Just face it.....

Microsoft yet again failed to bridge the gap between Windows and NT. Win2k is just another NT. . . . great for businesses and some individuals. Drivers for gamers suck or just don't exist, 50% of applications just don't run or have major problems (try and find an AV application for win2k!).

Windows Hardware 9627 This topic was started by ,


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Joined 2000-01-25
Microsoft yet again failed to bridge the gap between Windows and NT. Win2k is just another NT....great for businesses and some individuals. Drivers for gamers suck or just don't exist, 50% of applications just don't run or have major problems (try and find an AV application for win2k!). And what is the incentive for a company to port apps from Win9X to Win2k when Windows 98 is still alive and well (aka Windows ME).
Microsoft screwed up yet again...SURPRISE, NOT!

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Responses to this topic


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Joined 2000-01-25
felix......and your point would be? My name is that way for a reason. I didn't want to have the same name as a popular airline!


44 Posts
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Joined 1999-07-22
Quote:Originally posted by Quantus:
Get off your f'ing high horse. Following the normal "Shop Symantec" there is only a reference to Win9X, and NT. I agree that the link posted does reference Win2k support, but going through the "Shop Symantec" link, there is nothing that shows that. It is buried under all the crap.

Also, if you follow the posted link above and then click on "Purchase from Shop Symantec", it DOES NOT reference Win2k on that page. So, no i'm not dumb, I just didn't find THAT specific page with THAT specific wording!

As for McAfee....well unless it says Win2k, I don't install it (when it comes to AV, etc. type software). I have had way to many problems and don't want to "hack" installs or setups. It will just cause more problems in the future.

Cut/Pastre from their site:

Norton AntiVirus 2000 6.0
for Windows 95/98/NT
Norton AntiVirus from Symantec is the #1 anti-virus software in the world.

Purchase Norton AntiVirus 2000 6.0 for downloadable for Win 95/98 or Win NT or for .95 packaged for Win 95/98/NT.

Archaon....when Win95 came out, yeah everyone knew that support would take a while. It was a totally different OS from Win 3.1. Think about it...plug and play, true dialup...a completely different core. Yeah, Win2k and Win98 are different but the under lying core is similar (if some win9X and NT apps all work on top of the OS, it can't be that different). Also, things in the internet have changed greatly since then (being more internet games, etc.). You just can't compare Win 3.1/Win95 to Win98/Win2k.

And just cause YOUR apps/games work just fine doesn't mean everyone elses will. Hardware combinations are too numerous to even count. I know about 5 people that tried Win2k, had apps/game problems, tried doing the "hack" thing and they weren't successful. Why should I have to "hack" anything anyways.

As for Arin....you are just so intelligent! If you don't have anything good to say regarding this discussion, then don't.


Quantus what the hell do you thing windows 2000 is?
its Windows NT, 5.0
its not like its a totaly different type of os.
its Windows NT plain and simple.
also id rather hack a game to work, than run a hacked operating system like win9x.
win2k rules.


114 Posts
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Joined 1999-11-03
Did you ever take the time to think that maybe windows 2000 thinks you suck?


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Joined 1999-07-18
Quantus.. This is an NT compatible Forum... Seems that you and your system are not. Maybe you should bye an Imac or a calculator..
But we dont need to hear you whinning. We would rather hear what works and doesnt work so we can fix it or try the fix.
So.. If you dont have a question we can help you with... Move on... Please..
When the world comes to a halt, Hold The F*** ON!!!


55 Posts
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Joined 1999-10-20
If you give us a little more info. about your system maybe we could help you get everything working correctly.
I have read this thread and can't seem to find anything but whining and complaining.
Let's try to help each other and maybe you will find that you are doing something wrong or maybe Win2000 really is junk.
Just a thought.


515 Posts
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Joined 1999-09-09
Blah blah, blahblahblahblahblah!
blah & blah
blah ba blah
Enough already. comments like this "Yeah, Win2k and Win98 are different but the under lying core is similar (if some win9X and NT apps all work on top of the OS, it can't be that different). " confirms what everyone reading this is thinking.


164 Posts
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Joined 2000-01-15
Everytime such a things happen when a new OS is introduced. Remember when switching from Windows 3.11 to Windows 95? No driver, no support, very slow, games don't run as smooth, cannot run PCTools, cannot run Norton Utilities, etc, etc... At the end, everyone adopt it.
I think the same thing happen again in Windows 2000. Everyone complaining slow, bad drivers support, etc, etc.. In a few months time, you will never want to switch back to 9X again.