Info on the windows 'cool-switch' feature

Is there any way of cycling through the list of applications backwards, using the cool switch (alt+tab) feature in Windows? It's really annoying when the program i want to access is behind the program that has the focus on the alt+tab list and i have to scroll through the whole lot.

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302 Posts
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Joined 2001-12-18
Is there any way of cycling through the list of applications backwards, using the cool switch (alt+tab) feature in Windows?
It's really annoying when the program i want to access is behind the program that has the focus on the alt+tab list and i have to scroll through the whole lot.

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Responses to this topic


347 Posts
Location United States
Joined 2002-03-21
try alt+shift+tab


302 Posts
Location -
Joined 2001-12-18
thanks m8, that's the quickest reply i've had in my life lol


347 Posts
Location United States
Joined 2002-03-21
The right place at the right time.


0 Posts
Location -
Joined 2012-05-02
I know this is incredibly old, but I'm writing a short post on the history of cool switch when I found this -- and wanted to offer this tip.
Try Alt-Escape. It means "send active window to the back of the stack". It's beautiful and I use it constantly.