If i get the sp1 beta.....

If I were to get the sp1 beta copy, and then when the sp1 official copy comes out, will I have trouble installing it?

Windows Hardware 9627 This topic was started by ,


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Joined 2000-03-05
If I were to get the sp1 beta copy, and then when the sp1 official copy comes out, will I have trouble installing it?

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444 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-05
Also, I tried to install win2k again but I quit the install because there are problems with my mobo and installin win2k.
Well now when ever I start the comptuer it gives me the option to do the setup!
Is there a way to make this go away?
If I dont get it to go away, then I cant use nortan 2000 auto protect


164 Posts
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Joined 2000-01-15
fdisk /mbr then sys c: from your bootdisk will get rid of those OS Selections stuff.