Half Life Menus = Black Screen???

Hi, I have a Voodoo 3 3000 AGP running under Win2k. Is there a fix for the menu's not appearing when you hit ESC in Half-Life???.

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Joined 2000-05-19
I have a Voodoo 3 3000 AGP running under Win2k. Is there a fix for the menu's not appearing when you hit ESC in Half-Life???

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Responses to this topic


686 Posts
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Joined 1999-10-28
It doesn't just happen with the Voodoo3.
My i740 does that also.
Pain in the arse.
If you alt-tab and go back into it, they usually show up.
Written on:
PII 300
160mb RAM
i740 8mb
20gb Seagate
6gb WDCaviar
Using 100% Australian Made recyclable electrons


989 Posts
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Joined 2000-05-12
I have a GeForce256...it only did it in D3D 5.13 drivers...but I run Ogl


450 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-08
Same thing here : black screen when calling menu under D3D.
I run OpenGl OK. Not too big an issue thu as it's Quake2 engine which is native ogl I've been told.


671 Posts
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Joined 2000-05-04
Half-Life is actually the Quake I engine, but massively modified so that you'd not actually realise.


1297 Posts
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Joined 1999-07-16
This problem is well know in HL, The problem is due to HL not redraw the 2D screen, so use a diff Game API.
Both Sierra & Valve all ready said this will be fix in the next patch update.
Voodoo3 owen should change
"3dfx mini driver" change to "OpenGL" in same case you may need to change to "Direct3D" for it to work rigth.
All other Video card
"Direct3D" change to "OpenGL"


3 Posts
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Joined 2000-05-19
Ok, thanks guys, I thought it was something I had set up wrong... Good to know Valve's working on it.


299 Posts
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Joined 2000-05-20
Actually, Bursar, HL started out with the Quake engine, but during development was changed over to the Quake2 engine...but definitely massively modified, as you stated.