Happy new year!

Happy new year 2007 to all!. .

Slack Space 1613 This topic was started by ,

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1547 Posts
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Joined 2002-05-29
Have a great new years everybody


513 Posts
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Joined 2005-02-12
Aye, the best of the season to everyone! Something I've always liked, kinda says what I have to say to everyone, may your new year be a safe and happy one...
"May the road rise up to meet your feet,
the wind blow strong upon your back,
the sun shine warm upon your face
and until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of his hand."


3867 Posts
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Joined 2000-02-04
New Years Wish (not resolution):
Hoping the forums will be a little more active this year.
I stayed home this New Year....tried to play Titan Quest single-player but got really really bored (Titan Quest is more fun multiplayer) and I watched the DVD of Season 1 of Nip/Tuck.....then I went to bed.


295 Posts
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Joined 2001-07-04
I don't know how many of y'all remember me... but I've been an NTCompatible guy since about 1999. Haven't stopped by in about a year as I got more into gaming and less into OS issues.
Thought I would stop by and say "hi". Surprised to see many of the same ole people still here! DosFreak and clutch... awesome!
Oh yeah, and Happy New Year!


13 Posts
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Joined 2007-11-15
I can't believe this post is still here.