If you could Flame about something - what would it be?

If you went to a forum - and were allowed to flame all you wanted - what would it be about? Flame meaning for those that dont know - complain / b***h etc about a topic / person / thing at your free will using language as you choose.

Slack Space 1613 This topic was started by ,


1438 Posts
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If you went to a forum - and were allowed to flame all you wanted - what would it be about?
Flame meaning for those that dont know - complain / b***h etc about a topic / person / thing at your free will using language as you choose. (usual those thread or opst that are deleted by mods )
let me know please!
(hope u dont mind this topic philip - may be of some use to u in the near future)

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686 Posts
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Joined 1999-10-28
Stupid people who think they have the right to blame:
- the world
- their parents
- the government
- the church
- the police (in their various forms)
for the fact that their lives didn't turn out how they dreamed in 8th grade.
Things change and life deals out some s**t but you deal with it and it should make you a stronger person.


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excellent - i myself hate people who blame their past for the present - many people do not realize they have mnroe control over their future then they tink!
keep the ideas coming
exmaple - i dropped out of school in grade 10 and yet i havea job that pays better then most people out their who have degree's! cause i worked my butt off - or got lucky


2172 Posts
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Lack of responsibility, integrity, and honesty.


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Lack of responsibility, integrity, and honesty.

towards anything in general - or just over all apply to all topics that may come up?


1915 Posts
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Ok here goes
People who sit by without so much as a word and watch millions get slaughtered in Rwanda, Bosnia, Kosovo, Haiti, Iraq, Iran, China, and a million oher places, then protest against the war in Iraq.
I'd like for once to see a protest to help mankind.
How we can watch our fellow humans suffer and do nothing, then balk at something that doesn't fit our ideoolgy, puzzles me
Then again humans are the only species that will fight when something cramps thier lifestyle.


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i love the detail!
that would certainly be a good one! am intersted as what the outcome could become.
now- the fun part - a "catagory" that could go under?
Human RIghts?
discrimination against humans?
or any you can think of (make one up if you like)- preferebaly a category that can contain multiple topics, but relates to the same line of topics such as yours.....


686 Posts
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Next on the list.
People who believe that the majority 3.5 minute pop song have the ability of capturing deep emotion.
I would love to see more artists release (and be publicised for doing so) albums that go for 1hr plus with only 1 or 2 tracks. Granted many electro-musicians produce some great work capable of taking you to many different places but I would like to hear more manual sessions where the band gets into the zone and just rock. I would like to hear today's equivalent of Beethoven's 5th (which incidentally was panned by critics in the early days of perfomance) available for purchase.
Granted, many indie and alternative artists produce what they want to but we the purchasing public allow them to still be required to conform to the "must run less than 10 mins or I'll get bored" rule. Have we as a society become so fickle? Have we lost our ability to imagine and to become immersed in a world we can't see or read?
Don't get me started on CD prices.
I play music (piano, organ, clarinet, ceramic beer jug) I love music. I love my CD collection. I love to sift through my father's collection of black (and occasionally red) vinyl discs (which have a better sound quality - you know this is the truth) but why should I have to pay $AU30 for the work when the artists doesn't see this money. If the artists got to see 90% of the money te price wouldn't matter to me (and if they're making music for the right reasons they aren't after money [Metallica are you hearing this???]) and people argue that marketing costs money (which it does though good music advertises itself) and there are overheads etc etc. Why should I spend my money on buying a CD I like from a band I like who's record company uses those profits to prop up 2-dimensional talentless pop-tarts and a seemingly endless supply of pre-fab metrosecksual boy-bands in order to capture the money of the parents of 14yo sheep who think that being an individual comprises of being the "FIRST" person with the new Britney/Christina/Timberlake/etc rather than one of the crowd.
Now onto Justin Timberlake or as he will most likely want to call himself to try and further "urbanise" himself "J.Timby". Here's a news flash fella:
You're "upper middle class white 20-somthing male with an SUV" not a man from any number of backgrounds who has struggled through the rough urban streets of any number of western cities from any number of western countries. For JC's sake you were a mouse-kateer (sp?) - go be a suburban soccer dad.
Oops - I appear to have fallen off the anger management wagon.


2172 Posts
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Lack of responsibility, integrity, and honesty.

towards anything in general - or just over all apply to all topics that may come up?

Society, I suppose, in general.


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OK. BTW for much of the slaughtering in the world is done by USA or the USA can be blamed for. Ask the people of iraq if the USA has helped them. Of course all asked by CNN, NBC ... will say yes, but the real public opinion goes against USA.
Bottom line is Bush is an idiot who is playing with the lives of milions and should be removed from gene pool!


3857 Posts
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People who sit by without so much as a word and watch millions get slaughtered in Rwanda, Bosnia, Kosovo, Haiti, Iraq, Iran, China, and a million oher places, then protest against the war in Iraq.

I'd like for once to see a protest to help mankind.

How we can watch our fellow humans suffer and do nothing, then balk at something that doesn't fit our ideoolgy, puzzles me

Then again humans are the only species that will fight when something cramps thier lifestyle.

OK. BTW for much of the slaughtering in the world is done by USA or the USA can be blamed for. Ask the people of iraq if the USA has helped them. Of course all asked by CNN, NBC ... will say yes, but the real public opinion goes against USA.

Bottom line is Bush is an idiot who is playing with the lives of milions and should be removed from gene pool!


Were you one of the people that have been siting around watching people die that sapiens was addressing? If not, then he wasn't flaming you, so don't flame him. Can it.

This is supposed to be about topics for flaming (which I myself don't think is a good idea, but I thought I would see how this goes) and *not* for flaming posters because of what they hate.


530 Posts
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Sorry I was too flamy


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Yet another topic
This is not a topic about abortion per se, but about consistancy. PLease read.
This latest court challenge to the "partial" birth abortion has me puzzled. That coupled with the fact the Scott Peterson is facing TWO charges of murder in Modesto California
What I can't understand, is if it's a fetus, and can be aborted then why is it considered a baby when a woman who is "expecting" is murdered?
If it is a fetus, as defined by the courts, then he should be charged with only ONE count of murder.
Also a woman who is "expecting" should not be called a mother, because what she is carrying is not a child, at least not yet.
She should be called a "host" untill the fetus has matured and is delivered.
I would just like to know, why it's a fetus when a woman doesn't want it, and a "baby" when she wants to keep it
I could care less either way, for I am pro choice, but I want consistancy in the law, and in the language we use.


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Were you one of the people that have been siting around watching people die that sapiens was addressing? If not, then he wasn't flaming you, so don't flame him. Can it.

This is supposed to be about topics for flaming (which I myself don't think is a good idea, but I thought I would see how this goes) and *not* for flaming posters because of what they hate.

thnx clutch

yes - i just want topics that you would like to flame about if you could.

There is to be no flaming taking palce here


1547 Posts
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I'd like to flame the topic of FLAMING myself
I hate flaming flamers


1438 Posts
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Fair enough - others have suggested flaming flamers


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Yes, preferably bombed with napalm


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Israeli practices in Palestine and blind support of the US government and millitary of Israel (I am of Palestinian Arab heritage/etnicity)


1915 Posts
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Thanks for reminding me of another topic
I cannot understand how Arabs, namely Arab Muslims, can watch thier brothers and sisters be brutalized by the likes of Saddam and not stand against him
Then complain that we invade.


672 Posts
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I cannot understand how Arabs, namely Arab Muslims, can watch thier brothers and sisters be brutalized by the likes of Saddam and not stand against him

Then complain that we invade.

You do have a point, although you MUSt understand the following point. There is NO SUCH THING as an arab or muslim "democracy" right now. Even governments that claim to be "democratic" are nothing but dictatorships themselves. Whether be it a King or a president, they are all dictators. It is in the best interest of these dictators to form happy relations with the people, and they usually do. And after they do, the story is all over.

Without mentioning names, as an Arab born and raised in the middle east I can assure you ALL Arab countries are dictatorships but with freindly masks

Also, ALL of the arabic (and Islamic countries) are economically weak. What this means is that there is a general atmosphere of "I mind my own business, after all I need to provide for my family"

I am not saying this mentality is correct, but I am just clarifying how things work over there.