New Forum Posts on....

the main page always shows 3. It never updates to show the proper number of posts. Is this a script that isn't running or something to do with the forum merge ?!?.

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1547 Posts
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Joined 2002-05-29
the main page always shows 3. It never updates to show the proper number of posts.
Is this a script that isn't running or something to do with the forum merge ?!?

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1795 Posts
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Joined 1999-07-15
The integration script is still beta
I am already aware of this and will look into it later.


1547 Posts
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Joined 2002-05-29
I figured as much Philip, just wanted to make sure is all


1547 Posts
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Joined 2002-05-29
OK, now here's an odd one.
I was reviewing news items from work today, not logged onto my home machine and the normal amount of news postings was pretty much the below 10 or so new items.
Well I just get home and logon to the site and noticed that there were now nearly 500 news posts
So what gives, were there really that many or jus that script has been updated or what ?!?



1795 Posts
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Joined 1999-07-15
This was a slight glitch with the caching system. It should work now again (except for forums posts )


1547 Posts
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Joined 2002-05-29
It was Philip, no problems there
I noticed the dates were back to like 08/11 so this would make more sence since it was showing the news posts back to this date.
Thanks again Philip, you're doing a fantastic job with the site