Outpost Pro better than Sygate Firewall Pro?


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Joined 2000-02-19

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Responses to this topic


1030 Posts
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Joined 2000-02-19
cmon someone has to have used both and have an opinion


1623 Posts
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Joined 1999-12-06
i have not used outpost pro but i do use sygate pf pro and its pretty spiffy. I will try out outpost and tell ya how i like it compared to sygate


11 Posts
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Joined 2002-10-18
Can't really do a solid comparison of both firewalls. I do however use Outpost Pro, have done since it arrived on the market. It has to be the most flexible and feature packed firewall I've come across out of Blackice, ZA Pro, and my old favourite AtGuard - which Outpost is very similar to.
I'd recommend trying out its free version of Outpost v1. Currently Outpost 2 can only be obtained by purchasing it, and no free 'lite' version is planned. Outpost blocks ads, flashads, popups, has huge customisation on a lot of various web elements, the list goes on and on. So far I've got 5 friends to try the firewall with all of them loving it.
Never tried Sysgate though.


1 Posts
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Joined 2008-07-16
I have used both proggies very extensively. Outpost is fine when it works. Periodic updates make it constantly lose it registration and/or completely block internet access on random peoples computers/systems/networks. No one appears to know why this happens, but it is a frequent ocurrance. I am a pretty savvy computer tech by now (started in 1979) & I have spent hours trying to fix their updates when they all of a sudden block internet access. Tried EVERYTHING on the Oupost help page for this (yes they have a whole page dedicated to this chronic problem!) with no luck. So if you do not mind losing internet & having to revert to an older working version on a repeated basis, or chronically having to re-inter your registration data every time you reboot or log off until they 'fix' it AGAIN!!! Then Oupost. One other thing: Outpost is majore BLOATWARE. They are trying to be everything, including the kitchen sink. On the other hand, Sygate is a firewall, nothing but a firewall, & always works as a firewall. Having tried them all over the years, I still find myself using & installing on customers computers Sygate Firwall Pro.