp* ... yes they were open
And quite honestly, there is nothing better then seeing our 70 inch piles of snow melt into NADA ..... .... Its 4:00 and its 64 degrees .... Sweet!
End of Rant


694 Posts
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Joined 2002-06-10
u guys stole all my good weather!!!
give it back


686 Posts
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Joined 1999-10-28
Sunday 16th
Woke at 8:30am and put a load of washing on.
Went into town to get the paper, came home and read the paper with a cup of Irish tea and some crumpets.
Put another load of washing on, washed the car and cleaned the house.
Read some more of the paper and had some lunch.
Another load of washing then walked a couple of miles, followed by 30mins in the pool.
Did the ironing whilst watching/listening to Elton John - Live from Madison Sq Garden DVD (DTS) then started to prepare dinner (my cousin and her fiancee came over).
Tried to boot my computer to listen to mp3s - recurring BSOD (Unknown hardware error) - was fine 2 hours before.
Had dinner (BBQ & Salad) and watched a DVD.
Got the DOS bootdisk and booted computer, discovered that the 30gb partition of my 40gb drive now has 6.6mb of bad sectors.
Temps - 27 degrees C all day, about 20 degrees C all night.


645 Posts
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Joined 2000-09-16
Raining here in good ole Phoenix, AZ. Was in 70s last week.


1915 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-30
Too bad I stopped drinking.
A couple Guinness would hit the spot.
I always Thought Syracuse was sunny.
You rooting for the orangemen in the B-Ball Tournament?


239 Posts
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Joined 2002-06-19
Quote:70's and mostly sunny here in northern Colorado. I spent the day with my girlfriend just out wandering the town. We were in t-shirts and shorts and sandals... man I was sooooo ready to wear shorts and sandals again

I almost took the top off my Jeep today... I just knew I wouldn't want to put it back on this evening. The weather can go from 80 to snowing in 6 hours here this time of the year though.


OK... just to add to this there is 31 inches of snow on the ground at my house now. We're expected to get up to another foot today



3857 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-29
We warmed up to 70 over the weekend, but we're back down into the 30s today with some rain. I am moving back to Tucson, AZ. to get away from these long, miserable winters in Wisconsin.


239 Posts
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Joined 2002-06-19

That's QUITE the "swing" in weather patterns...!!!

(Hey, was there a diff. in elevations between both spots, or were you mentioning home in BOTH postings?)

* That tells me you received a 40+ - degree variance in temperature in what, 2-3 days time over there?

(That's as nuts as it gets around here... summer one day, winter the next... especially this time of year!)


Heh, yup thats at my house both times. Actually it started snowing here Monday evening. The swing in such a short time is actually normal for this time of year around here. The volume is not normal though... normal volume would be an inch to three or so. The most drastic I've seen that I can remember is snowing in the morning warming to almost 80 by mid-afternoon. Temperature swings up to about 45 degree variations are pretty normal for a day here... especially during the spring.

I'd expect most of the snow to be melted off by no later than Saturday... just in time for shorts again


1117 Posts
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Joined 2000-01-23
Yeah, Colorado weather is crazy like that - you get used to wearing shorts one week and your heavy winter coat the next... :x


694 Posts
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Joined 2002-06-10
ahhhh got my weather back
thnx for giving it up guys


1915 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-30
Clutch I drove through WI last August, was pretty nice


139 Posts
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Joined 2002-11-04
Oh well there's nothing like South Texas weather. Last year happened to be one of the rainest years on record. It's odd that we had over 41" of rain for an area that should only get 29 or 30" of rain a year. It odd have cold ice on the roads to having a 100 ° just a few weeks later.


239 Posts
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Joined 2002-06-19
I just heard on the news you guys are getting WAILED on, the most snows you've had in 1 shot in over 2 decades...


Yup... it's a pretty good storm alright. This morning I heard on the news that we're getting more snow from just this storm than we got all last winter combined. We were in a drought last year and this year too... up til today at least

I am a little concerned about flooding now though. It started warming up today and we had quite a bit of melting. Hopefully the drainage can keep up.