HELP!! New motherboard --> win2k BSOD

are you using ATA66 or ATA33 controllers?

Windows Hardware 9627 This topic was started by ,


3 Posts
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Joined 2000-05-03
are you using ATA66 or ATA33 controllers?

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4 Posts
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Joined 2000-05-04
I just changed the old p2b-s I had with a vt6x4. When I try to start w2k, i get a BSOD just after it starts loading: it seems something like w2k can't find the hd controller....
How can I fix the things (apart from reinstalling the whole thing?)


515 Posts
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Joined 1999-09-09
As far as I know your out of luck and will need to reinstall.


220 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-03
I just went through this same thing. I had to start it up with the old motherboard and then change the IDE controler drivers to a default driver and then it would boot with the new motherboard.


3857 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-29
Yeah, Reidyn is completely right dude. I had a install of Win2K AS B3, and I upgraded from a p233MMX and DFI mobo to a Cel 333 and ASUS P3B-F and I got a bigtime STOP error with the hd driver. I wound up reinstalling and went through another 4hr+ ordeal.


71 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-19
You should *ALWAYS*!!!! reinstall your OS when you change something as major as your motherboard. It's not quite as simple replacing your mouse or video card. All kinds of low-level stuff happens on the initial hardware detection. You *MIGHT* be able to force it to redetect everything and work, but why take a chance? Just do it right and reinstall.


4 Posts
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Joined 2000-05-04
Well, win98 just did redetect the whole thing without any kind of problem, so I thought I could do the same thing in win2k...
Anyway, yes, I'm using an ata66 hd on this controller, while the previous mobo didn't support it, so the hd was running as an u33... I could try disabling it...
I did made a backup of the important things, so in effect, reinstalling the system could be the right choice...