PageFile Optimization and Info?

Hi all, Can the Pagefile become fragmented? and if so what is the best way to optimize it? Also what is a good value for the pagefile using 512MB of RAM? Is a value of 2000 too much or too little? Thanks!!

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76 Posts
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Joined 2000-02-21
Hi all,
Can the Pagefile become fragmented? and if so what is the best way to optimize it? Also what is a good value for the pagefile using 512MB of RAM? Is a value of 2000 too much or too little? Thanks!!

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Responses to this topic


113 Posts
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Joined 2000-02-23
I'm a bit confused about what the size of the pagefile should be. It says in the options that it should be at least 1.5 times the amount of RAM. But isn't the reason for getting more RAM getting rid off using the pagefile so much? Using the 1.5x logic, the more RAM you've got, the bigger page file you need. I always thought that if I buy more RAM my pagefile would get smaller. So, what gives? (I'm probably overlooking something here, please set me straight)


220 Posts
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Joined 2000-03-03
I just uped my ram from 160 to 288 (2x128 plus 1x32). When my ram was 160 I had a 92 meg page file, now that I'm at 288 I may lower my page file to 64.
How I judge this is my looking at my task managers performance tab and in the "Commit Charge" part I look at the peak. You should check the peak after running your system for a while to see what your peak is. The limit is the total ram plus page file. If your peak ever reachs your limit then you will get an out of memory error. You can lower your page file as long as your peak does not reach the limit.
If your page file is smaller then your memory you cannot do a memory dump and thats the only drawback that I can see.
I could be wrong but this has always worked for me.