HPLJ 4250tn & printing mail merges

This has been an ongoing problem that is getting very annoying. My goal is very simple: Print the first page of a letter from Tray 3 (coversheet) and print all other pages from Tray 2. This is something that I could pay a monkey with a diaper to do.

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Joined 2005-05-25
This has been an ongoing problem that is getting very annoying. My goal is very simple: Print the first page of a letter from Tray 3 (coversheet) and print all other pages from Tray 2. This is something that I could pay a monkey with a diaper to do.
If only printing one letter, then there is not too much of a problem. When performing a mail merge, only the first page of the first letter prints from Tray 3. All other pages of all the letters (including the first page) print from Tray 2.
It is completely unpractical to have users print out each letter individually when they have to do 100+ letters.
Network Information:
Printer setup via direct IP (no print server)
PCL 6 or PCL 5e drivers installed (some PCs have PCL 5e due to other issues)
All clients use Windows XP Pro SP2

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