Need to put a password on my proxy

hey guys I have made myself a proxy but I don't know how to protect it from the admin's I'm trying to keep out lol so I was wondering if anyone could show me how to add a password to my proxy thanks

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13 Posts
Location -
Joined 2007-01-21
hey guys I have made myself a proxy but I don't know how to protect it from the admin's I'm trying to keep out lol so I was wondering if anyone could show me how to add a password to my proxy thanks

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Responses to this topic


32 Posts
Location -
Joined 2006-12-26
As far as i know you cant put a password on broadband.


13 Posts
Location -
Joined 2007-01-21
well which ones can u put a password on and how?
and oh thnks a hole lot


32 Posts
Location -
Joined 2006-12-26
Only dial up or ones that require an address when you connect.