Logitech problem on MSN

Hi, I'm sorry if this is a repost, but I did a forum search and couldn't find anything directly linked to my problem. Could anyone lend a hand please? I recently purchased a Logitech QuickCam in the UK, mainly since it advertised MSN compatibilty, where I intended to use it.

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Hi, I'm sorry if this is a repost, but I did a forum search and couldn't find anything directly linked to my problem. Could anyone lend a hand please?
I recently purchased a Logitech QuickCam in the UK, mainly since it advertised MSN compatibilty, where I intended to use it. Infact I did for a long while, and it worked fine. It's version 8.4.6., and I use MSN 7. Anyway, after a month of use, it just stopped working. As in, it would crash my entire msn or it would just transmit a black screen. This was suprising in the least as I hadn't made any major device or software changes to my computer, so there was no obvious reason to me for it to stop working as it did. Also, it works perfectly fine outside of MSN 7.
So my main question is what are my options to getting it to work again? I've tried reinstalling MSN and that didn't work. I might try reinstalling my cam driver and see if that works. Perhaps I need an update? I'll try that after the reinstall, but I still stand firm that I made no serious changes to my computer so none of these problems should have arisen in the first place as it was working fine for a lengthy period.
Blah, anyone heard of similar problems arising? Is it compatibility, or is there a solution (possible or certain) I haven't tried otherwise? Any help would be appreciated thanks.
[Edited by Ferox448 on 2005-05-31 16:15:50]

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Joined 2004-08-23
Does anyone know if Trillian will help Ferox?
Ferox you could try using trillian to see if it will support video on MSN:
Worth a shot at least (im hoping the basic version of trillian will sort you out!)


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Wahaha, I've totally forgotten about Trillian, so much to the extent I thought you were refering to a person!
I'll go look a the forums and download it. Seems some people have success with my exact camera model with the program. Plus I can avoid winks and nudges....
*1 hour of fiddling later*
Nope, now it won't even let me connect, trillian gives me this message
Friend invited you to start Video Conversation, which requires the latest version of MSN Messenger. You can install the latest version at http://g.msn.com/5meen_us/122.
Guess I have to stick with MSN. Could it be a conflict with another driver? How could I check for that?


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I am not sure how it would conflict... I know from my (limited) experience of webcams, you just plug it in then go for it.
You could try uninstalling all the logitech software from add/remove programs then going into the device manager and finding your camera, then right clicking it and then selecting 'uninstall'.
Maybe then you could reinstall from scracth. Its one of them annoying problems, so sorry I cannot offer a magic wand solution


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Yeah I've done both of those, and neither work. The wierd thing is that this conflict happened widway. most people, Im sure when they have a conflict it doesn't work at all. But this worked fine for a month on the version its currently fritzing on now, and THEN it stopped working. The thing is that I can't remember, or at least I don't recall, any changes to my computer which would have caused such a problem. Infact I'm pretty sure I did nothing from the time I installed the cam to when it started crashing my msn.
That's why I'm wondering, is there a program or some utility I can use that displays conflicts or errors in detail, laymen or otherwise? That's being rather hopeful I realise, but thats the only way I can think of fixing this.
Also, another lovely issue has arised, I can no long stream my windows media files from websites. I've got the latest version, and everything used to work fine until recently AGAIN. It worked fine for 2 years, and suddenly this week, I can't stream files anymore. I've checked for updates, and I have the latest version.
The timing between the two events is very far, about a month apart, but could it be something to do with my graphic system? I'll tell it straight, I have a dell from hell. Premade poop to be more precise, and they were lovely enough to remove, nay, never inserted a gfx card slot into my computer, so all my gfx processes run off ram and CPU power, great huh?
Anyway, like I said, I had no problems for a while, but could some sort of, I dunno, 'overload' of trash memory in my cache be a cause? Quicktime and other videos work fine. Streamed or not. I can also play any file on my windows media player when I don't stream, but rather play them off cd or my HDD.
Anyway, thanks for the help so far, it's been helpful and given me some insight, now I just need a solution.


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I have a bit same kind of problem with my camera as Ferox. I tried to install it (Logitech QuickCam Messenger) last night, and I think that I got it working. - I did not try if I can get picture out of it. - But what worries me more, is that now when I'm trying to see the webcams properties with Messenger (7) whole computer crashes. It did it few times in a row, and I gave up and went to sleep.
I'll start troubleshooting it after I get home from work, but I just thought if someone would know something that help me getting started.
Thank you.


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Have to apologise. It seems like the reboot don't come from Messenger settings...
If I start the computer without the camera, it runs "nicely", but after I put the camera to usb-port, computer reboots itself after 1-2 minutes...
I removed all the software I installed for the camera. Maybe I'd try to install them again later... And see what it does this time.